Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger Horizontal End
BrickLink ID:30541
Gewicht:1.070 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe White

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
4311543115 The Boombox20214
7175671756 Hydro Bounty20212
7136871368 Toad's Teasure Hant20201
7170371703 Storm Fighter Battle20202
7615276152 Avengers Wrath of Loki20202
8000680006 White Dragon Horse Bike20204
9217692176 NASA Apollo Saturn V20204
7083170831 Emmet's Dream House/Rescue Rocket!20192
7524175241 Action Battle Echo Base Defence20191
2130921309 NASA Apollo Saturn V20174
7519275192 Millennium Falcon20178
6004460044 Mobile Police Unit20144

  Bauteil Farbe Red

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
94979497 Republic Striker-class Starfighter20122
73277327 Pyramid of the Pharaoh20112
77537753 Pirate Tank20092
77787778 Midi-scale Millennium Falcon20092
81578157 Ferrari F1 1:920082
76917691 ETX Alien Mothership Assault20074
41014101 Wild Collection20032

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
37503750 Life on Mars Accessories20011

  Bauteil Farbe Black

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
6035960359 Dunk Stunt Ramp Challenge20234
6038860388 Gaming Tournament Truck20232
6031760317 Police Chase at the Bank20224
6029460294 Stunt Show Truck20212
9217692176 NASA Apollo Saturn V20204
2130921309 NASA Apollo Saturn V20174
7061870618 Destiny's Bounty20172
7607676076 Captain America Jet Pursuit20172
7031770317 The Fortrex20164
7059570595 Ultra Stealth Raider20162
7059670596 Samurai X Cave20161
7582775827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters 20161
6009860098 Heavy Haul Train20151
7505075050 B-Wing20146
7911679116 Big Rig Snow Getaway20144
7000570005 Laval's Lion Quad20132
7001070010 The Lion CHI Temple20134
94479447 Lasha's Bite Cycle20122
94889488 ARC Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack20124
75987598 Pizza Planet Truck Rescue20104
88648864 Desert of Destruction20102
77477747 Wind Turbine Transport20093
81188118 Hybrid Rescue Tank20082
86378637 Volcano Base20084
1017910179 Millennium Falcon20078
76937693 ETX Alien Strike20074
77757775 Aquabase Invasion20072
81088108 Mobile Devastator20072
77837783 The Batcave™: The Penguin™ and Mr. Freeze's Invasion20062
1014410144 Sandcrawler20054
1013110131 TIE20042
45044504 Millennium Falcon20041
47544754 Hagrid's Hut20041
67356735 Air Chase20022
71637163 Republic Gunship20024
67766776 Ogel Control Center20012
73177317 Aero Tube Hangar20014

  Bauteil Farbe Dark Red

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
47744774 Scorpion Orb Launcher20052
87818781 The Castle of Morcia20042