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Dengue Fever Treatment Guidelines

If you or any family member is suffering from suspected dengue fever, it is important to carefully watch yourself or relative for the next few days, since this disease can rapidly become very serious and lead to a 
medical emergency

Symptoms of  Dengue
1.Red spots or points on the skin 
2.Constant crying
3.Bleeding from the nose or gums 
4.Abdominal pain
5.Frequent vomiting
6.Excessive thirst (dry mouth)
7.Vomiting with blood 
8.Pale, cold or clammy skin
9.Black stools 
10.Difficulty in breathing

Do's and Don'ts for managing dengue fever

What to do 
1.Keep body temperature below 39°C
2.Give the patient paracetamol (not more than four times in 24 hours)
3.Give large amounts of fluids(water, soup, milk,juice) along with the patient’s normal diet
4.The patient should take complete rest

What not to do 
1. Don't get panic
2. Do not wait in case the above symptoms appear.Immediately consult a doctor.It is crucial to quickly get     
    treatment in case of these complication
3. Do not take Aspirin or Brufen or lbubrufen

Home Remedies for Dengue 
1. Chymopapin and papin - enzymes in the papaya leaf - help revive platelet count
2. Drink plenty of water to avoid fluid loss
3. Avoid solid foods, It will difficult to digest
4. Neem leaves, Neem Oil are good purifying agent its very useful for speedy recovery

Buying a Mobile Phone?

Mobile plays an important role in our daily life , each and everyone must having a smart phone in the techno world. Lets see what are the things we need to concentrate before buying a mobile Phone.

Buying a Mobile Phone?

Steps to follow before buying a mobile

1.Browse the net and check the latest mobiles reviews. There are several Indian sites that offer mobile reviews highlighting product specs, features, performance with respect to all aspects like ease of use, call quality, music, camera, video, game apps etc.

2.All the major mobile retailers have their online stores as well. You can quickly check the rates for the models you have shortlisted across all these sites.

3. Mobile retailers who advertise heavily and are located in prime locations will be priced higher. However some of them may pass the volume discounts they get on to the customers. The smaller neighborhood mobile stores in your locality that are not part of any retail chain will not make much noise but they will definitely give you a better price than the bigger mobile store chains.

4.A big mobile retailer will have a trained sales force that may be able to explain to you the features of the mobile phone in greater detail but your neighborhood store will not be able to offer you superior product support.

5.In case you still want to go to a big mobile retailer for a greater shopping experience, do not hesitate to negotiate, Quote rates given by other retailers and create competition.

6.Do not go for buy back offers. You get a raw deal. You can rather sell your old mobile outside for a better deal.

7.If they are offering freebies, you can tell them that they can exclude your from the freebie offers and pass it on as a cash discount.

8.If they are firm on not giving additional discount beyond a point, you can ask for extended warranty  for your mobile.

9.Most importantly, the large retailers have monthly targets to achieve and become very generous during month ends. So in case you are going to the mobile retailers. They may give unbelievable rates to achieve their monthly targets. You will be amazed at the buying power you have!.

10.The smartest buyer will go to the manufacturers’ websites to have a look at the options, compare the features and then go to a local mobile shop and buy it at the rock bottom rates!.

Fuel Saving Tips

Fill it early
Fill up your vehicle's fuel tank during early morning. when the ground temperature is still cold. All fuel stations have their storage tanks underground,the colder the ground, the denser the fuel is, When it gets warmer, fuel expands. So, buying in the afternoon or in the evening, your one liter is not exactly a liter. Fuel evaporates faster than you can imagine.

Check your tire pressure
Tires lose air due to time (about 1 psi per month) and temperature (1 psi for every 10 degree drop) under-inflated tires have more rolling resistance.which means you need to burn more fuel to keep your vehicle moving. For every two PSI that your tires are below the recommended level. you lose 1% on your mileage. Be sure to check them when they are cold. since driving warms up the tires along with the air inside them. which increases pressure and gives a falsely high reading. Check the pressure in your spare too.

Check your air filter
A dirty air filter restricts the flow of air into the engine, which harms performance and economy. Air filters are easy to check and change, remove the filter and hold it up to the sun. lf you can't see light coming through it. you need a new one. Consider a permanent filter which is cleaned rather than changed, they are much less restrictive than throw-away paper filters, plus they're better for the environment.

Straighten Up
Poor alignment not only causes tires to wear out more quickly, but also forces your engine to work harder. Align your tires, and save up to 10%.

Tune Up
When was your last tune up? A properly maintained engine can improve mileage by up to 4%.
Accelerate with care

lf you accelerate to speed then have to brake right away that's wasted fuel. For every 8 kph you reduce highway speed. you can reduce fuel consumption by 7%.

