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Learn chemistry with the help of one of our expert tutors

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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 20183 reviews.

13 €/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is €13/hr

2 hr

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 2hrs

Learning chemistry has never been this simple

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What is the average price of Chemistry lessons?

The average price of Chemistry  lessons is €13.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Why take Chemistry lessons?
With the help of a Chemistry you can master Chemistry more efficiently  

Our private tutors share their expert knowledge to help you to master any subject. 

A messaging service is available to allow you to get in touch with the private tutors on our platform and discuss the details of your lessons.

Can you learn Chemistry online?

On Superprof, many of our Chemistry tutors offer online tuition.

To find online courses, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject. 

How many tutors are available to give Chemistry lessons?

146296 Chemistry tutors are currently available to give Chemistry lessons near you.

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

Find your Chemistry tutor from among 146296 profiles.

How are our Chemistry tutors rated?

Our Chemistry tutors have an average rating of 5 out 5.

These reviews have been collected directly from students and pertain to their experience with the Chemistry tutors on our platform. These reviews serve as a guarantee and attest to the professionalism of our teachers. All reviews are validated by our community, and highlight the quality of our teachers. 

You can view tutor ratings by consulting the reviews page.

Looking to improve in chemistry?

You'll have so many talented chemistry teachers to choose from!

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Essential information about your chemistry lessons

✅ Average price :€13/h
✅ Average response time :2hr
✅ Tutors available :146296
✅ Lesson format :Face-to-face or online

Reach top grades with chemistry grinds

The sciences available to leaving cert students are notoriously difficult. Physics is one of the least chosen subjects in the country. This is despite the fact that many people find physics generally interesting but its reputation as a difficult subject dissuades many students. Chemistry is the same, it is known for its complex formulas, and strict memorization, and is filled with oodles of definitions. However, it is not just a memory game, you have to understand the material you’ve learnt which is the difficult part! How can a Superprof help 

Leaving Cert students with this particularly difficult subject then?

The tools of Superprof

Before you can get help from a tutor or even a course, first you have to find one that suits you in Ireland! Superprof makes this surprisingly easy for every student. The search function works with many filters and can specify any subject (not just chemistry) in every town in Ireland it will pull up every tutor operating in that area. It couldn’t be easier to find a tutor near you anywhere in the country. This is not all that Superprof does either, once the tutors are shown on screen, their reviews, their location, their online availability and a short bio are displayed so that you can quickly filter for yourself which tutors have the most potential for working with you. At this point you can see just how easy it is to look for a tutor but how useful are they actually for helping with chemistry?

The advantages of a chemistry tutor

Chemistry is hard, all the sciences are. If we look at the reasons for this then it will become more clear why a tutor can help so much with any Leaving Cert subject. Chemistry involves the subject hated by many Irish students, Maths. Some people excel at maths naturally and can enjoy it but the vast majority of students, dislike Maths and can often struggle to keep up with it. That is why if struggle with Maths but want to do chemistry as well, it is definitely worth getting a Chemistry tutor for this subject. They can provide extra explanations to difficult concepts, correct more of your work and faster, not to mention the one on one attention which will allow them to notice what you’re struggling with and (more importantly) what is the best to teach you. Every student has a different learning style which is why it is often encouraged in schools across Ireland to try out different study and learning methods at home as it is simply impossible for LC teachers to accommodate every type and level of learning. It cannot be understated how important this factor is. If you can find out the best way to learn for yourself, everything else comes easier. Moreover, once the tutor knows how best to teach you, you’ll be flying in no time. 

Practice makes perfect

This sentiment is often repeated, and for a good reason, if you want to keep a concept stuck in your brain, you have to keep practising it over and over till it’s stuck in there. This can be hard to do as there are so many subjects to cover and getting the motivation to do so is hard in itself. A tutor can only do so much without you putting in the work but tutors do provide the schedule, and some motivation and the tutor will be providing lots of opportunities to practice in and outside of sessions. It can be as simple as repeating questions from the textbook or maybe asking your tutor to draft up hard sample questions. To see the strength of repetition simply look at how quickly basic addition and multiplication can become from extensive practice. Good luck out there with Chemistry, it’s not as daunting with a good tutor backing you up!

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