European University Press

European Journal of Sinology (EJS)

European Journal of Sinology
EJSin 11 (2020)
EJSin 10 (2019)
EJSin 9 (2018)
EJSin 8 (2017)
– since 2010 –

edited by Martin Woesler, co-edited by Stefan Messmann, Luigi Moccia
European University Press / The University Press Bochum 2010-2014 / European University Press, Bochum since 2014
ISSN 2190-085X

Logo European Journal of Sinology


The European Journal of Sinology (EJSin) is published by the European Science & Scholarship Association, currently under the scholarly auspices of the German China Association.
The journal contains articles, occasional papers, review articles, book reviews, annotated translations, notes, and essays as well as abstracts of papers of other journals and monographs in German, English, French and Chinese dealing with the history, economy, culture and society of Greater China. Founded by Martin Woesler in 2010, it offers a forum especially for scholars from the EU and other European countries. We welcome contributions based on independent research by scholars (including PhD students) everywhere. Currently the journal is actively seeking to expand its contributor base (see instructions for contributors)!
This is a PEER REVIEWED publication.
It is INDEXED in the European Citation Index the Index of the European Science & Scholarship Association.
Papers accepted by this journal count for the EUROPEAN IMPACT FACTOR­.
It is ABSTRACTED in: Bulletin of the German China Association.
The Journal of Sinology is a REFEREED academic journal published once a year both in print and electronic form (

Editorial Office

Martin Woesler
Hunan Normal University Foreign Studies College, International Chinese Studies Centre Changsha, Hunan, China Witten/Herdecke University
Alfred-Herrhausen Straße 50
58448 Witten, Germany


《歐洲漢學》(EJSin, ISSN 2190-085X, E-ISSN 2510-2761)是古近代中国研究的国际领先学术期刊之一。该期刊每年出版一次,包含文章、不定期的论文、评论文章、书评、带注释的翻译、笔记和论文,以及其他涉及古近代史的德语、英语、法语和中文期刊和专著的论文摘要,经济、文化以及大中华地区的社会。它由吴漠汀(Martin Woesler)于2010年创立,专门为来自欧盟和其他欧洲国家的学者提供的学习交流平台。我们欢迎各地学者(包括博士生)基于独立研究的贡献,通过站点许可在欧洲和以色列的几所大学在线访问。目前,该出版物是在德中协会的学术赞助下出版的。这是一本双盲同行评审期刊,摘自《德中协会公报》。 它有印刷版和电子版(。主编:吳漠汀(Martin Woesler),副主编:斯蒂芬·梅斯曼(Stefan Messmann),路易吉·莫恰(Luigi Moccia)。编委会:乔尔•贝拉森 (Joel Bellassen),卢兹•比格 (Lutz Bieg),克劳迪娅•冯•科拉尼(Claudia von Collani),赫尔曼•哈尔贝森 (Hermann Halbeisen),哈拉德•霍尔茨 (Harald Holz),弗兰克•克劳斯哈尔 (Frank Kraushaar),彼得•库珀 (Peter Kupfer),沃尔夫冈•奥默伯恩 (Wolfgang Ommerborn),格雷戈尔•保罗 (Gregor Paul),卡尔•海因茨•波尔 (Karl-Heinz Pohl),吉多•拉珀 (Guido Rappe),毛里齐奥•斯卡帕里 (Maurizio Scarpari),海尔维希•施密特•格林泽尔 (Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer),哈罗•冯•森格 (Harro von Senger),赫尔莫特•维廷霍夫(Helmolt Vittinghoff)。它由欧洲的欧洲大学出版社和美国的美国学术出版社出版。

编辑处 吳漠汀

All inquiries, manuscripts, job applications and books for abstracting/review should be sent to:
Ruhr University Bochum, P. O. Box “European University Press, Bochum”, European Journal of Sinology, Editor, Universitaetsst. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany


Luigi Moccia, Rome
Stefan Messmann, Budapest

Editorial Board:

Joël Bellassen
Lutz Bieg
Claudia von Collani
Hermann Halbeisen
Harald Holz
Frank Kraushaar
Peter Kupfer
Wolfgang Ommerborn
Gregor Paul
Karl-Heinz Pohl
Guido Rappe
Andrea Riemenschnitter
Maurizio Scarpari
Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Harro von Senger
Helmolt Vittinghoff

Advisory Board:

positions open for applications

Regional Advisory Board:

Austria: Julia Ritirc
Baltic States: Frank Kraushaar
France: Joël Bellassen, Jiani Fan
Germany: Reuß-Markus Krauße, Hang Lin, Martin Woesler
Hungary: Stefan Messmann
Italy: Andrea Chiriu, Rosa Lombardi, Luigi Moccia
Montenegro: Mladen Grgić
Poland: Natalia Ożegalska-Łukasik
Spain: Pedro Luengo
Switzerland: Harro von Senger
Turkey: Sirma Altun
Ukraine: Yevheniia Hobova
United Kingdom/Great Britain: Qingxiu Bu, Thomas Quartermain, Keming Yang
Overseas Regions:
China: Austin Jun Luo, Shixue Jiang
Hong Kong: Zhuoyi Wen
USA: Xiaoqun Xu
All other countries: positions open for application

English Language Editor:

Licia D. Kim

Publishing House:

Academic University Press, USA
European University Press
2010-2014 in Association with The University Press Bochum
Since 2014 in Association with West German University Press, Bochum/Germany

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ISSN 2190-085X
The rate of the book series European Journal of Sinology. Special Issue, ISSN 2190-0868, is 49 € per volume.
© European University Press 2011

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European Journal of Sinology [English] ISSN 2190-085X, E-ISSN 2510-2761, since 2010

2020 pdf for download"
Editorial and Reports EJSin 11 (2020) 1-6;

Dong Haipeng, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences/China. " The Image Types and Artistic Features of the Chinese Zodiac in Tang Dynasty" EJSin 11 (2020) 7-19;
: The society of Tang Dynasty popularizes the faith in Chinese zodiac with much recorded literature as well as plenty of images about the Chinese zodiac in the relics of Tang Dynasty. Based on a large amount of data, the images of the Chinese zodiac in the Tang Dynasty include various types of pottery figures, murals, and artifacts of zodiac animals. And they have their artistic characteristics.
Key words: Tang Dynasty, Chinese zodiac images, artistic characteristics.
Pu Anguo 濮安國. Shengxiao wenyang 生肖紋樣. Beijing: Zhongguo qinggongye chubanshe, 2000.
Wang Jun 王俊. Zhongguo gudai shengxiao wenhua 中國古代生肖文化. Beijing: Zhongguo shangye chubanshe, 2017.
Wu Yucheng 吳裕成. Shier shengxiao 十二生肖. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui chubanshe, 2006.
Zheng Jun 鄭軍. Zhongguo shier shengxiao zhuangshi tudian 中國十二生肖裝飾圖典. Guangzhou: Lingnan meishu chubanshe, 1998.
Zheng Jun. Shier shengxiao zhuangshi sheji 十二生肖裝飾設計. Beijing: Renmin meishu chubanshe, 2011.
Zhao Botao 趙伯陶. Zhonghua minsu shier shengxiao 中華民俗十二生肖. Beijing: Qixiang chubanshe, 2013.