Lighten Up
For every 50 extra kgs carried around, your vehicle loses 1 to 2% in fuel efficiency. Don't drive around with too much junk in the trunk.

Don't Idle
Besides causing pollution. idling wastes fuel. If stopped for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine, and don't bother to "warm up" your car before driving. it is not necessary.
Fuel Saving Tips

Look ahead
Look well ahead in the traffic to predict when you might need to stop or slow down. This way you can avoid or minimize heavy braking then accelerating again. Not only does this save a massive amount of fuel. but also reduces wear and tear and is much safer because you notice what's going around you. You drive more smoothly, not ‘fighting’ your way through the traffic.

Don't fill up if you see the tanker!
If you happen to see a fuel tanker filling the tanks at your local fuel station, come back another day or go to a different station. As the station's underground tanks are being filled. the turbulence can stir up sediment. Sediment in your fuel can clog fuel filters and fuel injectors, causing poor performance and possibly necessitating repairs.

Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in SQL

Delete Command removes the row from the table based on the condition that we provide with a WHERE clause. TRUNCATE will actually remove all the rows from a table an there will be no data in the table after we run the truncate command.

Difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

  • TRUNCATE removes all the rows from a table, but the table structure, its columns,  constrains, indexes and so on remains. The counter used by an identity for new row is reset to the seed for the column.
  • TRUNCATE is DDL Command.
  • TRUNCATE resets identity of the table.
  • TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back unless it is used in TRANSACTION.
  • TRUNCATE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources than DELETE.
  • You cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. Because TRUNCATE TABLE is not logged, it cannot activate a trigger.

Syntax for TRUNCATE in SQL


DELETE can be used with or without a WHERE clause
DELETE is DML Command.
DELETE doesn't resets identity of the table.
DELETE can be rolled back
DELETE removes rows one at time and records at entry in the transaction log for each deleted row
DELETE  Activates Trigger.

Syntax for DELETE in SQL
DELETE FROM table_name

Truncate and Delete video tutorial

How to Alter Datatype in Sql Server

ALTER TABLE is one of the most useful statement in Sql Server. Its used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table. By using alter table statement we can easily alter datatype in Sql Server. Let see the statement with  examples.

Example for alter datatype in sql server

USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE dbo.Employee
(EmpID INT, Name VARCHAR(10), LastName DATETIME)

use sp_help 'Employee' to check datatype details

Example for alter datatype in sql server

Example for alter datatype INT to varchar
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employee

Example for alter datatype INT to varchar

Example for alter datatype varchar to Int
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employee

Example for alter datatype varchar to INT

Example for alter datatype datetime to varchar

ALTER TABLE dbo.Employee

Example for alter datatype datetime to varchar

Sql Statements

SQL is pronounced as "sequel", is a language that is used to manage the database to store, access, and modify data

Data Definition Language (DDL)
It is used to define the database,  data types, structures, and constraints on the data.

Some of the DDL Commands are

  • CREATE is used to create a new database objects such as table
  • ALTER is used to modify the database objects
  • DROP is used to delete the objects

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
It is used to manipulate the data in the database objects.

Some of the DML commands are

  • INSERT is used to insert a new data record in a table 
  • UPDATE is used to modify an existing record in a table
  • DELETE is used to delete a record from a table 

Data Control Language (DCL)
It is used to control the data access in the database

Some of the DCL Commands are

  • GRANT is used to assign permissions to user to access a database object
  • REVOKE is used to deny permission to users to access a database object

Data Query Language (DQL)
It is used to query data from the database objects SELECT is the DQL command that is used to select data from the database in different ways abd formats

Different types of joins in sql server

Sql joins are used to retrieve data from multiple tables. Joins allow you to view data from related tables in a single result set. Depending on the requirements to view data from multiple table, you can apply different types of joins, Such as inner join, cross join, equi join or self join

Examples Table for joins

Tables for Joins

The Different Types of Joins in SQL Server
  • Inner join or Equi join
  • Self Join
  • Outer Join
  • Cross join
Using an Inner join (Equi Join)

An inner join retrieves record from multiple tables by using a comparison operator on a common column. When an inner join is applied, only rows with values satisfying the join condition in the common column are displayed

Inner Join

Example for Inner Join 
SELECT Stud.Studid,Stud.StudFirstName,Stud.StudLastName, Dept.DepartmentName 
FROM Student Stud  INNER JOIN Department dept ON Stud.Departmentid=Dept.Departmenttid

Output for  Inner Join

Example for Inner Join

Using an Self Join 
In a self join a table is joined with itself. As a result, one row in a table correlates with other rows in the same table.

