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Alisha rondas
June 24, 2024

I received a text message from a short code number saying they have $1000 credit card for me. I would just like to report this key is the day before this happened my own credit union denied me to refinance my car because I was behind two payments on one thing so I believe this to be a scam and I believe it be they want me to click on this link or do this, I actually responded to that question yes, Illike to have a loan, but I did not give them no information at all. I didn’t even respond to the original text, but then I didn’t. I said who is this? I don’t know who you are why would I give you? Why would I click on this link to finish? Fill out any information? I don’t believe this . I see no name no company name no nothing I have no clue who they are just one short code number not even whole phone number copy paste. It didn’t come out that way.

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