Ling Xiaoqiao, Arizona State University/USA. " A Turn to Debauchery in Reading The Western Wing " EJSin 11 (2020) 20-39;
: The anonymous Retrieved History of Hailing, printed between 1606 and 1627, is a Chinese vernacular novella on the despotic Jurchen ruler King Hailing (1122–1161). The story proper follows the Official History of the Jin Dynasty to lay out the framework of the narrative: Hailing and his consorts’ indulgence in licentious behaviors. Fleshing out the historical outline are anecdotes in vernacular storytelling interspersed with textual fragments drawn from all levels of textual traditions, from Classics to ballads and vulgar repartee. The construction of the foreign body of Hailing as that of ultimate otherness and debauchery compels precisely with the story’s staging of its own conceptualization as a mode of reading The Western Wing. At the top of the printed pages of Retrieved History of Hailing are eyebrow commentaries cited exclusively from the iconic romantic play The Western Wing, arguably the most popular reading matter in late imperial China with dozens of editions from the seventeenth century onward. Functioning very much as a mediating figure, the eyebrow commentary engages the novella in its discursive moments of reading the play, so much so that the hierarchy of the book page in its spatial layout may be fully reversed, as the text proper presents itself to be commentary on the play evoked by the commentary. The foreign body of debauchery therefore finds its most productive modalities in staging writing as a means of unearthing buried possibilities of reading, while contributing much to the reading tradition of The Western Wing.
Key words: Retrieved History of Hailing, The Western Wing, vernacular fiction, history of reading, fiction commentary.
Bourdieu, Pierre, Outline of a Theory of Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977)
Bourdieu, Pierre, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984)
Carlitz, Katherine, “Printing as Performance: Literati Playwright-publishers of the Late Ming,” in Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, edited by Cynthia Brokaw and Kai-wing Chow (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005), pp. 267–303.
Chan Hing-ho 陳慶浩 and Wang Chiu-Kui eds., The Retrieved History of Hailing with Illustrations and Commentary 出像批評海陵佚史, Collected Treasures of “In Thoughts, There is Nothing Deviant” 思無邪匯寶 series, (Taipei: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995). All the citations in this paper are from this modern typeset edition.
Chen Bangtai 陳邦泰, Jizhizhai 繼志齋 edition 1598
Chen Xuyao 陳旭耀, Xiancun Ming kan Xixiang ji zonglu 現存明刊《西廂記》綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007).
Feng Menglong, “King Hailing of Jin Dies from Indulgence in Lust” “Jin Hailing zongyu wangshen” 金海陵縱慾亡身, Stories to Awaken the World 醒世恆言1627
Guben xiqu congkan chuji 古本戲曲叢刊初集 (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1954)
Guo Yingde 郭英德, Ming Qing chuanqi zonglu 明清傳奇綜錄 (Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 1997)
He, Yuming “Introduction,” in idem., Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013), pp. 1–16
He, Yuming, Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013)
Hegel, Robert E. , “Niche Marketing for Late Imperial Fiction,” in Brokaw and Chow, eds, Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, pp. 235–66.
Idema, Wilt. “ ‘Blasé Literati:’ Lü T’ien-ch’eng and the Lifestyle of the Chiang-nan Elite in the Final Decades of the Wan-li Period,” in Robert van Gulik, Erotic
Colour Prints of the Ming Period With an Essay on Chinese Sex Life From the Han to the Chʼing Dynasty, B.C. 206-A.D. 1644 [Leiden: Brill, 2004]
Jiang Xingyu 蔣星煜, Ming kanben Xixiang ji yanjiu 明刊本《西廂記》研究 (Beijing: Zhongguo xiju chubanshe, 1982)
Jiang Xingyu 蔣星煜, Xixiang ji de wenxian xue yanjiu 《西廂記》的文獻學研究 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1997)
Jin Shengtan’s Sixth Genius Book is the quintessential example of a literary critic’s dissection of the play as an aesthetic artifact.
Ling Hon Lam, “The Matriarch’s Private Ear: Performance, Reading, Censorship, and the Fabrication of Interiority in ‘the Story of the Stone,’” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 65.2 (2005)
Lynn, Richard, trans., The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted By Wang Bi (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994)
Mao Jin 毛晉 (1599–1659), Liushi zhong qu 六十種曲 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1958), vol. 3
Rolston, David, Traditional Chinese Fiction and Fiction Commentary: Reading and Writing Between the Lines (Stanford Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1997)
Sieber, Patricia, Theaters of Desire: Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-drama, 1300-2000 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)
Sun Chongtao and Huang Shizhong 黃仕忠, annotated and collated, Fengyue jinnang jianjiao 風月錦囊箋校 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000), juan 1
Sun Chongtao 孫崇涛, Fengyue jinnang kaoshi 風月錦囊考釋 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000)
Wakeman, Frederic, The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth-century China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985)
Wang Chiu-Kui 王秋桂, Shanben xiqu congkan 善本戲曲叢刊, ser. 4 (Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 1987)
Wang, Richard, Ming Erotic Novellas: Genre, Consumption and Religiosity in Cultural Practice (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2011)
West, Stephen H. and Wilt L. Idema, eds. and trans., The Story of the Western Wing (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995)
Yang Chaoying 楊朝英, New Sounds at the Court and Beyond and Poetry Set to Music in the Peaceful and Prosperous Time 朝野新聲太平樂府, Sibu congkan edition, 7.8a
Zhou Xishan 周錫山, comp., Xixiang ji zhushi huiping 《西廂記》註釋彙評 (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2013), vol. 1
Zhou Xishan 周錫山, “Dianjiao fanli he shuoming,” in Xixiang ji zhushi huiping 《西廂記》註釋彙評 (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2013), vol. 1., pp. 247–57.

Stefan Messmann, Central European University/Hungary. " Kehila in Kaifeng" EJSin 11 (2020) 40-64;
: There is no exact record of where the Jews came from and how many of them settled in Kaifeng. According to the Babylonian Talmud, the Jews settled along the Silk Road as early as the 4th century. According to the Jesuit missionary, Gozani, their number in Kaifeng the 18th century was two to three thousand. The Chinese emperor greeted the Jews enthusiastically. The period of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was the Golden Age of the Kaifeng Jews. They began to adopt Chinese names and more and more of them passed the imperial examination, in addition, they adopted some elements of Confucianism without completely subordinating themselves to Confucianism. The relationship between the Chinese and the Jews, especially Jews and the Chinese authorities, was good and the Jews were treated with tolerance. However, the relationship between the Jews and Muslims was not always smooth. The decline of Kaifeng Jews coincides with the decline of Kaifeng and the Ming dynasty. It happened not only for political and military reasons, but for economic reasons as well. Between 1840 and 1850, the Kaifeng synagogue fell to ruins, as a result of the Taiping Rebellion, the Boxer Uprising, and the subsequent wars and civil wars, Kaifeng Jewry virtually disappeared.
Key words: Kaifeng, foot binding, Sasson, Silk Road, synagogue, Kehila, Golden Age of the Kaifeng Jews, Hebrew-Persian language, beth din, Yeshiva, Kashrut, Ming dynasty, Taiping and Boxer rebellions.
Baker, Hugh D. R. (1979). Chinese Family and Kinship, Columbia University Press
Chen Yuan. (1980). A Study of the Israelite Religion in Kaifeng, in: The Academic Theses of Chen Yuan. Vol. I. Beijing
Dehergne, Joseph. (1980). – Donald D. Leslie : Juifs de Chine. Rome
Ebry, Patricia Buckley. (1996). China. Frankfurt/Main
Fan Hong. (1997). Footbinding, Feminism, and Freedom. The Liberation of Women’s Body in Modern China. London
Gallagher, Louis J. (1953). China in the Sixteenth Century. Journal of Matteo Ricci, NY
Arbel, Rachel. "The Chinese Saga of a Viennese Doctor: The Story of Jakob Rosenfeld". Museum of the Jewish People.
Malek, Roman. (2000). From Kaifeng to Shanghai: Jews in China (in German). Routledge
Messmer, Matthias. (2011). Jewish Wayfarers in Modern China: Tragedy and Splendor. Lexington Books
N.N. (2015). "Austrian Jewish doctor Jakob Rosenfeld". China Internet Information Center
N.N. (2006). "Jewish doctor turned 'Buddha savior' under Mao". Ynet. Agence France-Presse
Kristeva, Julia. (1974). Die Chinesinnen. Die Rolle der Frau in China. München
Leslie, Donald D. (1971). Kaifeng Jews Community, in: Kublin, Hyman: Jews in Old China. NY
Leslie, Donald. (1975). The Survival of the Chinese Jews. Leiden
Mendelsohn, Sidney. (1920). The Jews in Asia. London
Meskill, John (ed.). (1973). An Introduction to Chinese Civilisation. NY
Messmann, Stefan. (2005). Krüppelfüßchen der Chinesinnen – Sinnlichkeit oder männliche Dominanz? Bochum
Ocko, Jonathan K. (1991). Women, Property, and Law, in: Watson, Rubie S. and Ebry, Patricia Buckley (eds.), Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Berkeley
Plant, Steven. (2012). Amazing Saga of Two-Gun Cohen, in: Jewish, 30 August 2012 [reg. Cohen]
Pollack, Michael. (1980). Mandarins, Jews, and Missionaries. Philadelphia
Rabinowitz, L. (1948). Jewish Merchant Adventure: A Study oft the Radanits. London
Shnidman, Ronen. (2019-08-12). "How a Jewish doctor helped form backbone of revolutionary China's medical system". The Times of Israel.
Wang Yisha. (1984). Spring and Autumn of the Chinese Jews, Ocean Press
White, Williams D. (1942). Chinese Jews. Toronto
Xu Xin. (1985). Beverly Friend: Legends of the Chinese Jews. NJ
Xu Xin. (2003). The Jews of Kaifeng. China. History, Culture, and Religion, NJ
Zhou, Qinyang. (2018). Interaction Between the Chinese and the Jewish Refugies During World War II, in: Penn History Review, Vol. 25, Issue 2, p. 50-81 [reg. Rosenfeld].

Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China. " Passion in the Red Chamber Dreams: Connecting readers across boundaries of time and culture through human emotions " EJSin 11 (2020) 65-94;
: In this paper, proofs are collected for the hypothesis, that the international success of the Red Chamber Dreams comes from the culturally-independent human feeling of “passion”, which is shared by readers across time and space. Passion is what has made the novel Red Chamber Dreams so successful and what still makes it so attractive: the passion of the first love between hero and heroine, who grow up in the favor of the Emperor in a paradise-like garden. The novel fascinates by describing the nuances between physical and platonic love, breaking the taboos of homosexuality and sexual fantasies. The author himself was driven by passion: he felt personal responsibility that the paradise-like garden was lost, and felt a necessity to document and eternalize his own love and life in many facets. Only the novel allowed him to represent the China of that time, with its manners and customs, clothing and kitchen, mentality and belief, but also corruption and degeneration in many aspects and in many walks of life - from the luxurious imperial court to the sometimes precarious situation of slaves and beggars. Passionately, the first readers discussed the manuscripts with the author. The passion of its readers made the novel the symbol of Chinese culture, a cult, the most widely read novel of all time in China and the fourth most read novel in the world. With passion, early translators and reviewers as well as generations of scholars of letters have digged deep into the novel. No other work of literature has been studied at so many universities. This paper explores the question of what triggers this passion about and within this novel.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, passion, sexuality, desire, love.
Cahill, James. Chinese Erotic Painting (2012). Digital publication. Web: http://jamescahill. info/illustrated-writings/chinese-erotic-painting. Last access: 12/1/2019.
Huang, Martin W. Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2001:176-205.
McMahon, Keith. Polygamy and Sublime Passion: Sexuality in China on the Verge of Modernity. University of Hawaii Press, 2010.
Wang, Hansi Lo. “In ‘Red Chamber,’ A Love Triangle For The Ages.” NPR. 2012.
Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler; Chinese-German bilingual edition
Woesler, Martin. “Being Explicit About the Implicit – John Minford’s Translation of the last Forty Chapters of The Story of the Stone with a Field Study on two Sexually Arousing Scenes”. Hong lou meng xue kan 6 (2011): 274-289
Woesler, Martin. “The Impact of Cao Xueqin and the Red Chamber Dreams in Europe”. Hong lou meng xue kan 5 (2015): 229–246
Woesler, Martin. “The Waves of the ‘Stone’ – Early Reception of Chinese Literature in the West with the core of Instrumentalization and Exotization of the disseminated Red Chamber Dreams”. Studies of Caoxueqin 1 (2016): 118–127
Woesler, Martin. (2010a). “History of the Translations of the title Red Chamber Dreams and a new Finding”. Monograph for the Studies of Hongloumeng Translation & Communication Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia 3 (2010): 66-88 (Chinese)
Woesler, Martin. (2019). “Things Unspoken in the Red Chamber Dreams” European Journal of Sinology 11:#
Woesler, Martin. (2010b). “ ‘To Amuse the Beaux and Belles’ The Early Western Reception of the Hongloumeng”. Journal of Sino-Western Communications 2 (2010.12) 2:81-107
Yu, Anthony, C. Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton University Press, 2001.

Ole Döring, Hunan Normal University/China. " Cultural Reading of Bioethics in China – From Comparative Studies Towards a Cultivated Bioethics " EJSin 11 (2020) 95-124;
: This article explores the problematic usage of comparative methods in the context of cross-cultural bioethics. Cultures are understood as contingent and collective clusters, symbols of meaning stabilized over time that are presented through descriptive expressions. Thus they cannot serve as sources of normative validity, without committing the Natural Fallacy. However, comparative methodology can be valid and instructive, when it employs comparison, together with other methods, in a sophisticated manner, to learn about options to advance practice and theory, and an improved basis of ethical understanding. The proper way to manage this work is identified as cooperation across relevant disciplinary and methodological perspectives, as an open but structured process. Some pilot studies are referred to as illustration.
Key words: Bioethics, comparative studies, cultivated bioethics, Kant, Spengler
References: Döring, Ole. 2003. “China’s struggle for practical regulations in medical ethics”. In Nature Reviews Genetics 4: 233 -239.
Döring, Ole. 2004a: „Was bedeutet ‚ethische Verständigung zwischen Kulturen‘? Ein philosophischer Problemzugang am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung mit der Forschung an menschlichen Embryonen in China”.In: Weltanschauliche Offenheit in der Bioethik. Edited by E. Baumann, A. Brink, A. May, P. Schröder, und C. Schutzeichel. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot. 179-212.
Döring, Ole. 2004b: Chinas Bioethik verstehen. Ergebnisse, Analysen und Überlegungen aus einem Forschungsprojekt zur kulturell aufgeklärten Bioethik. Hamburg: Abera.
Döring, Ole. 2006b. “Was kann eine kulturell aufgeklärte Bioethik leisten? Ein Blick auf die Deutung des Lebensanfangs und traditionelle Werte im modernen China”. In Biomedizin im Kontext. Beiträge aus dem Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft. Edited by Sigrid Graumann, and Katrin Grüber. 33-50. Berlin: LIT.
Döring, Ole. 2006c. “Der Umgang mit Kultur in der Bioethik in China: Traditionsbewußtsein zwischen Mythos und Pragmatismus”. In: Kulturübergreifende Bioethik. Zwischen globaler Herausforderung und regionaler Perspektive. Edited by Thomas Eich & Thomas Sören Hoffmann. 57-82 Freiburg/München: Karl Alber.
Döring, Ole. 2006a: “Culture and Bioethics in the Debate on the Ethics of Human Cloning in China”. In Cross-Cultural Issues in Bioethics. The Example of Human Cloning. Edited by Heiner Roetz. 77-105. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.
Döring, Ole. 2008a. “Kulturübergreifende Bioethik und Good Governance”. In Gibt es eine universale Bioethik? Edited by Nikola Biller-Andorno, Annette Schulz-Baldes, and Peter Schaber. . 73-80. Paderborn: Mentis.
Döring, Ole. 2008b. “Social Darwinism, Liberal Eugenics, and the Example of Bioethics in China”. In Re-ethnicizing the Minds? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought. Edited by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, and Jürgen Hengelbrock.137-148. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi.
Döring, Ole. 2014. „Assessing Ethics in an Emerging Bio-Technology Field. The Cases of Medical Stem-Cell Research and Genetic Screening in China”; In: Hebakova, L.; Hennen, L.; Michalek, T.; Nierling, L.; Scherz, C. (ed.), Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions; Prague 2014: 329-336
Döring, Ole. 2015. „Cheng als das stimmige Ganze der Integrität. Ein Interpretationsvorschlag zur Ethik“. In Auf Augenhöhe. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Heiner Roetz. Edited by Wolfgang Behr, Licia Di Giacinto, Ole Döring, Christine Moll-Murata. 39-62 München: Iudicium.
Eich, Thomas. 2005. Islam und Bioethik. Eine kritische Analyse der modernen Diskussion im islamischen Recht. Heidelberg: Reichert Verlag.
Eich, Thomas, and Hoffmann, Thomas S. (eds.) 2006. Kulturübergreifende Bioethik. Zwischen globaler Herausforderung und regionaler Perspektive. 57-82. Freiburg/München: Karl Alber.
Faden, Ruth R. and Beauchamp, Tom L. 1986. A History and Theory of Informed Consent. New York: Oxford University Press.
Graumann, Sigrid, and Lindemann, Gesa. 2009. „Medizin als gesellschaftliche Praxis, sozialwissenschaftliche Empirie und ethische Reflektion: ein Vorschlag für eine soziologisch aufgeklärte Medizinethik“. In: Ethik in der Medizin 21 (3): 235–246.
Grunwald, Armin. 2000. Handeln und Planen. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Grunwald, Armin. 2012. Technikzukünfte als Medium von Zukunftsdebatten und Technikgestaltung. Karlsruhe: KIT.
Ilkilic, Ilhan. 2009. “Coming to Grips with Genetic Exceptionalism: Roots and Reach of an Explanatory Model”. in: Medicine Studies, an International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences 2009 (2): 131-142.
Kant, Immanuel. 1781. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Berlin: Königlich Preussische Akademie.
Kroeber, Alfred Luis & Kluckhohn, Clyde. 1967: Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. New York: Vintage Books.
Koch, Tom. 2012. Thieves of Virtue When Bioethics Stole Medicine, Cambridge: MIT Press
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2019 pdf for download"
Editorial and Reports EJSin 10 (2019) 1-6;

