Carrot (Club)
BrickLink ID:33172
Gewicht:0.370 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe White

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
8004480044 Monkie Kid's Team Hideout20231
1030510305 Lion Knights' Castle20222
1029010290 Pickup Truck20214

  Bauteil Farbe Orange

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1031210312 Jazz Club20231
1031610316 The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell20231
1078510785 Bakey with Cakey Fun20231
4172441724 Paisley's House20231
4172941729 Organic Grocery Store20233
4174541745 Autumn's Stable20231
4321643216 Princess Enchanted Journey20231
6037260372 Police Training Academy20231
1078010780 Mickey's Castle Adventures20221
1102211022 Space Mission20224
2118121181 The Rabbit Ranch20222
2118721187 The Red Barn20221
3059030590 Scarecrow20222
4170141701 Street Food Market20221
4170241702 Canal Houseboat20225
4170341703 Friendship Tree House20221
4170441704 Main Street Building20221
4171841718 Pet Day-Care Center20221
4172141721 Organic Farm 20221
4172241722 Horse Show Trailer20222
4320443204 Anna and Olaf's Fun in the Castle20221
4320843208 Jasmine and Mulan's Adventure20221
4320943209 Elsa and Nokk's Ice Stable20222
472201472201 Cute Foal with Food and Water Pump20221
562202562202 Bunny Playground20221
6032760327 Horse Transporter20221
6033660336 Freight Train20223
6034560345 Farmers Market Van20223
6034660346 Barn & Farm Animals20223
6034760347 Grocery Store20222
6035060350 Lunar Research Base20221
6035360353 Wild Animal Rescue Missions20221
71032-groom71032-groom Horse and Groom20221
7695076950 Triceratops Pick-up Truck Ambush20221
8003280032 Chang'e Moon Cake Factory20222
1029010290 Pickup Truck20214
1077510775 Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck's Farm20211
2117021170 The Pig House20211
2117121171 The Horse Stable20211
2132521325 Medieval Blacksmith20211
2132621326 Winnie the Pooh20211
4048440484 Santa's Front Yard20211
4049940499 Santa's Sleigh20211
4144441444 Heartlake City Organic Cafe20211
4144541445 Vet Clinic Ambulance20211
4166641666 Andrea's Bunny Cube20211
4168341683 Forest Horse Riding Centre20211
4169341693 Surfer Beachfront20211
4319643196 Belle and the Beast's Castle20211
6028760287 Tractor20212
71030-bugsbunny71030-bugsbunny Bugs Bunny20211
7174771747 The Keepers' Village20211
7693976939 Stygimoloch Dinosaur Escape20211
8002680026 Pigsy's Noodle Tank20211
2116021160 The Illager Raid20202
2116121161 Minecraft The Crafting Box 3.020201
2132421324 Sesame Street20201
3038630386 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter20204
4039840398 Easter Bunny20202
4139541395 Friendship Bus20201
4143141431 Heartlake City Brick Box20201
71027-llama71027-llama Llama Costume Girl20201
853990853990 Easter Bunny House20201
2131821318 Tree House20191
4035240352 Scarecrow20192
4116641166 Elsa and the Reindeer Carriage20191
4116941169 Olaf20191
4136141361 Mia’s Foal Stable20191
4136241362 Heartlake City Supermarket20191
4136741367 Stephanie's Obstacle Parcour20192
4136941369 Mia's House20192
4137141371 Mia's Horse Trailer20191
4137441374 Andrea's Pool Party20191
4137541375 Heartlake City Amusement Pier20195
4138141381 Rescue Mission Boat20191
4317243172 Elsa's Ice Palace20191
471904471904 Show Jump20191
6022060220 Garbage Truck20191
7593775937 Triceratops Rampage20191
BL19001BL19001 Löwenstein Castle20191
BL19012BL19012 Bikes!20191
1040410404 Ocean's Bottom20181
1074910749 Mia's Organic Food Market20182
2114421144 The Farm Cottage20182
3040530405 Stephanie's Hockey Practice20181
4027140271 Bunny20181
4030940309 Food Accessories20182
4115741157 Rapunzel's Travelling Caravan20181
4132741327 Mia's Bedroom20181
4133541335 Mia's Tree House20181
4134041340 Friendship House20181
561806561806 Mia's Fruit Stall20181
7520875208 Yoda's Hut20181
1074610746 Mia's Farm Suitcase20171
4017040170 Build My City Accessory Set20171
4023740237 Easter 20172
4026440264 Friends Accessory Set20171
4114341143 Berry's Kitchen20171
4114841148 Elsa's Magical Ice Palace20171
4118641186 Azari & the Goblin Forest Escape20171
