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    Affichage des articles dont le libellé est x The Vengeance of the Lichemaster. Afficher tous les articles

    jeudi 26 novembre 2015

    The Vengeance of the Lichemaster (Last part: The battle report)

    It’s a pleasure for me to present you the last chapter of this project. In summary, this battle features a Skaven expedition who searches of a powerful relic belonging to them and which was stolen by a mysterious thief. It’s no other than Bagrian the master of La Maisontaal, the skaven artefact will allow him to liven up(to lead) his mechanical man whom it builds in secret. The Skaven expedition which is led by a Grey Seer named Gnawdoom has just located the relic and gets ready to launch a second assault on the monastery, it’s at this moment when arrives the Lichemaster and his Undead Legion. Heinrich Kemler has just reduced to ash the village of Frugelhofen and his thirst of vengeance led him up to the monastery. The Lichemaster came to punish Bagrian who previously betrayed him. You will find the details of this exciting story in the original scenario (EN and FR).

    After several games (as Game Master), I decided to increase the troops of every factions of the scenario to give a more epic dimension to the. Before the beginning of the battle (during the briefing), every player is informed that reinforcements are on the way but they don’t know at which moment these will arrive on the table. We play according to the WHFB 3rd rules, the progressive coming of new units on the battlefield allows me to explain quietly their special capacities during the battle.

    The army of Lichemaster: This horde of Undead consists of two units of foot soldiers and a unit of cavalry. Two characters are at the head of this army, Krell who is a died Chaos champion and Heinrich Kemler a Necromancer. I added, a catapult, a chariot transporting a Skeleton Champion and a Plague Cart. These units are deployed at the beginning of the battle. A unit of Carrions, a spectre and two revenants will arrive lasting in the battle. Finally, La Maisontaal contains a crypt which can supply to the Lichemaster a unit of mummies and a unit of skeletons, the Skaven player doesn’t know that the crypt contains these creatures. The principal objective of the Lichemaster is slain Bagrian. A secondary objective is possible, He can sullying the crypt by summoning some mummified old dead Masters of La Maisontaal and some old dead monks of Taal.


    The army of Gnawdoom: This expedition consists of two units of Skaven and two flame thrower teams. This horde is commanded by Throt the Unclean and the powerful Grey Seer Gnawdoom. I added a unit of Giant Rats, Globadiers and Plague Monks. All these units are deployed at the first tour of the battle. Other units will arrive during the battle such as a band of Rat Ogres leaded by a champion of the Moulder clan, and a unit of Gutter Runners. Finally, two Plague Censers are hidden in the units of Skaven, these Chaos Ratmen are played exactly as fanatical goblin, the Undead player ignores the presence of these Plague Censers. The objective of Gnawdoom is to find the Black Arc and go out of the monastery with it in safe place, obviously Lichemaster has no idea of the presence (and the power) of this artefact. Slain Bagrian is the secondary objective of the Skaven player.

    The defenders of the monastery La Maisontaal : I play this faction and my objective is simply to slow down the attackers of the monastery, And avoid imposing them too many casualties … The troop of the defenders consist of twelve monks fighters and three magicians, added the mysterious magician Bagrian who is master of the monastery. During the battle a unit of survivors of the village of Frugelhofen will come to help the Monks. This unit is led by an Elf named Riolta Snow and  an Halfling named Gim Grundel. You certainly understood it, none of my opponents expects this surprise. And no one knows the objectives of his opponents.

    The deployment: It’s a blind deployment, both opponents ignore the deployment of them rivals. The Monks and Bagrian are in Maisontaal and wait for the arrival of the aggressors.

    The undead are deployed in the East of the monastery. In the North of this battle line is deployed the unit of skeleton led by Lichemaster and assisted by Krell. Supported by the unit  of Zombies, behind it is the Plague Cart. The Skeletons Horsemen and the chariot are deployed in the South of the battle line. Finally the catapult is positioned in the back on the hill, this one possesses only 3 skulls but only the Undead player knows it.

    Skaven are deployed in the South of the monastery, their two units of warriors on the left side, Gnawdoom leads it more to the left and Throt leads the second. One Flame Thrower is joined into every unit of warriors. On the West of the battle line are deployed the Giant Rats and behind them the Plague Monks. Finally Globadiers are placed behind the units of warriors. The line of battle of the player Skaven is closer to La Maisontaal than that of the Undead player.

