Brick, Modified 2 x 2 with Top Pin and 1 x 2 Side Plates
BrickLink ID:30592
Gewicht:2.190 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe White

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1073610736 Anna and Elsa's Frozen Playground20171
4131741317 Sunshine Catamaran20171

  Bauteil Farbe Blue

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
35783578 NHL Championship Challenge20042
4483-24483-2 AT-AT, blue box20042
44834483 Imperial AT-AT20032
73137313 Red Planet Protector20011

  Bauteil Farbe Light Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
40994099 Robobots20031
44044404 Land Busters20032
71637163 Republic Gunship20023
67736773 Alpha Team Helicopter20011
73147314 Recon-Mech RP20011
73167316 Excavation Searcher20011
73177317 Aero Tube Hangar20011

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Blue

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
47434743 Ice Blade20041

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Bluish Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
6031860318 Fire Helicopter20221
6034360343 Rescue Helicopter Transporter20222
7177171771 The Crystal King Temple20222
6030260302 Animal Rescue Operation20211
7617076170 Iron Man vs. Thanos20212
7617776177 Battle at the Ancient Village20211
7694476944 T. Rex Dinosaur Breakout20211
7794477944 Fire Station Headquarters20211
6024460244 Police Helicopter Transport20201
3109131091 Shuttle Transporter20191
6020760207 Drone Chase20191
7042470424 Train20192
7083270832 Emmet's Builder Box20191
7612076120 Batwing and The Riddler Heist20191
6017360173 Mountain Arrest20182
6017960179 Ambulance Helicopter20181
7593375933 T. rex Transport20181
1073310733 Mater's Junkyard20171
1074410744 Thunder Hollow Crazy 8 Race20172
6013860138 Police Chase20171
6015860158 Jungle Cargo Helicopter 20171
6016160161 Jungle Exploration Site20171
6016260162 Jungle Air Drop Helicopter20172
6016760167 Coast Guard Head Quarters20171
6010860108 Fire Response Unit20161
6011060110 Fire Station20161
6012560125 Volcano Heavy-Lift Helicopter20162
7605476054 Scarecrow: Fearful Harvest20161
3103331033 Vehicle Transporter20151
6006760067 Police Helicopter20151
6009360093 Deep Sea Helicopter20152
6009760097 City Square20151
7604176041 The Hydra Fortress Smash20151
6004660046 Helicopter Surveillance20141
6004960049 Helicopter Transporter20141
7014470144 Laval’s Fire Lion20142
7016170161 Tremor Track Infiltration20141
7016370163 Toxikita's Toxic Meltdown20141
7016570165 Ultra Agents Mission HQ20141
1066310663 Creative Chest20131
3100531005 Construction Hauler20131
6000460004 Fire Station20132
6000960009 Helicopter Arrest20131
6001060010 Fire Helicopter20131
6001360013 Coast Guard Helicopter20131
7070570705 Bug Obliterator20132
7070670706 Crater Creeper20132
7070770707 CLS-89 Eradicator Mech20131
44394439 Police Heavy Lift Copter20122
68636863 Batwing Battle Over Gotham City20121
94679467 The Ghost Train20123
33683368 Space Center20112
36583658 Police Helicopter20111
70677067 Jet-Copter Encounter20111
72067206 Fire Helicopter20101
1019610196 Grand Carousel20091
49954995 Cargo Copter20081
81618161 Grand Prix Race20081
76907690 MB-01 Eagle Command Base20073
78997899 Police Boat20061
48884888 Ocean Odyssey20051
70187018 Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent20051
72387238 Fire Helicopter20051
72987298 Dino Air Tracker20051
74757475 Fire Hammer vs. Mutant Lizards20051
74777477 T1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex20051
48584858 Doc Ock's Crime Spree20041
LOC391407LOC391407 1

  Bauteil Farbe Light Bluish Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
8011180111 Lunar New Year Parade20232
2133521335 Motorised Lighthouse20224
4195641956 Picture Frames and Bracelet Ice Cream20222
6031360313 Space Ride Amusement Truck20221
6031760317 Police Chase at the Bank20221
6032560325 Cement Mixer Truck20221
6034060340 The Blade Stunt Challenge20222
4169241692 Vet Clinic Rescue Helicopter20211
6027560275 Police Helicopter20211
6028160281 Fire Rescue Helicopter20211
6028960289 Airshow Jet Transporter20211
8002580025 Sandy's Power Loader Mech20212
1171711717 Bricks Box20201
4125241252 Poppy's Air Balloon Adventure20201
4139341393 The Big Bake Show20201
4190541905 Jewellery Stand20202
6024360243 Police Helicopter Chase20201
6025260252 Construction Bulldozer20201
6022260222 Snow Groomer20191
7523575235 X-wing Starfighter Trench Run20191
7581075810 The Upside Down20191
7613476134 Spider-Man: Doc Ock Diamond Heist20191
1071710717 Extra Large Brick Box20181
1076210762 Belle's Story Time20181
1076410764 City Central Airport20181
1073410734 Demolition Site20171
1074310743 Smokey's Garage20171
6016660166 Heavy-duty Rescue Helicopter20171
1072410724 Batman & Superman vs. Lex Luthor20161
6012360123 Volcano Supply Helicopter20161
7515875158 Rebel Combat Frigate20162
1066710667 Construction20141
1067210672 Batman: Defend the Batcave20141
4105941059 Jungle Tree Sanctuary20141
7503575035 Kashyyyk Troopers20141
7601176011 LEGO Batman: Man-Bat Attack20141
20004312000431 Connections Kit201350
6000860008 Museum Break-In20131
7600376003 Superman: Battle of Smallville20131
44294429 Helicopter Rescue20121
44404440 Forest Police Station20121
58865886 T-Rex Hunter20121
58875887 Dino Defence HQ20121
73457345 Transport Chopper20122
46434643 Power Boat Transporter20112
32213221 LEGO Truck20101
32223222 Helicopter and Limousine20101
78487848 Toys 'R' Us Truck20101
79397939 Cargo Train20101
54895489 Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Building Set20091
76337633 Construction Site20091
76867686 Helicopter Transporter20091
22302230 Helicopter and Raft20081
55845584 Building Fun with Baseplate20081
76767676 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship20083
77417741 Police Helicopter20081
76597659 Imperial Landing Craft20072
54835483 Ready Steady Build & Race Set20061
7237-27237-2 Police Station20061
79037903 Rescue Helicopter20061
72377237 Police Base20051
72397239 Fire Truck20051
45044504 Millennium Falcon20041
45084508 Titan XP20042
70447044 Rescue Chopper20041