Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 4 with Two Rounded Corners at the Bottom
Bricklink ID:28802
Weight:0.930 g

Sets with this part (from Bricklink)
  Part color White

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
2133921339 BTS Dynamite20233
3113731137 Adorable Dogs20234
3114131141 Main Street20232
4060040600 Disney 100 Years Celebration20231
4175141751 Skate Park20231
6037460374 Fire Command Truck20232
1030510305 Lion Knights' Castle20224
3058930589 Go-Kart Racer20221
3112331123 Off-Road Buggy20222
3113131131 Downtown Noodle Shop20222
4055640556 Mythica20222
4170441704 Main Street Building20223
4171141711 Emma's Art School20222
4171441714 Andrea's Theatre School20224
4172241722 Horse Show Trailer20226
7620976209 Thor's Hammer20224
7621376213 King Namor's Throne Room20222
7694976949 Giganotosaurus & Therizinosaurus Attack20222
7698976989 Tallneck20222
8003780037 Dragon of the East20227
8010980109 Lunar New Year Ice Festival20222
1028310283 Space Shuttle Discovery20212
4144441444 Heartlake City Organic Cafe20211
4168441684 Heartlake City Grand Hotel20212
4168541685 Magical Funfair Rollercoaster20214
4319743197 The Ice Castle20212
6028960289 Airshow Jet Transporter20213
7618076180 Batman vs. The Joker: Batmobile Chase20211
7639176391 Hogwarts Icons Collectors' Edition20212
3034230342 Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO20202
3110931109 Pirate Ship20204
4142441424 Jungle Rescue Base20201
4142641426 Heartlake City Park Café20202
6025360253 Ice Cream Truck20201
7170271702 Golden Mech20206
7170671706 Cole's Speeder20201
7172171721 Skull Sorcerer's Dragon20204
7526575265 T-16 Skyhopper vs Bantha Microfighters20202
7527575275 A-Wing Starfighter20204
7528375283 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)20202
7529375293 Resistance I-TS Transport20204
7615176151 Spider-Man vs. Venom20206
2132021320 Dinosaur Fossils20192

  Part color Tan

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
7533175331 The Razor Crest20228
7621076210 Hulkbuster20224
7640576405 Hogwarts Express - Collectors' Edition20224
1029410294 Titanic20212
2132921329 Fender Stratocaster20212
7139171391 Bowser's Airship20211

  Part color Yellow

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
3113831138 Beach Camper Van20231
6037160371 Emergency Vehicles HQ20231
6039160391 Demolition Site20232
3059430594 Monster Truck20222
7175671756 Hydro Bounty20211
7617376173 Spider-Man and Ghost Rider vs. Carnage20212
7690176901 Toyota GR Supra20212
8010680106 Story of Nian20212
6026160261 Central Airport20201
8001280012 Monkey King Warrior Mech20204

  Part color Red

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
6039260392 Police Bike Car Chase20231
7179571795 Temple of the Dragon Energy Cores20232
1030210302 Optimus Prime20221
1030410304 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 196920228
4054040540 Lion Dance Guy20221
6033560335 Train Station20221
7141171411 The Mighty Bowser20222
7177371773 Kai's Golden Dragon Raider20223
8003480034 Nezha's Fire Ring20228
8003680036 The City of Lanterns20221
8003880038 Monkie Kid's Team Van20221
1101411014 Bricks and Wheels20212
3057730577 Mega Muscle Car20212
3111331113 Race Car Transporter20212
4044040440 German Shepherd20211
6028560285 Sports Car20211
7639476394 Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix20212
7690476904 Mopar Dodge//SRT Top Fuel Dragster and 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A20212
8002880028 The Bone Demon20212
3053630536 Combo Charger20202
3110131101 Monster Truck20201
4042940429 Ninjago World20201
7170471704 Kai Fighter20204
7171271712 Empire Temple of Madness20201
7614876148 Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock20201
7616376163 Venom Crawler20202
7689576895 Ferrari F8 Tributo20202
8000880008 Monkie Kid's Cloud Jet20202
4033640336 Newbury Juice Bar20191
7042470424 Train20191
7104471044 Disney Train and Station20191

  Part color Green

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
1030810308 Holiday Main Street20224

  Part color Blue

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
7178571785 Jay's Titan Mech20232
7622676226 Spider-Man20222
3111331113 Race Car Transporter20212
4047940479 Dalmatians20211
6024460244 Police Helicopter Transport20201
7171171711 Jay's Cyber Dragon20204
7083970839 The Rexcelsior!20192