    Magic spell: They are defined by the scenario for every magician but to spend a good moment, it is imperative to apply limitations. Firstly, decreased the number of magician of the Monks faction because five spell casters is a little bit unplayable … Secondly, to avoid a Firework Fantasy Battle, it’s necessary to limit the number of fireball by two throw (2x1D3) by magician by turn. This limitation is valid for all the factions in game. And Thirdly, I removed the spell "Stand Still" of the spell list of Bagrian because it’s too powerful.
    During the briefings, the GM must detail the spells to every faction. It allows to clarify rules and it allows to help the players on spells which they can choose to launch before the beginning of the game. During this battle every magician launches "Aura of protection" to benefit from a protection against the damages. The Lichemaster also launches "Stop instability" on all his units, this spell allows to cancel the too variable effects of the instability inherent to this edition of Warhammer.

    Turn 1: The order in which the factions play every turn is defined by the scenario, the Undead begin, then Skaven and finally the Monks. The Undead send the infantry in the direction of the monastery, the cavalry take positions to intercept the Chaos Ratmen. The Skaven Warriors moves forward on the monastery under a fireballs shower of and Screaming Skullz thrown by the catapult of the Lichemaster. The Plague Monks and the Giant Rats get ready to receive the charge of theSkeleton Horsemen.

    Turn 2 Undead: The army of The Lichemaster continues its progress, there is no minute to lose! The ethereal cavalry crosses difficult grounds easily and gets ready to charge the right side of the Chaos Ratmen . Heinrich Kemler uses without restraint all his powers, the fireballs of the Necromancer make lot of damages in the ranks  of the Skaven Warriors. The catapult will not make damage during its second throw.
    Turn 2 Skaven: On the right side the Plague Monks let the Giant Rats move forward, in this way and if they hold the cavalry charge, the Monks will charge the flank these assailants. In front of monastery, Flames Throwers come out the units of Skaven Warriors and take position pour their flow of warped fire on the Undead infantry which approaches. Gnawdoom calls black wind blast on the unit of the Lichemaster to immobilize the Necromancer and his minions. This harmful wind adorned to come from the mouth of the Horned Rat. In the South of the battlefield, appears the Gutter Runners team, they infiltrate behind the battle line of battle of the Undead to neutralize the catapult.
    Turn 2 Monk: The survivors of the village of Frugelhofen come into the battle, appearing on the right side of the Undead. Riolta Snow the Elf leads this unit, she carries a Ring of Courage which transcends her companions. Gim Grundel keep preciously in its bag of Two spheres of power, these items are particularly murderous in the face of Undead.The view of its unexpected reinforcements, Bagrian orders to his monks and his most powerful magician to take out and defend the front of the house of Taal. While the Monks cross rubble still smoking doors of the monastery and approaches to the Chaos Ratmen, Skaven let spring from their rank one of them who making swirl an enormous censer arises and who collides them, the toxic vapors of this malefic weapon brought down on the ground several monks. The magician who accompanies them take concentrating to summon a Steadfast spell which will liven up his companions of a matchless bravery. Bagrian and his two magician’s apprentices continue to make a deluge of fireballs rain on the attackers of the monastery.
     Turn 3 Undead: The Lichemaster and its skeletons fight against wind blast avoiding them to move, the Necromancer finds the strength to throw launch some fired missiles on the human beings appearing on his right flanc. The rest of the infantry moves forward to the center of the battle with the support of the Plague Cart which will bring its profits to all the unstable units near it. The cavalry and Undead Chariot charge towards the unit of Giant Rats, the shock is incredible. The riders push ranks of the Chaos Ratmen, the scythes of the Chariot were a macabre efficiency. The catapult misses one more time its target wasting its last Skulls.
     Turn 3 Skaven: The band of Giant Rats was not able to hold its position in the face of the horror of his  aggressors and the losses which it undergoes. The Undead Horsemen and the Chariot pursue them and discover on their right the colossal silhouettes of Rat Ogres led by an impressive Master of the Moulder Clan. Globadiers throws their sphere of glasses on the Undead pursuers of whom their armors are no utility face of these cursed gases. The Plague Monks of the plague don’t panic and decide to maneuverer to join the center of the battlefield. Gnawdoom orders to his Champion Wielder to make drink his beverage to the rest of his pack of Warriors, the mixture transforms the Ratmen into Frenetic creatures  which rush the Monks de Taal. Throt orders in his turn the consumption of the beverage of his champion Packlord, but the liquid seems to have no effect on the Skaven Warriors. The Throt band move forward to Zombies and let spring his Plague Censer bearer on the putrid automatons of the Lichemaster. The view of this show motivated the team of Flame Thrower to launch  his malefic fire on zombie already bruised by gases of the censer.
     Turn 3 Monk: Bagrian decides to go out of the monastery to support the survivors of Frugelhofen, his apprentices and him belches blindly with fireballs the harmful creatures which surround them. The Elf shoots an arrow in the direction of the Plague Censer Bearer approaches dangerously, This one collapses in a scream. In front of monastery and in spite of the support of a powerful magician, the Monks fall dramatically under the fervent blows of Skavens. The monastery seems to be at the mercy of Gnawdoom.