Hans Lenk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany. " Ancient and Modern Practical Ethics of Humanity: Concrete Humanity from Mencius to Schweitzer" EJSin 10 (2019) 7-27;
: The general idea of being humane towards other humans, the ideal of an all-encompassing humanity was developed much earlier in ancient Chinese philosophy than in the middle stoic tradition (Panaitios) in the West.
Key words: Humanity, Chinese Philosophy, Middle Stoic Philosophy.
Bauer, J. R. – Bell, D. A.: (Eds.): The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights. Cambridge/UK: UP 1999.
Bernasconi, R.: Cosmopolitanism, Globalisation, and Ethical Responsibility.. In: Rev. Internat. de Philos. Moderne 20 (Tokyo 2002), 67-80.
Brieskorn, N.: Menschenrechte. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1997.
De Bary, W. Th. – Tu Wei-ming (Eds.): Confucianism and Human Rights. New York: Columbia UP 1998.
Fletcher, J.: Situation Ethics. Philadelphia: Westminster (1966).
Hall, D.L. – Ames, R.T.: Thinking through Confucius. Albany. State University of New York Press 1987.
Herder, J.G.: Briefe zur Beförderung der Humanität. (Selection) In: Herder, J.G.: Werke in zwei Bänden. Vol. II. Munich: Hanser 1953, 458ff.
Leffingwell, A.: An Ethical Basis of Humanity to Animals. In: Arena 10 (1894), 474-482.
Lenk, H.: (The Situation of) Youth, Creativity, and Achievement Orientation. Plenary address at the 23rd Session of the UNESCO General Conference, Sofia, in the 26th
Plenary Meeting, Oct. 23, 1985, see 23 C/vr/ 26, p. 46-48.).The long version was published in International Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (1986), no.2, 69-78.
Lenk, H.: Eigenleistung. Osnabrück – Zürich: Interfrom 1983.
Lenk, H.: Value Changes and the Achieving Society. In: OECD (Ed.): OECD Societies in Transition. The Future of Work and Leisure. Paris: OECD 1994, 81-94.
Lenk, H.: Menschenrechte oder Menschlichkeitsanrechte? In: Paul, G., Robertson-Wensauer, C. (Eds.): Traditionelle chinesische Kultur und Menschenrechtsfrage. Baden-Baden: Nomos 1997 (19992); 25-36.
Lenk, H.: Konkrete Humanität. Frankfurt /M.: Suhrkamp 1998.
Lenk, H.: Albert Schweitzer – Ethik als konkrete Humanität. Münster: LIT 2000.
Lenk, H.: Some Remarks Concerning Practical Humanity and the Concept of Tolerance. In: Philosophica 66 (2000) No. 2, 33-40.
Lenk, H.: Values as Standardized Interpretative Constructs. In: McBride, W.L.: (Ed.): The Idea of Values. Charlottesville, VI: Philosophical Documentation Center 2003, 85-125.
Lenk, H.: Tagebuch einer Rückreise (Lambarene) (including articles about Schweitzer’s unpublished ethical works about the ethics of reverence for life: between rationalism and personal experience). Stuttgart: Radius 1990.
Lenk, H.: Albert Schweitzer – Ethik als konkrete Humanität (Ethics as Concrete Humanity). Münster: LIT 2000.
Lenk, H.: Ein Menschenwürdeanrecht auf sinnvolle Eigentätigkeit. In: Paul – Göller – Lenk – Rappe (Eds.) 2001, 394-415.
Lenk, H. – Maring, M.: Responsibility and Globalization. In: Sandhan (Journal of the Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi) 1, no. 2, 2001, 113-150.
Lenk, H. – Paul, G. (Eds.): Epistemological issues in classical Chinese philosophy. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press 1993.
Locke, J.: Letter Concerning Toleration, 1689.
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Mencius (translated with an introduction by D.C. Lau): London: Penguin 1970.
Moritz, R.: Die Philosophie im alten China. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften 1990.
Konfuzius (Kongzi): Lun Yu (quoted from the German edition, transl. Moritz. Stuttgart: Reclam 1982).
Paul, G.: Die Aktualität der klassischen chinesischen Philosophie. Munich: Iusticium 1987.
Paul, G.: Aspects of Confucianism. Frankfurt/M: Lang 1990.
Paul, G.: Konfuzius. Freiburg i. Br. 2001.
Paul, G. – Göller, Th. – Lenk, H. Rappe; G. (Eds.): Humanität, Interkulturalität und Menschenrecht. Frankfurt/M: Lang 2001.
Roetz, H.: Albert Schweitzer and Chinese Thought in Confucian Ethics. In Journal of Ecumenical Studies 15 (2003): 1-2, (Philadelphia: Temple), 111-119.
Roetz, H.: Confucian Ethics of the Axial Age. Albany, NY: SUNY 1993.
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Schweitzer, A.:. Straßburger Vorlesungen. (Ed. Zürcher, J.). Munich: Beck 1989.
Schweitzer, A.: Über Humanität. In: Schweitzer, A.: Wie wir überleben.(Ed. Schützeichel): Herder 1994.
Schweitzer, A.: Die Weltanschauung der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben: Kulturphilosophie III. Part I & II 1999, Part III & IV 2000 (Eds. Günzler, C. – Zürcher, J.).
Schweitzer, A.: Vorträge – Vorlesungen – Aufsätze (Werke aus dem Nachlass). München: Beck 2003.
Swidler, L.: For All Life. Toward a Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic as Interreligious Dialogue. Ashland, OR: White Cloud 1999.
Swidler, L.: Confucianism for Modern Persons in Dialogue with Christianity and Modernity. In: Journal of Ecumenical Studies 15 (2003): 1-2, (Philadelphia: Temple), 12-25.
Tomuschat, C. (Ed.): Menschenrechte. Bonn (UNO) 1992.
Tu, Weiming: The Significance of Concrete Humanity. New Delhi Center for Studies in Civilizations and Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
UNESCO Commission/Germany (Ed.): Menschenrechte. Internationale Dokumente. Bonn-Paris: UNESCO 1981.
Unesco (Ed.): Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. Paris: UNESCO 1995.
Unger, U.: Goldene Regel und Konfuzianismus. In: Sinologische Rundbriefe Nr. 55. Münster, 20.12.1995.
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Van Norden, B.W.: Mengzi and Virtue Ethics. In: Journal of Ecumenical Studies 15 (2003): 1-2, (Philadelphia: Temple), 120-136.

Harald Holz, Ruhr University Bochum/Wilhelms University Münster (retired)/Germany. " Figurism and Ideological Colonialism" EJSin 10 (2019) 28-32;
: By the way of a reverse commentary one could, of course, from the critical level of the biblical science of the century only the whole undertake of these Jesuits denominate a hazardous venture. This group of mainly French missionaries on presupposed on the one hand on the other a very elaborate speculative theory of one of the most difficult topics of the Christian belief as the tertium comparationis with some common pieces of common wisdom on the other as it is handed down to the posterity by ’normal’ people.- Of cours,e it would not be fair if one would hint at the immense intellectual work having been done during the last two centuries on the battlefields of the Old and New Testament. The history of the origins of the central and fundamental Christian Dogmas, so e. g. of the divinity of Christ, in particular, then with respect at our special theme, of the trinity – and the influence of neoplatonic thought at the same time i. e. of between the end of the first and the fourth century. Or also of the divinity of the church itself in its essence which is, again, impossible to handle rationally without having discussions on the ‘HolySpirit’.- So there would have been a lot of hidden mantraps in the future.- It may have been a lucky chance that this undertaking was not successful at the end.
Key words: History of the early New Testament, Divinity of Christ, History of the Trinitarian dogma.
Baumgartner, Konrad (ed.). (2009). Trinität. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 10:239-262
Holz, Harald. (2018). Werkausgabe 16:458 - 579 (Collect. Papers, vol. 16., Translation Latin – German).
Schwöbel, Christoph. (1998). Trinität als Rahmentheorie, in: Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie 14:131-152.
Senger, Harro von. (1996). Lebens- und Überlebenslisten aus drei Jahrtausenden: Strategeme, Bern et al. 1996 ( edition)
United Church of God. (2011). The surprising origins of the Trinity doctrine. 22. July 2011, accessed Feb 15, 2021.

