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Don't want to leave the house? Continue learning with online classes via webcam

Online learning

While in-person lessons have their benefits, it's clear that online lessons provide even more advantages when it comes to pricing, scheduling and variety. It's for these reasons that online learning has become the preferred style of learning for many students. 

Take a look at our verified profiles of carefully selected private tutors. Book an online course and get an answer in less than 1 hour. 

98% of our teachers offer the first hour of lessons for free in order to assess your level and set your goals.

Interactive support

Your teacher may choose a number of tools to allow you both to communicate remotely.
  • Google Education for tutoring
  • Skype for language lessons or music lessons (guitar for example)
  • Discord for computer initiation or advanced code courses
  • Slack for homework help

Save money

Distance courses avoid transport (and its associated cost) and allow greater flexibility in timetables. On average (studies on 250,000 ads), webcam lessons are 20% less expensive than traditional "physical" courses. Here are some average prices for 1 hour of online courses by subject:
  • Mathematics: €20
  • School support: €18
  • Sports Coaching: €35
  • English: €19

Teachers can also offer or agree to a reduced price for groups (2 classmates or siblings for example).

Take advantage of learning online 

The move to online learning can provide many opportunities:

  • Preparing for exams from the comfort of home
  • Taking up a new hobby or passion or picking up where you’ve left off due to lack of time
  • Getting back in shape with a personal trainer
  • Getting advice on your professional development from a career coach

With this style of learning, not only does knowledge become more accessible but reaching your goals also takes less time!

How to get the most out of your online learning