    Turn 4 Undead: in spite of the loss of numerous Zombie, Mikeal Jacsen decides to charge the Warriors de Thot the Unclean. In the huddle both champions challenge the other, the mutant Ratmen is more powerful than the Skeleton champion. The dead body of Mikeal can only undergo a shower of attacks which his armor will absorb miraculously. Around them, Zombies and Skaven are in confrontation but once again the horror of the Undead and the losses which they impose scare off the Chaos Ratmen. The Lichemaster and his skeletons take position to receive the charge of the human beings led by the Elf. The Necromancer concentrates and rises some Zombies of Mikeal Jacsen. In the South of the battlefield the Undead horsemen continues to hack the fleeing Giant Rats. In the North appears three spectral forms, it is about two Revenants and a Spectre called by Lichemaster, they will have to carry out their task to return in their places of rest.
    Turn 4 Skaven: The flight of Throt band makes blow a wave of panic in Skaven ranks, Globadiers and one Flame Thrower cannot resist to this panic. Zombies too slow will not catch up the fugitives but will come to charge the last one Flame Thrower which who kept calm. The skirmishing formation of the Gutter Runners allow them to approach with a dangerous speed of the Undead War Machine. In the South, Rat Ogres charge the Chariot on the side which is its weak point. The last Giant Rats are massacred by the Skeleton Cavalry. Near La Maisontaal, the last Monks selling their life so dearly and inflict numerous damages on Skavens. Gnawdoom does not hesitate to use all his magic power in the battle, launching terrible magic fired missiles on the followers of Taal.
    Turn 4 Monk: The survivors of the village of Frugelhofen dash into a brave charge against the skeletons of the Necromancer. Riolta Snow provokes in duel the Undead, guided by the gods of the chaos The Lichemaster sends his powerful Champion Krell. The fleshless finger of the Necromancer clocks in the direction of the Elf but also of the Halfling. A Challenge of two against one. The incredible speed of the Elf was useless against the Chaos Champion's powerful armor, Krell responded with his huge double handed sword and left almost dead Riolta on the ground. Gim the Halfling seizes a sphere of power in its bag and tried to smash it on Krell, the Champion dodged and struck lethally Gim who fell on the ground. Around the challengers, Skeletons and villagers fight furiously. Bagrian comes to support the Human beings by wrapping them in a zone of Steadfast, supported by his apprentice who sprays with fireball the skeletons. In front of monastery the last defenders of this temple of Taal fall, the way is clear for Gnawdoom.

