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Guide To PublishingWho can publish to indymedia? Q1. Who Can Publish?A. Anybody can.
Q2. What is Published?A. Original news stories, opinion pieces, press releases, event notices and summaries of interesting material elsewhere on the internet Indymedia relies on the people who publish to the open newswire to present their information in a thorough, honest and accurate manner. A group of newswire moderators keep track of what is being posted and apply our basic editorial guidelines to keep the newswire free of spam and other abusive material. is primarily a news site and we aim to publish material that is original and newsworthy for a primarily Irish audience. Originality. The Web allows people to link to related material rather than copying it and creating multiple copies of the same material pollutes the web, making it more difficult to find original material. Therefore, we generally only publish original material (although there are some exceptions mentioned below). If you want to publish news on your own website as well as on indymedia, we ask that you publish it here first and wait 12 hours before publishing it yourself. We also ask that you note that the article was "originally published on". Newsworthiness Indymedia aims to be a news service for a large and broad audience. Therefore we ask people only to publish material that has some news value and is of public interest. We have nothing against your poetry, personal musings, holiday snaps or idle banter, but there are many other sites on the internet which are much more suited to publish this type of material - blogs, bulletin boards or your own homepage. Story TypesThe following descriptions explain the various typees of articles that are published on indymedia. Please try to choose the right type when publishing your material that is published in the wrong type may be removed.
CommentsReaders of Indymedia can publish comments on all stories published on Indymedia. In general, publishers are encouraged to respond to comments which do not break our editorial guidelines. Even if you feel that a comment is unfair, a clear response to any points raised can make the story stronger - people are more likely to view articles which generate debate. If somebody publishes an abusive comment in response to your story, you can notify us by clicking on the exclamation mark All readers are encourged to add comments to stories if they feel that they have pertinent information to add. Q3. Why Should You Publish?A. Your story will reach a large audience and you'll be contributing to the free, democratic media Although Indymedia is run on a shoe-string by a bunch of volunteers, it is a very busy website and its audience continues to grow. In November 2006 the site got an average of a half million hits a day. Over 6 million pages were downloaded and roughly 300,000 different people dropped in to have a look. By publishing your story on Indymedia, you can talk to this audience in your own words, without the presence of media-professionals to interpret and filter your words. Every time that somebody publishes a newsworthy and original article to indymedia, it helps the site to get better. Indymedia is a large-scale experiment in free, transparent, democratic media. Almost all of the material published here is published under a 'copyleft' licence that makes it free for non-commercial re-use. The material on the site serves as a public resource for non-commercial projects. Anybody can take part in discussions about editorial policy or join our voluntary collective and all of our debates and decisions are publically archived on the Internet. This is a radical vision of how media could be organised differently. By publishing here, you are contributing to the success of this experiment. |
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