Wulf-Uwe an der Heiden, University of Witten/Herdecke/Germany. " The Silk Road: Connections and Interactions between Chinese and European Philosophy" EJSin 10 (2019) 33-50;
: Across several thousand years there have been strong and inseparable cultural connections between Asia and Europe. The article gives a brief description of coincidences, differences and exchanges with emphasis on philosophy. The influence of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism onto the Western World and, in the opposite direction, the influence of classical philosophical positions in Europe like Rationalism, Empiricism and Idealism onto the Eastern World is discussed.
Key words: Buddhism, Chinese gardens, Confucianism, Daoism, Empiricism, Goethe, Heidegger Heraklitus, Hesse, Humboldt, Idealism, Jesuits, Laozi, Leibniz, Malebranche, Nietzsche, Pythagoras, Rationalism, Richthofen, Schliemann, Schopenhauer, Silk Road, Wagner, Whitehead, Wolff, Yi Jing, Zen.
Aschenbrücker, Karin, Hansjörg Bisle-Müller: China: Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im Umbruch - Erfahrungen und Reflexionen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Recht und Religion. Wißner, Augsburg 2009
Brück, Michael von: Zen. Geschichte und Praxis. C. H. Beck, München 2007
Caspelherr, Arno, Stephanie Moser: Der chinesische Garten Qianyuan im Botanischen Garten der Ruhr-Universität Bochum − The Chinese Garden Qianyuan at Ruhr-University Bochum, Preface: Martin Wösler. Europäischer Universitätsverlag, Bochum 2004
Ching, Julia: Discourses on China by German. Taipei, Lianjing 1999
Clarke, John James: The Tao of the West: Western Transformations of Taoist Thought. Routledge, London, New York 2000
Cloy, Karen: Kulturüberschreitende Philosophie. Das Verständnis unterschiedlicher Denk- und Handlungsweisen. Wilhelm Fink, München 2012
Defoort, Carine: Is There Such a Thing as Chinese Philosophy? Arguments of an Implicit Debate. Philosophy East and West 51, 393–413 (2001)
Elberfeld, Rolf: Laozi - Rezeption in der deutschen Philosophie: Von der Kenntnisnahme zur ‘Wiederholung’. In: Helmut Schneider ed.: Philosophieren im Dialog mit China, 141-165. Edition Chora, Köln 2000
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Margaret Chu, Royal Commonwealth Society in Hong Kong/China. " Past, Present & Future: Storytelling, Recitation and Repetition in Popular Education in the Yang Zheng Lei Bian" EJSin 10 (2019) 51-94;
: The Confucian pedagogical approach had always focused on practice. No less was its ethics and philosophical enquiry in general. At the WACS Conference in August 2017, a conceptual discussion on the work as a hybrid text for the education of the ordinary folk was delivered. This paper endeavours to illustrate how historical figures were employed to guide, motivate and inspire simple folks. The strategy of mixing literary genres in the entries matches the variegated accounts selected from the ancient sages of Yu and King Wen of Zhou through the Song dynasty. They make for an interesting read echoing mainstream Confucian values, some culturally and temporally bound, a few even relevant to our cyber age. In the Yang Zheng Lei Bian, the five chapters, chapters eight to twelve, classified under the titles “Filiality,” “Brotherliness,” “Clan Harmony,” “Good Deeds” and “Diligence” are the focal point of our discussion of Zhang Bo-xing’s pedagogical approach in utilizing biographical anecdotes of historical figures in the nurturing of country folks in Confucian values. It underpins his conviction to integrate all and sundry into the larger family of guo (country) by showing them how it was possible to do so since it has been done so throughout the ages.
Key words: early Qing, Zhang Boxing, Yang Zheng Lei Bian, Neo-Confucianism, popular education, self-education primer, pedagogy, history and memory, recitation and imagination, repetition and vicarious experience, story-telling and national identity, progess.
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Zhong Guo Gu Dai Meng Shu Jing Cui, Shanghai Gu Ji Chu Ban She, 1996.
(Qing) Zhu Bai-lu, Zhi Jia Ge Yan, in ibid, pp.1-18 (page numbering confusing).

Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China. " Things Unspoken in the Red Chamber Dreams " EJSin 10 (2019) 95-111;
: Chinese literary works are often influenced by censorship, be it by others or by the author himself. In China and the West there are different traditions of decency. With the Red Chamber Dreams, we have a novel of rich subtlety, but luckily we also have a novel at hand that comes with a hemerneutical tradition only comparable to the bible. So we have more products of scholarly discourse about the question, what this novel expresses directly and what it tries to keep secret. There are various manuscript versions, handwritten advices of relatives / confidants before publication, an army of scholars who try to interpret every aspect of the novel, some trying to situate it in real life etc. Here we are interested in the question, according to the manuscript comments in the novel, which biographical facts may be revealed in the novel, which must remain unspoken and why. Reasons are sought in taboos (like suicide), in the protection of real persons, in the avoidance of lese majeste etc. The author seems to be aware of the concealment and seems to play with it, if he chooses the protagonist name Zhen Shiyin 甄 士隱, homophonous with 真 事 隐 "The true facts are hidden". All these precautions (perhaps narrative strategies) could not prevent the temporary ban on the novel. One of the main interpretation schools of the Dream is the Decryption School (索隐派, literally: School of the Search for the Hidden), whose assignment of novel elements to contemporary reality is more rewarding to us than its conspiracy and puzzles theories. Special attention should also be given to morally ethical reasons to keep silent: While the novel explains why it is not a romance novel (usually with some pornographic descriptions), John Minford translates two sexually charged scenes that remain unspoken in the Chinese original, for the Western Readers almost extravagantly vivid.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, tradition of decency, deciphering school, indirectness.
Craig, F. I. S. K. "The Alterity of Chinese Literature in its Critical Contexts." Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.1 (1980): 87.
Eifring, Halvor, ed. Love and emotions in traditional Chinese literature. Vol. 63. Brill, 2004.
Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler; Chinese-German bilingual edition
Woesler, Martin. “Being Explicit About the Implicit – John Minford’s Translation of the last Forty Chapters of The Story of the Stone with a Field Study on two Sexually Arousing Scenes”. Hong lou meng xue kan 6 (2011): 274-289
Woesler, Martin. “The Impact of Cao Xueqin and the Red Chamber Dreams in Europe”. Hong lou meng xue kan 5 (2015): 229–246
Woesler, Martin. “The Waves of the ‚Stone’ – Early Reception of Chinese Literature in the West with the core of Instrumentalization and Exotization of the disseminated Red Chamber Dreams”. Studies of Caoxueqin 1 (2016): 118–127
Woesler, Martin. (2010a). “History of the Translations of the title Red Chamber Dreams and a new Finding”. Monograph for the Studies of Hongloumeng Translation & Communication Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia 3 (2010): 66-88 (Chinese)
Woesler, Martin. (2010b). “ ’To Amuse the Beaux and Belles’ The Early Western Reception of the Hongloumeng”. Journal of Sino-Western Communications 2 (2010.12) 2:81-107
Xi, Fei, and Han Guang. "Cultural Impacts on Indirectness in English Writings of Chinese ESL/EFL Learners." Intercultural Communication Studies 16.1 (2007): 176.
Yan, G. O. N. G. "An Aesthetic Probe into the Characteristics of Literary Language." Legend Biography Literary Journal Selection 4 (2011): 8.

Reviews, Events and Index EJSin 10 (2019) 99-100

2018 (Abstracts) Editoral and Reports, 1-7; Martin Woesler. "From Ethnocentrism and Exoticism to Universalism and Dialogue: the General Trend of Chinese Studies in the West", 9-21; Thomas Weyrauch. "Taiwanese Parties and the Cross-Strait Relations", 23-27; Erkki Viitasaari. "Standing their Grounds among Giants – National Identity in National or Equivalent Museums in Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore", 29-58; Sara Landa. "Poetry, Politics and Revolutions: German Transformations of Mao Zedong’s Poetry (1950s–1970s)", 59-86; Poon Ming Kay. "New Findings in the Relationship between Shiji and Hanshu", 87-102; Conference Report, 103-104; Index, 105-106
2017 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports. "Quo vadis, Sinology?", 1-36; Pavlova Alena Dmitrievna. "Sentence-final particles as a universal linguistic category: particles in Slavic and Chinese languages", 37-47; Eva Shan Chou. "Adaptations of Lu Xun’s 傷逝 ‘Regret for the Past’ for Film and Stage", 49-64; Martin Woesler 吳漠汀. "World Citizen Lu Xun: Critical Reception of European Culture by Lu Xun with the Examples of Nazi Cultural Politics and of the Nobel Prize", 65-90; Kevin Carrico. "Power in Consumption: Narcissism, Aristocratic Cannibalism, and the Cycle of Modern Chinese History", 91-112; Index, 113 – 114
2016 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-9; Tanweer Muhammed. "On the Relations between China and Bangladesh in the Turko-Afghan Period (1203-1538)", 11-38; John H. Feng. "Other than the Political and the Institutional: The Lu Zhengxiang Collection at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Bruges, Belgium and Its Historical ignificance and Value", 39-66; Hans Ruin. "Rituals of death, ancestrality, and the formation of historical consciousness – comparative philosophical reflections on the Analects of Confucius", 67-81; Wang Gui. "Word Building and Formation of Chinese Neologisms 汉语新词的构建与生成", 83-97; Index, 99-101