     Turn 5 , Undead: Mikeal Jacsen and his Zombies turn around to face the Plague Monks. In the South of the battlefield, the riders also turn around but to face the monastery. The Unded Chariot taken by the side will not hold for a long time against the power of Rat Ogres and of their Champion. In the North, Riolta succumbs to the terrible effects of the blade of Krell. The human beings in sub-number begin be overflowed. The ethereal get closer to fights, they inspire the fear and can fair to tip over the morale of weak ones. Banging’s of fleshless wings ring in the sky, the Carrion called by the Necromancer arrive finally to mow the souls of the alive which will put themselves on their passage.
    Turn 5, Skaven: The closeness of the Undead riders avoids Throt and his band to rally to the battle, flee seems to be its only one option. The Gutter Runners charge the catapult. In the center of the battlefield, the Plague Monks charge the Zombie. The Champions of these two units are of equivalent power, the duel which follows itself will not allow to decide between them. Gnawdoom and his warriors penetrate into the monastery, guided by the Seer Stone, they don’t delay discovering the powerful Black Arc hidden in the crypte.
     Turn 5, Monk: Both apprentices of Bagrian concentrate them shooting on the Revenants which get closer, the magic of them missiles is the only way of removing these Ethereal. In spite of the Spell of Bagrian, the survivors of Frugelhofen resist but not for a long time.
     Turn 6, Undead: Even the Flank charge of the horrible Vultures doesn’t make Panic in the Plague Monks rank. The burning crane of Mikeal Jacsen explodes under the flail of his opponent, numerous bodies of zombies are lying on the ground. The Human beings when they are submerged by skeletons, they make massacred until last same Bagrian do not resist the fury of the Skeleton! The Spectre charges and mows an apprentice magician, the view of this blood bath the last magician Human being flees. In East of the battlefield, the last servant of the catapult fall. The Chariot is pulverized under the powerful knocks of Rat Ogres.
     Turn 6, Skaven: Some rest of humanity make rout Zombies in front of heavy losses which they undergo, the Plague Monks are in bad situations the side is manhandled by the rising power of Vultures transcent by the beneficial effects of the instability. Gnawdoom and his Warriors  go out of the monastery, with its Warpstone key the Grey Seer opens the Black Arc and liberates from vile flashes of lightning of godless energy on the Undead riders. Without explanation, a flash of lightning changes trajectory and rushes into La Maisontaal. The Grey Seer doesn’t hesitate to shoot with fireballs the Undead cavalerycreating a maelstrom of magic in the center of the battlefield. In the face of it deluge multicolor of magic, Rat Ogres moves forward by trampling the rests of the Undead Chariot. The magic explosions convince Throt and his band to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.

     Turn 6, Monk: Woken by his torpor by the flash of lightning of the Black Arc, the strange Mechanical Man appears from the crypt to punish the murderers of his creator Bagrian. He  liberates  the power of his laser beam on Gnawdoom and his unit. The Grey Prophet is in bad situation, Throt and his Warriors are runaway, the Plague Monks are runaway and pursued by the last Carrion. Will the power of the Black Arc be sufficient to annihilate the last Undead?
    Turn 7: it’s time for the Lichemaster to put an end to this battle, the charge of the Undead riders and the numeric superiority of his skeleton are sufficient to annihilate Gnawdoom and the strange Mechanical Man. Rat Ogres intercept The last Carrion in his pursuit, whatever is the stemming from this fight, it’s too late … The battle is ended.
    Conclusion: Only one word seems summarize numerous events during this battle, Fear. This characteristic of Undead had a huge influence on the tests of rout and panic of the Skaven army. A victory of the Lichemaster, the numeric superiority of its troop in the last turn banned Gnawdoom from leaving the battlefield with the Black Arc.
    Another great aspect of the battle was the challenges between characters. They largely contributed to give an Homeric dimension to this game. I think especially of that between Krell, Riolta and Gim of Halfling. This improvisation of the MG (me), surprised the player Undead who did not expect this type of challenges, but he accepted it. His face changed after the reading of the effects of the Spheres of power carried by the tiny Halfling (automatic wound). But dice were on the side of the Undead and the poor Gim did not have time to use them.

    I hope this battle report tempted you to play this scenario and/or interested you to play the role of the Game Master. An advice to all the future GM, don’t hesitate to maintain secret events with the players during the briefing, it is very fun for them and especially for you!

    I take this opportunity to greet especially  all the buddies  who participated in these battles with me: Mathieu, Gwen, Quentin, Sebastien, Pierre, Jeff, Yann and finally a beautiful bunch of OldHammerers met in Lyon this year during the  Octogône convension, our first French Oldhammer where we played this scenario ( my third battle) and a beautiful skirmish game in the universe of Rogue Trader under the supervision of Asslessman the GM. From right to left : Charles, JB, Bruno, Benoit, Cedric et moi !

    Project closed !