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Bauteilenbeschreibung bei:
Minifig, Head Male Brown Eyebrows, White Pupils, Vertical Cheek Lines, Chin Dimple Pattern - Blocked Open Stud
BrickLink ID:3626bpb0204
Gewicht:0.540 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe Yellow

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
7040170401 Gold Getaway20131
MANCHESTERMANCHESTER Manchester Exclusive Minifigure Pack 20121
WauwatosaWauwatosa Wauwatosa, WI, Exclusive Minifigure Pack20121
WOODLANDSWOODLANDS Woodlands, Texas, Exclusive Minifigure Pack20121
33653365 Space Moon Buggy20111
36583658 Police Helicopter20111
36773677 Red Cargo Train20111
72877287 Police Boat20111
SunriseSunrise Sawgrass Mills Exclusive Minifigure Pack20111
1021010210 Imperial Flagship20101
3001330013 {Police buggy}20101
31813181 Passenger Plane20101
72137213 Fire Truck with Boat20101
79467946 King's Castle20101
79487948 Outpost Attack20101
84048404 Public Transport20101
852921852921 Battle Pack20101
852922852922 Battle Pack20101
88648864 Desert of Destruction20101
1019310193 Medieval Market Village20091
3000130001 Fireman's Car20091
62426242 Soldiers Fort20091
62436243 Brickbeard's Bounty20091
70787078 King's Battle Chariot20091
852750852750 Pirates II Tic Tac Toe20091
852751852751 Pirates II Chess Set20091
49004900 Fire Helicopter20081
49994999 Vestas Windmill20081
53735373 Knight & Catapault20081
56105610 Builder20081
56275627 Dozer20081
76447644 MX-81 Hypersonic Operations Aircraft20081
76457645 MT-61 Crystal Reaper20081
76497649 MT-201 Ultra-Drill Walker20081
77347734 Cargo Plane20081
77387738 Coast Guard Helicopter and Life Raft20081
77397739 Coastguard Patrol Boat & Tower20081
77437743 Police Surveillance Car20081
77447744 Police Station20081
7979-27979-2 Advent Calendar 2008, Castle (Day 1) - Soldier with Spear20081
852271852271 Knights Battle Pack20081
49924992 Fire Boat20071
70297029 Skeleton Ship Attack20071
70367036 Dwarves' Mine20071
70917091 Knights' Catapult Defense20071
70927092 Skeletons' Prison Carriage20071
76907690 MB-01 Eagle Command Base20071
77717771 Angler Ambush20071
77757775 Aquabase Invasion20071
77767776 The Shipwreck20071
79067906 Fireboat20071
79457945 Fire Station20071
79907990 Cement Mixer20071
79977997 Train Station20071
852001852001 Castle Chess Set20071
852293852293 Castle Giant Chess Set20071
35683568 Soccer Target Practice20061
35693569 Grand Soccer Stadium20061
55325532 Fire Car20051
70187018 Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent20051
70197019 Viking Fortress against the Fafnir Dragon20051
72397239 Fire Truck20051
72407240 Fire Station20051
35783578 NHL Championship Challenge20041
70427042 Dune Patrol20041
3181-23181-2 Gears19651

  Bauteil Farbe Light Flesh

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
48564856 Doc Ock's Hideout20041
48574857 Doc Ock's Fusion Lab20041