European Journal of Chinese Studies [English] ISSN 2626-9694, E-ISSN 2626-9708, since 2018
2018 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-5; Eva Shan Chou 周衫. "Cao Yu’s Play Thunderstorm Becomes a Ballet 曹禺的《雷雨》成为芭蕾舞剧", 5-16; Markus Siedenberg 山马克. "A Comparison of the Essence of the Evil in The Water Margin and Goethe's Faust (Part I and II) 《水浒传》和歌德的《浮士德》比较", 17-24; Li Li 李力. "Tales of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in English-speaking Countries 英语国家關於中国文化大革命的故事", 25-32; Vladislav Kruglov / Владислав Круглов 弗拉迪斯拉夫•克鲁格洛夫. "The All-Russian Chinese Language Olympiad and The Unified State Exam in the Chinese Language as new forms of examination in Russia 全俄汉语奥林匹克与汉语统一国家考试作为俄罗斯新的考试形式", 33-39; Ahmed Hussein. "China's Social Re-sponsibilities and Gifts to Africa 1960 to 2017", 41-71; He Lifang 何丽芳. "Chinese Interlanguage Speech and Intelligibility: A Study of Canadian University Students’ Chinese Phonetic Acquisition", 73-89; Shen Binbin 沈彬彬. "A Blessing in Disguise - Interview with Professor Yang Wuneng 杨武能", 91-108; Index, 109-110

Floristische Rundbriefe (Floristic Letters) [German] since 1966
2018 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-3; Paul Lamkowski. "Bemerkenswerte Funde des Flutenden Wasserfenchels (Oenanthe fluviatilis) im Landkreis Uelzen (Niedersachsen)", 4-13; Rüdiger Wittig, Beate Alberternst & Karl Peter Buttler†. "Die Schöne Herzblume (Di-centra formosa): Bestimmungsprobleme, Vorkommen in Deutschland, Ausbreitung und Vergesellschaftung im Taunus (Hessen)", 14-30; Thomas Junghans. "Einige Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen zur innerstädtischen Flora von London, Paris, Brüssel, Amsterdam und Hamburg", 31-44; Dietmar Brandes. "Die Gattung Parietaria L. in Deutschland", 45-68; Ursula Brockmann-Schwerwaß & Rüdiger Schwerwaß. "Nachweis des Ysopblättrigen Weiderich (Lythrum hyssopifolia L.) in der Berkelaue bei Vreden, Kreis Borken (Nordrhein-Westfalen)", 69-76; Carmen Lex, Claudia Kühne & Wolfgang Schumacher. "Zur Populationsgröße der Echten Schlüsselblume (Primula veris) im NSG Seidenbachtal bei Blankenheim / Eifel", 77-88; André-Alexander Weller. "Bemerkenswerte Gefäßpflanzenfunde im Bonner Raum und Umgebung (4)", 89-104; Klaus Adolphi, Henning Haeupler, Peter Gausmann. "Eine bemerkenswerte therophytenreiche Pionierflora auf Kies- und Schotterbänken des Rheins in Köln-Flittard (Niederrheinische Bucht, Nordrhein-Westfalen) im Frühherbst 2018", 105-117; I. Gorissen. "Einige neue Beobachtungen und Trends in den Auen des Mittelrheins", 118-131; Thomas Schmitt. "Literaturweiser", 132-134
2017 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-7; Bernd Gehlken & David Vollmuth. "Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Cochlearia Danica L. in der Umgebung von Göttingen", 8-21; Thomas Junghans. "Zur Taxonomie von Cymbalaria Muralis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung blüten-, kapsel- und samenmorphologischer Merkmale – mit einer Neukombination von Cymbalaria Visianii", 22-33; Günter Brennenstuhl. "Verwilderungen von Polygonatum Odoratum und P. ×Hybridum in der Umgebung von Salzwedel (Altmark)", 34-47; Dietmar Brandes. "Unkräuter der Containerpflanzen – Über einen „neuen“ Weg der Ausbreitung von Gartenunkräutern und Adventivpflanzen", 48-68; F. Wolfgang Bomble. "Ein Beitrag zur Taxonomie der Metzgeria Furcata-Gruppe: Metzgeria furcata s. str. und Metzgeria 'ulvula'", 69-81; André-Alexander Weller. "Bemerkenswerte Gefässpflanzenfunde im Bonner Raum und Umgebung (3)", 82-107; Peter Gausmann, Henning Haeupler & Klaus Adolphi. "Verwilderungen von Aralia elata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica und Juglans ailantifolia im mittleren Ruhrgebiet (Nordrhein-Westfalen)", 108-127; Henning Haeupler. "Aussergewöhnlich reicher Fruchtansatz häufig gepflanzter Ziergehölze im Jahr 2017 im mittleren Ruhrgebiet", 128-137; Martin Schlüpmann. "Literaturweiser", 138-142
2016 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-3; Henning Haeupler. "50 Jahre Floristische Rundbriefe, ein Rückblick", 3-8; Rüdiger Wittig. "Neue Arten in der ruderalen Vegetation der Münsterschen Innenstadt", 9-36; Dietmar Brandes. "Über einige Neufunde von Neophyten in Braunschweig und Umgebung", 37-59; Hans-Jürgen Tillich. "Neufunde, Bestätigungen und Verluste in der Flora des Südlichen Westerwaldes – 2. Folge", 60-71; Eckhard Garve & Heinrich Kuhbier. "Floristische Überraschungen auf Helgoland", 72-83; Andreas Hussner. "Zur Biologie aquatischer Neophyten: Myriophyllum aquaticum", 84-97; Thomas Junghans. "Der Hühnerbiss (Silene baccifera) in der nördlichen Oberrheinebene bei Mannhein (Baden-Württemberg) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Keimungs- und Ausbreitungsbiologischer Aspekte", 98-111; Hans W. Smettan. "Das Geröll-Taubenkropf-Leimkraut (Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa) auf der Schwäbischen Alb", 112-119; Günter Brennenstuhl. "Sisymbrium volgense M. BIEB. ex E. FOURN. im Stadtgebiet von Salzwedel (Altmark)", 120-126; Hartmut Dierschke. "Phytophänologisches Biomonitoring – Forschungen zum Klimawandel vor der Haustür", 127-148; Henning Haeupler. "Ist 2016 ein ungewöhnliches „Mastjahr“?", 149-158; Peter Gausmann & Götz Heinrich Loos. "Zur Problematik von wildwachsend auftre-tenden Eselsdisteln (Onopordum spec.) in Deutschland", 159-174; Johannes Mazomeit. "Verwilderungen von Toona sinensis, Tetradium danelli und Gymnocladus dioicus in Mannheim und an anderen Orten", 175-182

汉学 (Han-xue, Sinology) [Chinese] since 2001

Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft (Bulletin of the German China Association) [German] ISSN 2626-9694, E-ISSN 2626-9708, since 1957
2019 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-24; Thomas Weyrauch. "Faschismus in China – Japans Marionettenstaaten", 25-31; Michael Knüppel. "Zu Blockdrucken chinesischer 'Jahresbilder' aus Liaocheng", 32-40; Martin Woesler. "Leidenschaft im Traum der Roten Kammer", 41-58; Nora Frisch. "Der Admiral des Kaisers – Zheng He", 59-66; Reviews, Events and Index, 67-146
2018 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-24; Karl-Heinz Pohl. "Identität und Hybridität – Chinesische Kultur und Ästhetik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung", 25-39; Thomas Weyrauch. "Chinas Recht vor 1949", 40-47; Sun Mengyao, Michael Knüppel. "Die Hui-Muslime der Stadt Liaocheng", 48-56; Martin Woesler. "Unausgesprochenes im Traum der Roten Kammer", 57-64; Reviews, Events and Index, 65-96
2017 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-24; Gregor Paul. "Kunst und Macht in der Geschichte Chinas. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kunst im öffentlichen Raum", 25-48; Karl-Heinz Pohl. "Literatur und Macht in der Geschichte Chinas", 49-65; Martin Woesler. "Das entkunstete Land - Kunst und politische Macht im China der Gegenwart am Beispiel von Literatur und Film, Internet und Digitalisierung", 66-85; Paul U. Unschuld. "Antike Klassiker der Chinesischen Medizin. 帝内經靈樞 Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu", 86-105; Reviews, Events and Index, 106-130

Conference Proceedings

European University Press: Access to Journals incl. Abstracts (full-texts: please purchase individual or site licences)

European Journal of Sinology [English] ISSN 2190-085X, E-ISSN 2510-2761, since 2010

2018 (Abstracts) Editoral and Reports, 1-7;

