Showing posts with label Lucia Gamboa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucia Gamboa. Show all posts

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Thank You Rudi Bakhtiar


Rudi Bakhtiar, the American-Iranian journalist has backed me against Twitter and I am extremely grateful to her.

Rudi is petite and beautiful but most importantly she has the heart of a lioness. She has reported from some of the most dangerous situations and the word fear is not part of her vocabulary. 

Rudi and I, may not always share the same political views but we both have a common trait; we can not stay silent when we see something wrong.

Last night she called me and expressed her outrage at Twitter's Thought Police closing my account.

Rudi is not going through easy times at the moment and I am not at liberty to talk about her current predicament until she permits me, making me even more indebted to her kindness, fairness and courage.

Thank you Rudi Bakhtiar.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Is Twitter Banning to be PC or Has it Been Influenced by the Islamic Republic of Iran?

No one knows who the individuals who ban the Twitter accounts are. But whoever they may be, are they acting on misguided political correctness zeal or have they been influenced by the Islamic Republic agents?

Many of the BigTech employees with Iranian backgrounds were photographed by protesters as they were taking part in Iran's sham elections throughout European and American cities. 

One thing is for sure, there is no logic or consistency in who they decide to ban. Legislation to regulate social media platforms is very much needed.