  Part color Black

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
1031610316 The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell20236
1032010320 Eldorado Fortress20232
1032110321 Corvette20232
1197811978 Viking Ship20232
4060040600 Disney 100 Years Celebration20231
4065740657 Dream Village20232
4173741737 Beach Adventure Park20231
4174541745 Autumn's Stable20235
4215442154 2022 Ford GT20232
6037160371 Emergency Vehicles HQ20232
6038760387 4x4 Off-Roader Adventures20231
6038960389 Custom Car Garage20231
7178071780 Kai's Ninja Race Car EVO20232
7178171781 Lloyd's Mech Battle EVO20232
7178471784 Jay's Lightning Jet EVO20232
7178771787 Creative Ninja Brick Box20233
7179571795 Temple of the Dragon Energy Cores20232
7624476244 Miles Morales vs. Morbius20231
7625976259 Batman Construction Figure20232
7691876918 McLaren Solus GT & McLaren F1 LM20231
7701377013 Escape from the Lost Tomb20234
8004880048 The Mighty Azure Lion20234
1030210302 Optimus Prime20222
2133221332 The Globe20226
3044330443 Spider-Man Bridge Battle20222
3112931129 Majestic Tiger20224
4171441714 Andrea's Theatre School20221
7176471764 Ninja Training Centre20224
7176671766 Lloyd's Legendary Dragon202212
7176771767 Ninja Dojo Temple20227
7177171771 The Crystal King Temple20221
7533675336 Inquisitor Transport Scythe20226
7533775337 AT-TE Walker20222
7621576215 Black Panther20224
7622576225 Miles Morales20222
7623076230 Venom20221
7640576405 Hogwarts Express - Collectors' Edition202234
7695176951 Pyroraptor & Dilophosaurus Transport20221
7698976989 Tallneck20228
8003180031 Mei's Dragon Car20222
952206952206 Freddy Fresh's Fire Quad20221
1029510295 Porsche 91120214
1195011950 Racing Car20212
3111431114 Super Motor Bike20212
4050240502 The Brick Moulding Machine20211
6027660276 Police Prisoner Transport20212
6028760287 Tractor20211
7173871738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle20214
7174171741 NINJAGO City Gardens20212
7174271742 Overlord Dragon20214
7175071750 Lloyd's Hydro Mech20212
7175471754 Water Dragon202114
7175571755 Temple of the Endless Sea20216
7531275312 Slave I20212
7615576155 In Arishem's Shadow20215
7617476174 Spider-Man's Monster Truck vs. Mysterio20214
7617876178 Daily Bugle20211
7618676186 Black Panther Dragon Flyer20212
7624076240 Batmobile Tumbler20212
7639476394 Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix20211
7794277942 Fiat 50020212
1027110271 Fiat 50020202
1027310273 Haunted House20201
1027410274 Ghostbusters™ ECTO-120208
2132321323 Grand Piano20206
3034230342 Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO20202
3057530575 Train20201
3110231102 Fire Dragon20203
3110431104 Burger Monster Truck20206
3110731107 Space Rover20201
4042940429 Ninjago World20202
4050140501 The Wooden Duck20202
4139041390 Andrea's Car & Stage20201
4142841428 Beach House20201
4317943179 Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse20204
6024560245 Monster Truck Robbery20201
6025160251 Monster Truck20201
6025460254 Race boat Transporter20202
7043270432 Ghost Fair20202
7169971699 Thunder Raider20202
7527675276 Stormtrooper20201
7528475284 Knights of Ren Transport Ship20201
7689976899 Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO & Urus ST-X 20202
8001280012 Monkey King Warrior Mech20201
8001380013 Monkie Kid's Team Secret HQ20207
8010580105 Temple Fair20209
7041970419 Boat20191
7042570425 High School20191
7525375253 Droid Commander20193
7594875948 Hogwarts Clock Tower20192
7613076130 Stark Jet and the Drone Attack20194
912055912055 Snowspeeder20191

  Part color Dark Bluish Gray

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
1031210312 Jazz Club20231
1031610316 The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell20231
2134121341 Disney Hocus Pocus: The Sanderson Sisters' Cottage20232
3113831138 Beach Camper Van20231
4062340623 Battle of Endor Heroes20231
4173041730 Autumn's House20231
4321243212 Disney Celebration Train20231
7178671786 Zane's Ice Dragon Creature20232
7624576245 Ghost Rider Mech & Bike20232
7641076410 Slytherin House Banner20231
7691576915 Pagani Utopia20232
7695976959 Triceratops Research20231
8004480044 Monkie Kid's Team Hideout20231
1030610306 Atari 260020222
3113231132 Viking Ship and the Midgard Serpent20228
6035460354 Mars Spacecraft Exploration Missions20224
7177271772 The Crystal King202212
7533875338 Ambush on Ferrix20222
7621676216 Iron Man Armoury20222
3111331113 Race Car Transporter20212
7173971739 Ultra Sonic Raider20214
7531475314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle20212
7617476174 Spider-Man's Monster Truck vs. Mysterio20214
7619176191 Infinity Gauntlet20212
7638976389 Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets20211
8002280022 Spider Queen's Arachnoid Base20211
4040940409 Hot Rod20203
6027460274 Elite Police Lighthouse Arrest 20201
7170671706 Cole's Speeder20201
7172271722 Skull Sorcerer's Dungeon20201
7526675266 Sith Troopers Battle Pack20201
7527075270 Obi-Wan's Hut20201
7528875288 AT-AT20209
7616076160 Mobile Bat Base20202
7790477904 Nebulon-B Frigate™202010
8001080010 Demon Bull King20202
8001180011 Red Son's Inferno Truck20201
7525075250 Pasaana Speeder Chase20194

