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Bauteilenbeschreibung bei:
Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Pins on Bottom
BrickLink ID:15092
Gewicht:0.920 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe Dark Bluish Gray

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
4216142161 Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica20231
7178371783 Kai's Mech Rider EVO20232
2133321333 Vincent van Gogh - The Starry Night20221
7140171401 Luigi's Mansion Haunt-and-Seek20223
7176571765 Ninja Ultra Combo Mech20222
7621076210 Hulkbuster202212
7621576215 Black Panther20228
8003180031 Mei's Dragon Car20228
8003880038 Monkie Kid's Team Van20221
1027910279 Volkswagen T2 Camper Van20213
1029210292 The Friends Apartments20212
4212242122 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon20212
7138971389 Lakitu Sky World20212
7139071390 Reznor Knockdown20211
7530275302 Imperial Shuttle 20212
7531975319 The Armorer's Mandalorian Forge20211
8002280022 Spider Queen's Arachnoid Base20212
1027510275 Elf Club House20201
2132121321 International Space Station20201
7043370433 JB's Submarine20202
7171071710 Ninja Tuner Car20204
7527575275 A-Wing Starfighter20202
7529075290 Mos Eisley Cantina20201
7529375293 Resistance I-TS Transport20202
7614876148 Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock20202
8001480014 Sandy's Speedboat20206
8010580105 Temple Fair20201
1026910269 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy20192
7067970679 The Ultra Dragon20192
7082070820 LEGO Movie Maker20191
7084070840 Welcome to Apocalypseburg!20191
7104471044 Disney Train and Station20192
7525075250 Pasaana Speeder Chase20194
7525375253 Droid Commander20194
4133041330 Stephanie's Sport Park20181
4208242082 Rough Terrain Crane20182
7200472004 Tech Wizard Showdown20182
7610576105 The Hulkbuster: Ultron Edition20182
3105731057 Air Blazer20171
6016260162 Jungle Air Drop Helicopter20171
7035170351 Clay's Falcon Fighter Blaster201712
7035270352 Jestro's Headquarters20172
7036270362 Battle Suit Clay20172
7036370363 Battle Suit Macy20172
7036470364 Battle Suit Aaron20172
7036570365 Battle Suit Axl20172
7036670366 Battle Suit Lance20172
7061370613 Garmadon's Robo-Shark20174
7061670616 Ice Tank20171
7062270622 Desert Lightning20174
7062570625 Samurai VXL20171
7091570915 Two-Face Double Demolition20171
7519175191 Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring201728
7552475524 Chirrut Îmwe20171
7031170311 Chaos Catapult20161
7031270312 Lance's Mecha Horse20162
7031570315 Clay's Rumble Blade20164
7031670316 Jestro's Evil Mobile20161
7031770317 The Fortrex20161
7032570325 Infernox captures the Queen20161
7032770327 The King's Mech20162
7059270592 Salvage M.E.C.20162
7059670596 Samurai X Cave20161
7511575115 Poe Dameron20161
7514575145 Eclipse Fighter20168
7514975149 Resistance X-wing Fighter20161
7515875158 Rebel Combat Frigate20168
6008360083 Snow Plower Truck20152
7017070170 UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter20151
7022370223 Icebite’s Claw Driller20153
7022570225 Bladvic's Rumble Bear20152
7073170731 Jay Walker One20152
7014270142 Eris’ Fire Eagle Flyer20146
7014470144 Laval’s Fire Lion20144
7014570145 Maula’s Ice Mammoth Stomper20142
7014670146 Flying Phoenix Fire Temple20143
7016270162 Infearno Interception20142
7016470164 Hurricane Heist20142