Container, Treasure Chest, Complete Assembly - Thick Hinge, Slots in Back
BrickLink ID:4738ac01
Gewicht:4.000 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe Brown

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
74187418 Scorpion Palace20031
1004010040 Black Seas Barracuda20022
13821382 Scary Laboratory20021
37393739 Blacksmith Shop20021
47264726 Quidditch Practice20021
14111411 Filming of a Pirate Scene20011
47064706 Forbidden Corridor20011
47084708 Hogwarts20011
62906290 Pirate Battle Ship/Red Beard Runner20011
62916291 Spaniard Ship/Armada Flagship20011
62926292 Enchanted Island20011
48174817 Dungeon20001
60916091 King Leo's Castle20001
60956095 Royal Joust20001
60986098 King Leo's Castle20001
30503050 Shanghai Surprise19991
30533053 Emperor's Stronghold19991
32253225 Classic Train19981
58465846 Desert Island19981
60286028 Treasure Guard19981
60296029 Treasure Guard19981
60896089 Stone Tower Bridge19981
60936093 Flying Ninja's Fortress19981
28892889 Treasure Cart19971
28912891 Wizard Trader19971
60976097 Night Lord's Castle19971
62046204 Buccaneers19971
62816281 Pirates Perilous Pitfall19971
65556555 Sea Hunter19971
65586558 Shark Cage Cove19971
65596559 Deep Sea Bounty19972
65606560 Diving Expedition Explorer19971
93769376 Castle Set19972
60246024 Bandit Ambush19961
60466046 Hemlock Stronghold19961
60796079 Dark Forest Fortress19961
62486248 Volcano Island19961
62806280 Armada Flagship19961
62896289 Red Beard Runner19961
62966296 Shipwreck Island19961
64936493 Flying Time Vessel19961
17361736 Wizard's Cart19951
17461746 Wizard's Cart: Bagged19951
17881788 Pirate's Chest19951
60446044 King's Carriage19951
60786078 Royal Drawbridge19951
60906090 Royal Knight19951
62546254 Rocky Reef19951
62796279 Skull Island19951
18731873 Pirates Treasure19941
19061906 Majisto's Tower19941
62366236 King Kahuka19941
62626262 King Kahuka's Throne19941
62646264 Forbidden Cove19941
62786278 Enchanted Island19941
60486048 Majisto's Magical Workshop19931
60766076 Dark Dragon's Den19931
60826082 Fire Breathing Fortress19931
62376237 Pirates' Plunder19931
62526252 Sea Mates19931
62686268 Renegade Runner19931
62866286 Skull's Eye Schooner19931
14631463 Treasure Cart19921
16951695 Treasure Cart - Boxed19921
18891889 Pirate's Treasure Hold19921
60386038 Wolfpack Renegades19921
60756075 Wolfpack Tower19921
60866086 Black Knight's Castle19921
62476247 Bounty Boat19921
62586258 Smuggler's Shanty19921
62616261 Raft Raiders19921
62716271 Imperial Flagship19921
62776277 Imperial Trading Post19922
62736273 Rock Island Refuge19911
60816081 King's Mountain Fortress19901
62606260 Shipwreck Island19901
62356235 Buried Treasure19891
62746274 Caribbean Clipper19891
62856285 Black Seas Barracuda19892

  Bauteil Farbe Black

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1067910679 Pirate Treasure Hunt20151
7073870738 Final Flight of Destiny's Bounty20151
30523052 Ninja's Fire Fortress19991
59385938 Oasis Ambush19981
59885988 Pharaoh's Forbidden Ruins19981

  Bauteil Farbe Trans-Clear

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
47094709 Hogwarts Castle20011
58265826 The Queen's Chamber20001

  Bauteil Farbe Lime

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1040310403 World Fun20181

  Bauteil Farbe Trans-Dark Pink

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
75777577 Winter Wonder Palace20061
59605960 The Mermaid Castle20051
58575857 Safran's Amazing Bazaar20031
58425842 Vanilla's Frosty Sleighride20021
58435843 Queen & the Little Prince20021
58505850 The Royal Crystal Palace20021
47234723 Diagon Alley Shops20011
58345834 The Enchanted Garden20011
58235823 Millimy's Bedroom20001
7600-57600-5 1

  Bauteil Farbe Metallic Gold

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
76227622 Race for the Stolen Treasure20081