Martin Woesler. "From Ethnocentrism and Exoticism to Universalism and Dialogue: the General Trend of Chinese Studies in the West", 9-21;
: “Chinese Studies” (Sinology, Chinakunde, Études Chinoises etc.) in general from its origins until today sees a main trend from ethnocentrism and exoticism to universalism and dialogue. Undergoing historical periods of Chinoisérie and then China-bashing during imperialist and colonialist times, Chinese Studies at universities and in associations like the German China Association has established a more objective view on China. Ethnocentrism is still existing among Western sinologists today and has to be fought. Still, the contemporary trends globalization, digitalization and travel freedom offer the current generation of sinologists so far unseen possibilities of international cooperation, promising extremely fruitful especially between distant cultures like China and the West.
Key words: Ethnocentrism, Exoticism, Universalism, Chinese Studies, German China Association, universal values, Gregor Paul, cooperation, China and the West
Brook, Timothy. "Curious Land: Jesuit Accommodation and the Origins of Sinology." (1986): 1066-1068.
Canaris, Daniel Philip. "The Discovery of the True Confucius: The Image of China in the Thought of Giambattista Vico and its Significance for Jesuit Accommodationism." (2016).
Chaves, Jonathan. "Inculturation versus Evangelization: Are Contemporary Values Causing Us to Misinterpret the 16–18th Century Jesuit Missionaries?." Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 22 (2000): 56-60.
Collani, Claudia von, Harald Holz, Konrad Wegmann eds. Uroffenbarung und Daoismus: jesuitische Missionshermeneutik des Daoismus. Europ. University Press, 2008.
Dirlik, Arif. "Chinese history and the question of Orientalism." History and Theory (1996): 96-118.
Miike, Yoshitaka. "An anatomy of Eurocentrism in communication scholarship: The role of Asiacentricity in de-Westernizing theory and research." China Media Research 6.1 (2010): 1-12.
Pomeranz, Kenneth. The great divergence: China, Europe, and the making of the modern world economy. Princeton University Press, 2009.
The Art of Misreading: “An Analysis of the Jesuit ‘Fables’ in Late Ming China.” Translating China (Bristol: Multilingual Matters), 2009.
Pan Nana 潘娜娜. Historical Investigation of the concept of 'Eurocentrism' "“欧洲中心论” 概念的历史考察." Shandong Social Sciences 山东社会科学 5 (2012): 007.
#Wang Lixin 王立新. "“文化侵略” 与 “文化帝国主义”: 美国传教士在华活动两种评价范式辨析." 历史研究 3 (2002): 98-109.
#Chen Liwang 陈立柱. "西方中心主义的初步反省." 史学理论研究 2.5 (2005): 2.

Thomas Weyrauch. "Taiwanese Parties and the Cross-Strait Relations", 23-27;
: For decades, the Zhongguo Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party) initially determined the policy exclusively on the Chinese mainland. As of 1950, this exclusive role was limited to the island of Taiwan, which had been returned five years earlier from the colonial rule of Japan. Civil rights with regard to the founding of new parties remained limited until 1986. Since then, Taiwan has experienced a boom of young parties, whose number exceeds 300. At the same time, the polarization between Taiwanese-nativist and pro-unification parties is obvious, which influences not only the Cross-Strait relations, but also limits Taiwan´s international space.
Key words: Taiwanese Parties, Zhongguo Guomindang, Democratic Progressive Party, cross-strait relations, independency, souvereignty, democracy, multi-party system
References: none.

Erkki Viitasaari. "Standing their Grounds among Giants – National Identity in National or Equivalent Museums in Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore", 29-58;
: In Hong Kong and Macao a deconstruction of colonial identity or ‘mainlandization’ is taking place. Shifting from colonial identity toward SAR identity needs to be backed by a common history that emphasises the special, but predominantly Chinese, features of the regions. Singapore’s ambitious and mostly successful nation-building project also has its flaws. Museums of the 21st century interact with increasingly educated guests who have access to a large amount of information. National museums strive to fulfil their missions of creating a feeling of unity for the locals and a desired international image for visitors. In this paper I will scratch the surface of issues related to how these three areas distinguish themselves in a larger Chinese/Southeast Asian context. Macao and Hong Kong differ culturally from their overwhelming neighbour. Similarly, Singapore with its Chinese-dominated population stands out between Malaysia and Indonesia. The presentation will discuss the characteristics of national or comparable museums and shed light on theories behind both nationalism, the driving force behind such institutions, and the exhibitions themselves. Also, the identity that museums want to construct and emphasise will receive attention.
Key words: Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, East Asia, Southeast Asia, museology, national museums, nationalism, nation-building, national identity, colonial history
Anderson, Benedict. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
Aronsson, Peter. 2011. “Explaining National Museums: Exploring Comparative Approaches to the Study of National Museums.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 29–54. London: Routledge.
Aronsson, Peter. 2012. National Museums Making Histories in a Diverse Europe. Accessed July 14, 2017.
Barr, Michael D. and Zlatko Skrbiš. 2008. Constructing Singapore – Elitism, Ethnicity and the Nation-Building Project. Copenhagen: NIAS Press.
Carroll, John M. 2007. A Concise History of Hong Kong. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Carter, Jennifer. 2011. “Narrative and Imagination : Remaking National History at the
Musée des Monuments Franc̨ais, Paris.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 88–104. London: Routledge.
Cheng, Christina Miu Bing. 1999. Macau – A Cultural Janus. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Diamond, Jared. 2012. The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? New York: The Penguin Group.
Dobbins, James, Jones, Seth G., Crane, Keith & Beth Cole DeGrasse. 2007. The Beginner’s
Guide to Nation-Building. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Accessed
Heumann Gurian, Elaine. 2006. Civilizing the Museum: The Collected Writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian. New York: Routledge.
Hippel, Karin von. 2000. A Renewed Commitment to Nation Building. The Washington Quarterly Vol. 23, No. 1, 95–112.
Hobsbawm, E. J. 2012. Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kearney, A. T. 2014. Global Cities, Present and Future – 2014 Global Cities Index and Emerging Cities Outlook. Accessed May 4, 2015. research-studies/global-cities-index/full-report
Kemper, Steven. 1999. “The Nation Consumed: Buying and Believing in Sri Lanka.” In Consuming Ethnicity and Nationalism: Asian Experiences, edited by Kosaku Yoshino, 29–47. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press.
Knell, Simon J. 2011. “National Museums and the National Imagination.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 3–28. London: Routledge.
László, János. 2014. Historical Tales and National Identity: An Introduction to Narrative Social Psychology. London: Routledge.
Lederach, John Paul. 2005. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leong, Laurence Wai-Teng. 1997. “Commodifying Ethnicity: State and Ethnic Tourism in Singapore.” In Tourism, Ethnicity, and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies, edited by Michel Picard and Robert E. Wood, 71–98. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
Levitt, Peggy. 2015. Artefacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Ostler, Nicholas. 2010. The Last Lingua Franca: English Until the Return of Babel. New York: Walker Publishing Company, Inc.
Özkirimli, Umut. 2005. Contemporary Debates of Nationalism: A Critical Engagement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Stokes-Rees, Emily. 2011. “Recounting History: Constructing a National Narrative in the Hong Kong Museum of History.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 339–354. London: Routledge.
Tse, Thomas Kwan-choi. 2014. Constructing Chinese Identity in Post-Colonial Hong Kong: A Discursive Analysis of the Official Nation-Building Project. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism Vol. 14, No. 1, 188–206.
Turnbull, C.M. 1989. A History of Singapore 1819-1988, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Worth, Valentine. 2000. “Geoffrey Sonnabend’s ‘Obliscence: Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter.” In Museums and Memory, edited by Susan A. Crane, 81–92. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Yoshino, Kosaku. 1999. “Rethinking Theories of Nationalism: Japan’s Nationalism in a Marketplace Perspective.” In Consuming Ethnicity and Nationalism: Asian Experiences, edited by Kosaku Yoshino, 8–28. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.

