Sony had announced the Xperia X series of smartphones last year in February. The first two Xperia X series smartphones are the Xperia X and the Xperia X Performance. The former is a mid-range device, whereas the latter, as the name says is a high-end flagship smartphone from Sony.
After releasing those devices, eight months later at IFA 2016 the company had announced a new high-end flagship smartphone called the Xperia XZ and a the Xperia X Compact.
Following the same trend of launching flagship smartphones in each half of the year, it looks like we have the first look of what the New Xperia X smartphone will look like, which is reported to launch later this year in late-February.
After releasing those devices, eight months later at IFA 2016 the company had announced a new high-end flagship smartphone called the Xperia XZ and a the Xperia X Compact.
Following the same trend of launching flagship smartphones in each half of the year, it looks like we have the first look of what the New Xperia X smartphone will look like, which is reported to launch later this year in late-February.