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Bluish Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
70177017 Viking Catapult versus the Nidhogg Dragon20051

  Bauteil Farbe Reddish Brown

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
8004480044 Monkie Kid's Team Hideout20231
1030510305 Lion Knights' Castle20221
2133521335 Motorised Lighthouse20221
3056230562 Monkie Kid's Underwater Journey20221
4056640566 Ray the Castaway20221
6034260342 The Shark Attack Stunt Challenge20221
7621876218 Sanctum Sanctorum20221
4045240452 Hogwarts Gryffindor Dorms20211
4168241682 Heartlake City School20211
7174971749 Final Flight of Destiny's Bounty20211
7618576185 Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop20211
2132221322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay20202
3110931109 Pirate Ship20201
6026360263 Mini Submarine20201
6026560265 Ocean Exploration Base20201
1192311923 Parts for Harry Potter: Build Your Own Adventure20191
4138141381 Rescue Mission Boat20191
6022160221 Diving Yacht20191
7082970829 Emmet and Lucy's Escape Buggy20191
7083470834 MetalBeard's Heavy Metal Motor Trike!20191
7083670836 Battle-Ready Batman and MetalBeard20191
7593575935 Baryonyx Face-Off: The Treasure Hunt20191
7593875938 T. rex vs Dino-Mech Battle20191
7594875948 Hogwarts Clock Tower20191
BL19001BL19001 Löwenstein Castle20191
BL19004BL19004 Wild West Saloon20191
1076510765 Ariel's Underwater Concert20181
4034140341 Sea Accessories20181
4119041190 Emily Jones' Eagle Escape20181
7595475954 Hogwarts Great Hall20181
7595675956 Quidditch Match20181
4114641146 Cinderella's Enchanted Evening20171
6016260162 Jungle Air Drop Helicopter20171
7031670316 Jestro's Evil Mobile20161
7060170601 Sky Shark20162
6009260092 Deep Sea Submarine20151
6009660096 Deep Sea Operations Base20151
7041070410 Soldiers Outpost20151
7041170411 Treasure Island20151
7041270412 Soldiers Fort20151
7041370413 The Brick Bounty20151
7073270732 City of Stiix20151
7074970749 Enter the Serpent20151
7075170751 Temple of Airjitzu20152
1067610676 Knights' Castle20141
4105041050 Ariel’s Amazing Treasures20141
7072870728 Battle for Ninjago City20141
7080770807 MetalBeard's Duel20141
7081070810 MetalBeard's Sea Cow20142
7081270812 Creative Ambush 20142
850888850888 Lion Knight battlepack20141
20004302000430 Identity and Landscape Kit20134
7040070400 Forest Ambush20131
7040170401 Gold Getaway20131
7040370403 Dragon Mountain20131
7040470404 King's Castle20131
7900379003 An Unexpected Gathering20131
850839850839 Pirate minifigure pack20131
1022810228 Haunted House20121
31853185 Summer Riding Camp20121
38173817 The Flying Dutchman20121
94689468 Vampire Castle20121
94739473 The Mines of Moria20121
22542254 Mountain Shrine20111
3011030110 Trolley20111
41834183 The Mill20111
41934193 The London Escape20111
48664866 The Knight Bus20111
71887188 King's Carriage Ambush20111
93499349 Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set20111
1021010210 Imperial Flagship20101
47374737 Quidditch Match20101
48404840 The Burrow20101
48414841 Hogwart's Express20101
48424842 Hogwart's Castle20101
79467946 King's Castle20101
79477947 Prison Tower Rescue20101
93859385 Sceneries Set20102
DKAtlantisDKAtlantis Brickmaster Atlantis20101
1019310193 Medieval Market Village20091
62426242 Soldiers Fort20091
7979-247979-24 Advent Calendar 2008, Castle (Day 23) - Treasure Chest with Spider20081
86368636 Mission 7: Deep Sea Quest20081
53785378 Hogwarts Castle20071
70297029 Skeleton Ship Attack20072
70947094 King's Castle Siege20071
77707770 Deep Sea Treasure Hunter20071
77767776 The Shipwreck20071
1017610176 King's Castle20061
70207020 Army of Vikings with Heavy Artillery Wagon20061
88238823 Mistlands Tower20061
70187018 Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent20051
70197019 Viking Fortress against the Fafnir Dragon20051
1013210132 Motorized Hogwarts Express20041
47554755 Knight Bus20041
47574757 Hogwart's Castle20041
70717071 Treasure Island20041
70727072 Captain Kragg's Pirate Boat20041
70757075 Captain Redbeard's Pirate Ship20041
70827082 Cannonball Jimmy and Shark20041
87808780 Citadel of Orlan20041
87818781 The Castle of Morcia20041
6299-256299-25 1