  Part color Light Bluish Gray

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
1032110321 Corvette20234
3064030640 Race Car20232
4173541735 Mobile Tiny House20231
6036860368 Arctic Research Ship20232
7625176251 Star-Lord's Helmet20231
7625676256 Ant-Man Construction Figure20232
7701277012 Fighter Plane Chase20231
1030010300 Back to the Future Time Machine20222
3059430594 Monster Truck20222
4169741697 Turtle Protection Vehicle20221
4171441714 Andrea's Theatre School20224
6031360313 Space Ride Amusement Truck20222
7141171411 The Mighty Bowser20222
7532875328 The Mandalorian Helmet20222
7532975329 Death Star Trench Run20226
7533575335 BD-120222
7533875338 Ambush on Ferrix20222
7533975339 Death Star Trash Compactor20222
7534175341 Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder20222
7620676206 Iron Man Figure20222
7621076210 Hulkbuster20224
7622376223 Nano Gauntlet20221
7623076230 Venom20224
7695076950 Triceratops Pick-up Truck Ambush20221
1027810278 Police Station20211
1027910279 Volkswagen T2 Camper Van20215
1029010290 Pickup Truck20212
1077610776 Mickey and Friends Fire Truck and Station20212
2117621176 The Jungle Abomination20211
2132621326 Winnie the Pooh20212
2133021330 Home Alone202112
3112231122 Fish Bowl20212
4044140441 Shorthair Cats20211
4044240442 Goldfish20211
4044340443 Budgie20211
4048140481 Cockatiel20211
4168841688 Magical Caravan20211
6030760307 Wildlife Rescue Camp20212
7139171391 Bowser's Airship202110
7175371753 Kai's Fire Dragon20214
7529875298 AT-AT vs Tauntaun Microfighters20212
7531175311 Imperial Armoured Marauder20211
7531375313 AT-AT202114
7531575315 Moff Gideon's Light Cruiser20214
7619376193 The Guardians' Ship20216
7624076240 Batmobile Tumbler20212
7690476904 Mopar Dodge//SRT Top Fuel Dragster and 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A20212
7690576905 Ford GT Heritage Edition and Bronco R20211
7694176941 Carnotaurus Dinosaur Chase20211
7794377943 Fire Station Starter Set20212
8002580025 Sandy's Power Loader Mech20212
8010780107 Spring Lantern Festival20212
1027410274 Ghostbusters™ ECTO-120206
1027510275 Elf Club House20203
1027710277 Crocodile Locomotive20202
4125241252 Poppy's Air Balloon Adventure20201
6024660246 Police Station20203
6024760247 Forest Fire20202
6024860248 Fire Rescue Helicopter20201
6025760257 Service Station20201
7170271702 Golden Mech20202
7172071720 Fire Stone Mech20202
7172271722 Skull Sorcerer's Dungeon20201
7527575275 A-Wing Starfighter20202
7528075280 501st Legion Clone Troopers20206
7529075290 Mos Eisley Cantina20202
7529175291 Death Star Final Duel20203
7597975979 Hedwig20202
8001080010 Demon Bull King20204
4036240362 Battle of Endor20192
4116641166 Elsa and the Reindeer Carriage20191
6020360203 Ski Resort20191
7042270422 Diner20192
7104471044 Disney Train and Station20192
7525275252 Imperial Star Destroyer20194
7525375253 Droid Commander20191
7525675256 Kylo Ren’s Shuttle20192
7611976119 Batmobile: Pursuit of The Joker20191
7614476144 Hulk Helicopter Drop20192

  Part color Reddish Brown

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
2134121341 Disney Hocus Pocus: The Sanderson Sisters' Cottage20234
7179971799 NINJAGO City Markets20232
7535175351 Princess Leia (Boushh) Helmet20232
1030810308 Holiday Main Street20222
4056040560 Professors of Hogwarts20221
8010980109 Lunar New Year Ice Festival20222
2132621326 Winnie the Pooh20212
7531175311 Imperial Armoured Marauder20214
7617876178 Daily Bugle20214
7638576385 Hogwarts Moment: Charms Class20214
3062830628 Monster Book of Monsters20204
4041040410 Charles Dickens Tribute20201
4143841438 Emma's Jungle Cube - Art Studio20201
4318343183 Moana's Island Home20201
7043570435 Abandoned Prison of Newbury20201
7172271722 Skull Sorcerer's Dungeon20201
2131821318 Tree House201928

  Part color Medium Dark Flesh

 Set nameRelease yearQuantity
4321243212 Disney Celebration Train20231
8004380043 Yellow Tusk Elephant20232
8011080110 Lunar New Year Display20232
4170241702 Canal Houseboat20221
7177471774 Lloyd's Golden Ultra Dragon202212
7621776217 I am Groot20224
7174171741 NINJAGO City Gardens20211
7638276382 Hogwarts Moment: Transfiguration Class20214