Vehicle, Base 4 x 7 x 2/3
BrickLink ID:2441
Gewicht:4.210 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe White

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
63816381 Motor Speedway19871

  Bauteil Farbe Yellow

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
65396539 Victory Cup Racers19931
63956395 Victory Lap Raceway19881
65036503 Sprint Racer19881

  Bauteil Farbe Red

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1003610036 Pizza To Go20021
G31314G31314 Racers Super Speedway Board Game20012
12511251 {SHELL Promotional Set: Service Station Series:} Go Cart19991
34383438 {McDonald's Promotional Set} LEGO McDonald's Restaurant19991
45604560 Railway Express19991
45614561 Railway Express19991
64366436 Go-Kart19991
64986498 Go-Kart19991
18181818 {Airline Promotional Set:} Starliner19961
45554555 Freight Loading Station19951
63506350 Pizza To Go19941
19901990 F1 Race Car19931
65396539 Victory Cup Racers19931
45544554 Metro Station19921
14771477 Unnamed - Part of 1476 5-Item Bonus Pack19911
65096509 Red Racer19911
16121612 race car and driver polybag19881
63956395 Victory Lap Raceway19882
63816381 Motor Speedway19871

  Bauteil Farbe Green

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1015910159 LEGO City Airport20041
63416341 Gas N' Go Flyer19941
65976597 Century Skyway19941
65396539 Victory Cup Racers19931

  Bauteil Farbe Blue

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
65396539 Victory Cup Racers19931
14841484 Townhouses19871

  Bauteil Farbe Black

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1079110791 Team Spidey's Mobile Headquarters20231
212219212219 Batmobile20221
3058930589 Go-Kart Racer20221
6034760347 Grocery Store20222
8003880038 Monkie Kid's Team Van20221
952201952201 Policeman with car20221
3056830568 Skater20211
6029260292 Town Centre20211
7694476944 T. Rex Dinosaur Breakout20211
3036630366 Police Car20201
6025860258 Tuning Workshop20201
6026160261 Central Airport20202
6026260262 Passenger Aeroplane20201
7554675546 Minions in Gru's Lab20201
952005952005 Go-Kart and driver20201
1076810768 Buzz and Bo Peep's Playground Adventure20191
951907951907 Police buggy20191
3033930339 Traffic Light Patrol20181
4134841348 Service & Care Truck20181
4134941349 Drifting Diner20181
4135041350 Spinning Brushes Car Wash20181
4135141351 Creative Tuning Shop20182
4135241352 The Big Race Day20183
6020060200 Capital20181
7065470654 Dieselnaut20181
3033830338 Fireman20171
3035230352 Police Car20171
3034730347 Fire Car20161
3034930349 Sports Car20161
3047330473 Racer20161
6010160101 Airport Cargo Plane20161
6010260102 Airport VIP Service20161
6010360103 Airport Air Show20161
7605176051 Super Hero Airport Battle20161
3031330313 City Refuse Vehicle20151
6007960079 Training Jet Transporter20151
7081870818 Double-Decker Couch20151
3022130221 Fire Car20131
6001960019 Stunt Plane20131
6002260022 Cargo Terminal20131
3010330103 {Emma's car}20121
3015030150 Race Car20121
4002540025 New York Taxi Cab20121
94849484 Red’s Water Rescue20121
94869486 Oil Rig Escape20121
1023110231 Shuttle Expedition20111
3012130121 {Grem with welding gear}20111
33683368 Space Center20111
72887288 Mobile Police Unit20111
86388638 Spy Jet Escape20112
1021310213 Shuttle Adventure20101
31773177 Car20101
31813181 Passenger Plane20101
31823182 Airport20102
76887688 LEGO Sports Plane20101
79397939 Cargo Train20102
3000030000 {Medical car}20091
45134513 Grand Central Station20031
93209320 Journey Into Space Set20033
73157315 Solar Explorer20011
97959795 Intelligent House Set20011
G31314G31314 Racers Super Speedway Board Game20012
34083408 Super Sport Coverage20001
10881088 Road Burner19991
12531253 {SHELL Promotional Set: Service Station Series:} Formula Racer19991
45604560 Railway Express19991
45614561 Railway Express19991
64686468 Tow-n-Go Value Pack19991
25352535 SHELL Promotional Set: Race Car19981
29962996 The Lost Tomb19981
33123312 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Medic's Station19981
33133313 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Light Poles19981
21262126 Train Cars19972
28862886 Formula I Car19971
21502150 Train Station19961
97079707 Intelligent House Building Set19961
63986398 Central Precinct HQ19931
93649364 Hospital19931
14611461 Turbo Force19921
16931693 Race Car19921
17501750 Renault Race Car19921
64166416 Poolside Paradise19921
65406540 Pier Police19911
16311631 race car19901
66446644 Road Rebel19901
14891489 Mobile Car Crane19891
18991899 Race Car Number 119891
65066506 Precinct Cruiser19891
15171517 Race Car19881
63496349 Holiday Villa19881
63946394 Metro Park & Service Tower19883
63956395 Victory Lap Raceway19881
65906590 Vacation Camper19881
14721472 Vacation House19871
63886388 Holiday Home with Caravan19871
65016501 Sport Convertible19871
65236523 Red Cross19871
3181-23181-2 Gears19651
 3177 3177 1