Example for Self Join 
SELECT Stud1.Studid,Stud1.StudFirstName+' '+Stud1.StudLastName as StudentName, 
Stud2.ManagerName as ManagerName   FROM Student Stud1 
INNER JOIN Student Stud2  ON Stud1.Departmentid=Stud2.Studid

Output for Self Join:

Example for Self Join

The Outer join can be of three types
  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join
Using an Left Outer Join

A left outer join returns all rows from the table specified on the left side of the LEFT OUTER JOIN keyword and the matching rows are not found in the table specified on the right side, NULL values are displayed in the column that get data from the table specified on the right side

Left Outer Join

Example for LEFT OUTER JOIN :
SELECT Stud.Studid,Stud.StudFirstName,Stud.StudLastName, Dept.DepartmentName 
FROM Student Stud  LEFT OUTER JOIN Department dept ON Stud.Departmentid=Dept.Departmenttid

Output for LEFT OUTER JOIN :


Using an Right Outer Join
A Right outer join returns all rows from the table specified on the right side of the RIGHT OUTER JOIN keyword and the matching rows from the table specified on the left side

Right Outer Join

SELECT Stud.Studid,Stud.StudFirstName,Stud.StudLastName, Dept.DepartmentName 
FROM Student Stud  RIGHT OUTER JOIN Department dept ON Stud.Departmentid=Dept.Departmenttid



A Full outer join is a combination of left outer join and right outer join. This join returns all the matching and non matching rows from both the tables. However, the matching records are displayed only once. In case of non-matching rows, a NULL value is displayed for the columns for which data is not available


SELECT Stud.Studid,Stud.StudFirstName,Stud.StudLastName, Dept.DepartmentName 
FROM Student Stud  FULL OUTER JOIN Department dept ON Stud.Departmentid=Dept.Departmenttid



Using an Cross Join 
A cross join, also know as Cartesian product, between two tables join each row from one table with each row of the other table

Example for Cross Join
SELECT Stud.Studid,Stud.StudFirstName,Stud.StudLastName, Dept.DepartmentName  
FROM Student Stud CROSS JOIN Department dept

Output for Cross Join

Example for Cross Join

Tutorial for Sql Joins

Creating Xml in Stored Procedure using FOR Xml Path

I always like to create xml in Stored Procedure because its one of the simplest and fastest method, within a fraction of second it must form an xml,  no need to loop through the dataset or datable in C#. Lets go over and start with simple example to create Xml in stored procedure using FOR Xml Path

Create and sample Employee Table 

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee]
( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[EmpName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Address] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [PhoneNo] [varchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]

Insert Some sample values like

  insert into [employee] (EmpName,Address,PhoneNo) values ('Swan','West street','9899434343')

Creating Xml using FOR Xml Path
 declare @result nvarchar(max)
 set @result = (SELECT t.ID,t.EmpName, t.Address, t.PhoneNo FROM employee t FOR XML
 PATH('Employee') ) select @result as Result
  Output : 
<Employee><ID>1</ID><EmpName>Swan</EmpName><Address>West street</Address><PhoneNo>9899434343</PhoneNo></Employee>

  Creating XML in STORED Procedure using FOR Xml Path

DELETE, TRUNCATE, DROP and RESEED Identity in Sql Server

Now we are going to see the most 4 important queries in Sql Server DELETE, TRUNCATE, DROP and RESEED. After a long time now only i come to know there is way to increase the identity value using RESEED . Let see the example's of Delete, Truncate, Drop, Reseed identity

 Create a sample Employee Table 

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Students]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(2,1) NOT NULL,
 [StudName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Address] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [PhoneNo] [varchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]

  Inserting values in the Students table

   insert into [Students] (StudName,Address,PhoneNo)
   values ('vishuva','swiss bridge street','8899434343')


insert values in table
Note: Check now the seed value is 2


DELETE query is to delete rows in table without WHERE clause it will delete all the rows. However, when a new record is inserted the identity value is increased from 2 to 3. It does not reset but keep on increasing.

 DELETE FROM Students 


  Delete Query in Sql Server

 Truncate will remove all the rows in the table. TRUNCATE resets the identity value. However, when a new          
  record is inserted the identity value is same as original seed value of the table.

 insert into [Students] (StudName,Address,PhoneNo) values ('vishuva','swiss bridge street','8899434343')


  insert values in table


RESEED identity is used to set seed value to the table . Already we set the seed value as 2 in the above examples. Now we are going to set the seed value to 1 DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Students', RESEED, 1)


Reseed identity in Sql Server
Drop Table Query

 Drop Table to delete the entire table DROP TABLE Students