  Bauteil Farbe Pearl Gold

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
4058940589 Pirate Ship Playground20231
4320543205 Ultimate Adventure Castle20221
4320643206 Cinderella's Castle20221
4320743207 Ariel's Underwater Castle20221
2117621176 The Jungle Abomination20211
4319243192 Cinderella's Royal Carriage20211
2116321163 The Redstone Battle20201
7084870848 Systar Party Crew20191
79787978 Angler Attack20111
79847984 Deep Sea Raider20111
79857985 City of Atlantis20111
80618061 Gateway of the Squid20101
80788078 Portal Of Atlantis20101
62416241 Loot Island20091
62436243 Brickbeard's Bounty20091
62536253 Shipswreck20091
70787078 King's Battle Chariot20091
71967196 Chauchilla Cemetery Battle20091
852747852747 LEGO Pirates Battle Pack20091
 852747 852747 1

  Bauteil Farbe Medium Dark Flesh

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1031610316 The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell20231
1079010790 Team Spidey at Green Goblin's Lighthouse20231
2117921179 The Mushroom House20221
4051540515 Pirates and Treasure VIP Add On Pack20221
4320443204 Anna and Olaf's Fun in the Castle20221
2116421164 The Coral Reef20211
2117421174 The Modern Treehouse20211
2132521325 Medieval Blacksmith20211
3112031120 Medieval Castle20211
4311443114 Punk Pirate Ship20211
7638276382 Hogwarts Moment: Transfiguration Class20211
7638576385 Hogwarts Moment: Charms Class20211
2116021160 The Illager Raid20201
2116121161 Minecraft The Crafting Box 3.020201
7597875978 Diagon Alley20201
2115221152 The Pirate Ship Adventure20191
2115421154 The Blaze Bridge20191
2115521155 The Creeper Mine20192
4116441164 Enchanted Tree House20191
4116741167 Arendelle Castle20191
4137541375 Heartlake City Amusement Pier20191
7595875958 Beauxbatons Carriage: Arrival at Hogwarts20191
2114021140 The Chicken Coop20181
2114221142 The Polar Igloo20181
2114421144 The Farm Cottage20181
3107831078 Treehouse Treasures 20181
4115341153 Ariel's Royal Celebration Boat20181
2113121131 The Ice Spikes20171
2113221132 Jungle Temple20171
2113321133 Witch House20171
2113421134 Secret Waterfall Escape20172
2131021310 Old Fishing Store20171
4114541145 Ariel and the Magical Spell20171
4118541185 Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village20171
2112421124 The End Portal20161
2112521125 The Jungle Tree House20161
2112721127 The Fortress20161
2112821128 The Village20161
4117641176 The Secret Market Place20161
7104071040 Disney Castle20162
7606076060 Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum20161
2111921119 The Dungeon20151
2112221122 The Nether Fortress20151
7590375903 Haunted Lighthouse20151
2111321113 The Cave20141
2111421114 The Farm20141
2111521115 The First Night20141
2111821118 The Mine20141

  Bauteil Farbe Medium Lavender

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
4171441714 Andrea's Theatre School20221
4320943209 Elsa and Nokk's Ice Stable20221
4319143191 Ariel's Celebration Boat20211
4319443194 Frozen Ice Castle20211
8002280022 Spider Queen's Arachnoid Base20211
3055530555 Poppy's Carriage20201
4143041430 Summer Fun Water Park20201
4318743187 Rapunzel's Tower20201
4116041160 Ariel's Sea Palace20191
4135941359 Heart Box Friendship Pack20191
4137841378 Dolphins Rescue Mission20191
4115741157 Rapunzel's Travelling Caravan20181
1072910729 Cinderella's Carriage20161
4107741077 Aira's Pegasus Sleigh20151
4105341053 Cinderella’s Dream Carriage20141
4105441054 Rapunzel’s Creativity Tower20141