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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 21610 reviews.

15 €/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is €15/hr

4 hr

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 4hrs

Learning English has never been this simple

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Our former students review their ESOL tutors


What is the average price of ESOL lessons?

The average price of ESOL  lessons is €15.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Why take ESOL lessons?
With the help of a ESOL you can master ESOL more efficiently  

Our private tutors share their expert knowledge to help you to master any subject. 

A messaging service is available to allow you to get in touch with the private tutors on our platform and discuss the details of your lessons.

Can you learn ESOL online?

On Superprof, many of our ESOL tutors offer online tuition.

To find online courses, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject. 

How many tutors are available to give ESOL lessons?

89163 ESOL tutors are currently available to give ESOL lessons near you.

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

Find your ESOL tutor from among 89163 profiles.

How are our ESOL tutors rated?

Our ESOL tutors have an average rating of 5 out 5.

These reviews have been collected directly from students and pertain to their experience with the ESOL tutors on our platform. These reviews serve as a guarantee and attest to the professionalism of our teachers. All reviews are validated by our community, and highlight the quality of our teachers. 

You can view tutor ratings by consulting the reviews page.

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We have so many talented English tutors to choose from!

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Essential information about your English lessons

✅ Average price :€15/h
✅ Average response time :4hr
✅ Tutors available :89163
✅ Lesson format :Face-to-face or online

Develop your knowledge and skills with English classes

If you have just arrived in Ireland and want to improve your chances of securing employment and even the likelihood of career progression thereafter, then learning English is a must! Provided that you haven’t landed yourself in one of the countries Gaeltacht regions, then you will of course need to have a strong grasp of English in order to be considered for most jobs.

After all, despite not being the natural mother tongue, the first language that is most commonly spoken across Ireland is of course English. This might come as a surprise to those from far away lands and considering a move to the island for its opportunities for work, study and lifestyle.

This means that if you are going to have any sort of communication with customers and the staff that you work with on a daily basis, then you will likely need a strong grasp of the language.

With that being said, you can of course just learn the vocabulary and conversation that you need within your role as a means of getting by. You don’t need to be fluent in English to get a number of different jobs, The most important thing is that you are able to communicate. Nevertheless, this will still take some time if you wish to attain even an intermediate level with the language! Choosing to learn English as a foreign language in Ireland will make your life a whole lot easier.

With Ireland being the only remaining country within the European Union where English is spoken as the first language it has become a hub for new companies setting up their operations from abroad, creating numerous jobs plotted across the island. 

This has subsequently led to the country becoming more attractive amongst expats as a desirable location to live, study and work as a result of this influx of opportunity that seemingly nets on the island.

For Foreign nationals that come from overseas and now live in a country where the first language is English, trying your hand at learning the language can have a positive influence on your chances of attaining both residency and citizenship in the country. This is actually one of the main reasons why one might choose to pursue an ESOL certification in the first place.

Ireland and ESOL

Ireland hosts an extensive library of qualified English teachers for students of all ages to choose from. These tutors come from a wide range of backgrounds bringing different flares and approaches to their classes. The beauty of this is that it ensures that their methods are always evolving and improving, offering you the best education and results when learning the English language.

One of the first things that stand out about ESOL in Ireland when it comes to looking for English classes, is that it offers something for everyone. The classes that are on offer throughout the country cater for both students and adults that are either studying or working full time. It’s never too late to start learning a new language, regardless of what age you are, in Ireland you will have little difficulty finding a qualified ESOL teacher.

English courses for speakers of other languages (ESOL) are not only geared towards improving your language. The ESOL courses that are on offer across the country present some valuable learnings to graduated their candidates, they put an emphasis on career development and interview skills. These supplementary modules facilitate a more seamless transition into the workplace thereafter. If you are looking to improve your level of English in order to get a job, these ESOL courses would be just perfect for you.

Learn English as a foreign language with Superprof

The ESOL courses in Ireland are engaging and place particular focus on communicative practice and the development of skills based on your own specific needs. If you want to accelerate the learning process then it might be worthwhile getting some help from a qualified ESOL teacher.

If you are looking to start out taking English lessons to help with your ESOL course, you should consider consulting one of Superprof’s tutors first. Even if you decide not to opt for weekly lessons, in the end, you might still get some value out of your session. You can really learn a lot from an hour of back and forth with an experienced English teacher.

If that wasn’t enough to get your attention, the majority of ESOL tutors that occupy the platform offer their first lesson completely free of charge. You might even find that scheduling to meet your tutor every two weeks or even at the end of every month is enough to keep your practice in check. Learning to speak English is something that should be accessible for everyone, and the platform’s flexible learning options allow for just that!

The English and ESOL tutors that currently list their services on the platform across the island of Ireland are highly qualified and have a deep understanding of how the country’s ESOL assessments operate. For this reason, you can find no better place to either pick up speaking the language for the very first time or focus on attaining the impressive grade C2 title.

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