4131441314 Stephanie's House20171
4132241322 Snow Resort Ice Rink20171
1072610726 Stephanie's Horse Carriage20161
1072810728 Mia's Vet Clinic20161
2112721127 The Fortress20161
2112821128 The Village20162
4111041110 Birthday Party20161
4111341113 Party Gift Shop20162
4111841118 Heartlake Supermarket20161
4112341123 Foal's Washing Station20161
4112541125 Horse Vet Trailer20161
4112641126 Heartlake Riding Club20161
4113541135 Livi's Pop Star House20161
4114241142 Palace Pets Royal Castle20161
4502245022 Community minifigure set20161
7104071040 Disney Castle20161
853610853610 Skin Pack20161
1024910249 Winter Toy Shop20151
1068410684 Supermarket Suitcase20152
4106041060 Sleeping Beauty's Royal Bedroom20151
4107541075 The Elves' Treetop Hideaway20151
4108741087 Bunny and Babies20151
4109541095 Emma's House20151
4110841108 Heartlake Food Market20152
4510345103 StoryStarter expansion pack: Community20155
4580145801 FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Challenge 2015 - Trash Trek20151
561507561507 Garden set20152
7101671016 The Kwik-E-Mart20151
1067410674 Pony Farm20142
2111421114 The Farm20141
2111621116 Creative Box20141
4102641026 Sunshine Harvest20141
4103541035 Heartlake Juice Bar20141
4103941039 Sunshine Ranch20142
4105741057 Heartlake Horse Show20141
7081370813 Rescue Rainforcements20144
1023610236 Star Wars Ewok Village20132
1065610656 My First LEGO Princess20131
4005640056 Thanksgiving Feast20131
4100341003 Olivia’s Newborn Foal20131
4102241022 Bunny’s Hutch20131
7900379003 An Unexpected Gathering20132
31863186 Horse Trailer20121
31883188 Heartlake Vet20121
31893189 Heartlake Stables20122
33153315 Olivia’s House20122
39353935 Stephanie’s Pet Patrol20121
39383938 Andreas Rabbit Hutch20121
8831-bunnysuit8831-bunnysuit Bunny Suit Guy20121
94699469 Gandalf Arrives20121
94729472 Attack On Weathertop20121
96579657 FIRST LEGO League Challenge 2012 - Senior Solutions20122
93489348 Community Minifigure Set20111
96979697 FIRST LEGO League Challenge 2011 - Food Factor20112
1021010210 Imperial Flagship20101
76847684 Pig Farm and Tractor20102
93119311 City Buildings Set20103
1019310193 Medieval Market Village20091
1019910199 Winter Toy Shop20091
87098709 Underground Mining Station20092
1018510185 Green Grocer20083
75857585 Horse Stable20082
7979-207979-20 Advent Calendar 2008, Castle (Day 19) - Food Basket20081
75807580 The Skating Princess20071
75817581 Winter Royal Stables20073
75777577 Winter Wonder Palace20061
59405940 Doll House20041
59415941 Riding School20042
58585858 The Golden Palace20032
31243124 Indie's Stable20012
31493149 Happy Home20003
58245824 Millimy's House20002
31433143 Camping Trip19992
31443144 Horse Stable19992
53995399 Fairy Tale Accessories19991
54155415 Scala Feeding Accessories19992
58035803 Iris19991
58075807 The Royal Stable19992
58085808 The Enchanted Palace19991
41131-941131-9 1
60024-560024-5 1
60063-760063-7 1

  Bauteil Farbe Reddish Brown

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
7607076070 Mighty Micros: Wonder Woman vs. Doomsday20171

  Bauteil Farbe Pearl Gold

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
2124221242 The End Arena20231
2117121171 The Horse Stable20211

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Brown

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
47374737 Quidditch Match20102
75727572 Quest Against Time20101
852921852921 Battle Pack20101
852922852922 Battle Pack20101
1019310193 Medieval Market Village20092
71957195 Ambush In Cairo20091
71997199 The Temple of Doom20091
76837683 Fight on the Flying Wing20091
852702852702 Dwarf Warrior Battle Pack20091
76217621 Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb20082
76237623 Escape from the Temple20081
852504852504 Magnet Set Indiana Jones20081

  Bauteil Farbe Medium Lavender

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
7557775577 Mako Submarine20235
7557875578 Metkayina Reef Home20231

  Bauteil Farbe Glow in Dark White

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
7557275572 Jake & Neytiri's First Banshee Flight20225