Sara Landa. "Poetry, Politics and Revolutions: German Transformations of Mao Zedong’s Poetry (1950s–1970s)", 59-86;
: Chinese poetry has been read and transformed by German poets for centuries, with a shift towards sociopolitical poetry since the early 20th century. In many cases the authors also used the biographical material to create idealized images of the Chinese poets for identificatory purposes. Therefore it is hardly surprising that the poetry of Mao Zedong fascinated German left-wing writers, not only as an example of revolutionary Chinese poetry but also as a self-commentary on Mao’s life. First versions appeared in the early 1950s, including those of Bertolt Brecht and the Czech-German writer F.C. Weiskopf who had served as a diplomat in Beijing. After the 1957 publication of Mao’s poetry, a new wave of interest in Mao Zedong’s poetry swept the GDR, which soon came to an end with the Sino-soviet split. However, thanks to the sinologist Joachim Schickel, whose work was quite popular in left-wing writers’ circles in West Germany, Mao again came to be perceived as a model of a poet-revolutionary. Yet as soon as the Mao-fever started receding, parodistic and ironic reactions to Mao’s poetry and its usage in the Mao-cult were published. The paper would thus like to explore how German writers (directly and indirectly) transformed Mao Zedongs poetry, thereby creating various images of the poet-revolutionary Mao which are closely linked to historical and cultural developments in China, Germany and Chinese-German relations.
Key words: Mao Zedong, poetry, reception, ideology, translation/transformation
Brecht, Bertolt, Werke. Große kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe, ed. Werner Hecht et al., vol. 11, Berlin/Frankfurt a.M. 1988.
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Deupmann, Christoph, Ereignisgeschichten. Zeitgeschichte in literarischen Texten von 1968 bis zum 11. September 2001, Göttingen 2013.
Diehl, Laura K., “Die Konjunktur von Mao-Images in der bundesdeutschen ‘68er’-Bewegung”, in: Gehrig et al. 2008, pp. 179-201.
Herder, Johann Gottfried, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, ed. Martin Bollacher [Werke. Johann Gottfried Herder 6], Frankfurt 1989.
Jennings, Lane Eaton: Chinese Literature and Thought in the Poetry and Prose of Bertolt Brecht, Diss. Harvard 1970.
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Kühn, Andreas, Stalins Enkel, Maos Söhne. Die Lebenswelt der K-Gruppen in der Bundesrepublik der 70er Jahre, Frankfurt/New York 2005.
Li Chongyue 李崇月 et al., “Yishi xingtai dui Mao Zedong shi ci fanyi de yingxiang” 意识形态对毛泽东诗词翻译的影响 [Influence of Ideology on the Translation of Mao Zedong’s Poems], in: Wenzhou daxue xuebao shehuikexue xueban 22/2 (2009): 106-110.
Luckscheiter, Roman, “Maos mediale Absorption. Helga Novaks Hörspiel Fibelfabel aus Bibelbabel (1972) im Kontext”, in: IASL online [16.09.2007]: (accessed 06/26/ 2017).
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Mao, Tse-tung, “Eighteen Poems”, transl. Andrew Boyd, in: Chinese Literature 3 (1958): 3-15.
Mao, Tse-tung, Nineteen Poems, transl. Andrew Boyd/Glady Young, Beijing 1958.
Mao, Tse-tung, Gedichte, transl. Rolf Schneider, Berlin²1958.
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Poon Ming Kay. "New Findings in the Relationship between Shiji and Hanshu", 87-102;
: Sima Qian’s司馬遷 Shiji史記 records the history from the Five Emperors五帝 to the Emperor Wu of Han漢武帝 with 526,500 words. Ban Gu’s Hanshu only records the history of Western Han西漢 with 800,000 words. With the period from the beginning of Emperor Gaozu漢高祖 of Han to Emperor Wu of Han, Shiji and Hanshu recorded the history of Han dynasty by using the same materials, i.e. 61 chapters of Hanshu are transcribed from Shiji. After the emergence of Shiji, only a few scholars put concentration on this book. Besides, Shiji was regarded as a book that slandered the Han government due to its sublime words with deep meaning. The situation of Hanshu is totally different from Shiji. Shiji and Hanshu have many parallel passages but one is dyslogistic and the other one is eulogistic. This paper examines the relationship between Shiji and Hanshu, according to the parallel passages, to discuss the style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used in Hanshu, and also to demonstrate the spirit of Hanshu and its submerged meaning.
Key words: Shiji, Hanshu, parallel passages, Han dynasty
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Reviews, Events and Index, 103-106

2017 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports. "Quo vadis, Sinology?", 1-36;

Pavlova Alena Dmitrievna. "Sentence-final particles as a universal linguistic category: particles in Slavic and Chinese languages", 37-47;
: Sentence-final particles or modal particles or utterance particles are always named as something very specific of Chinese language (Mandarin and dialects). Due to different typology of languages there are several ways (lexicology, intonation, particles) how to express its' communicative and grammatical functions in translation, and that cause difficulties for learners, requiring them for deep understanding of two languages (especially its’ latent semantics and an attitude of the speaker to the situation). And that’s why particles shouldn’t be learnt by heart, they should be assimilated. Based on previous studies on particles in Slavic languages (Nikolaeva 1985, Bauer 1972, Starodumova 2002) and on diachronic language materials and synchronic data of Mandarin Chinese and dialects (Southern Min and Cantonese) we’ve found out that SPF in Chinese languages in comparison with the same phenomenon in typologically different languages such as Russian (as a Slavic language) show similar patterns in its’ core characteristics: position, function, symbol (phonetically); and differences in usage and semantic, all these lead us to better understanding of the SPF as a universal linguistic category.
Key words: sentence-final particle, modal particle, phrasal particle, Chinese language, Russian language
#孙锡信 “近代汉语语气词” 语文出版社, 1999.
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Pavlova A.D. On the Problem of Classification of Phrasal Particles in Southern Min (Min Nan) Dialect of the Chinese Language,Vestnik MGPU #1, Moscow, 2016.
Starodumova E.A. Russian particles, Vladivostok, 2002.

Eva Shan Chou. "Adaptations of Lu Xun’s 傷逝 ‘Regret for the Past’ for Film and Stage", 49-64;
: In 1981, three adaptions were made of Lu Xuns short story “Regret for the Past”: a film, a song-drama, and a ballet. The theme of ill-fated love has always resonated in works of art, a perennial favorite in traditional literary forms through all the varieties of output possible under shifting political and commercial conditions. In terms of Lu Xun’s works, the theme of defiant and ill-fated love updates better than, for example, Xianglin Sao’s equally sad story from “New Year’s Sacrifice,” whose story is both more culture bound and more historically specific.
Key words: Lu Xun, “Regret for the Past”, adaption, film, song-drama/dance-drama, ballet
References: none.

Martin Woesler 吳漠汀. "World Citizen Lu Xun: Critical Reception of European Culture by Lu Xun with the Examples of Nazi Cultural Politics and of the Nobel Prize", 65-90;
: Lu Xun was well aware of global politics in culture, as proven by documents discovered a few years ago. Three days after the book burning in Berlin on May 10, 1933, Lu Xun, as a Member of the Executive Board of the “China League for Civil Rights,” protested the “brutal terror and reaction” of Nazi Germany. Lu Xun took action and submitted an official protest to the German Consulate in Shanghai, which was taken seriously by the Nazi diplomats. He protested the racist suppression of Jewish authors while his own piece of world literature, “A Madman’s Diary” (1918), would have been considered “degenerate art” if published in Germany. In June 1933, he proved his in-depth understanding of Nazi crimes, especially the book-burning, humiliation and deportation of writers, in two essays.
Key words: none.
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Kevin Carrico. "Power in Consumption: Narcissism, Aristocratic Cannibalism, and the Cycle of Modern Chinese History", 91-112;
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Sutton, Donald. “Consuming Counterrevolution: The Ritual and Culture of Cannibalism in Wuxuan, Guangxi, China, May to July 1968.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 37, No. 1: pgs. 136- 172.
Tu, Wei-ming. “Destructive Will and Ideological Holocaust: Maoism as a Source of Social Suffering in China.” In Kleinman, Das, and Lock, eds. Social Suffering. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
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Index, 113 – 114

2016 (Abstracts) Editorial and Reports, 1-9;

Tanweer Muhammed. "On the Relations between China and Bangladesh in the Turko-Afghan Period (1203-1538)", 11-38;
: The systematic study of local or regional history is comparatively recent in India and Bangladesh. It is now generally agreed that without proper study of local and regional history, no correct study of national history is possible. Local and regional histories, though undoubtedly a part of national histories, have their own political, economic, social, cultural and religious characteristics. China-Bangladesh relations are, in general, regarded as stable in scholarly literature, and the causes of this stability are often inadequately explained by overemphasizing the geopolitics of bilateral relations. Nonetheless, the geo-economics of China-Bangladesh relations are as significant as the geopolitics of the relations – for both the current state of affairs in bilateral relations and their future. This article focuses on China-Bangladesh relations from the 1st century AD to the Turko-Afghan Period (1203–1538 AD). Primarily from a geopolitical and geo-economic perspective, it explores the implications of political and economic relations for bilateral economic relations, in particular, between China and Bangladesh, and, for bilateral relations in general between the two states.
Keywords: China, Bangladesh, geopolitical relations, economic, trade, silk road, South-east Asia
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Spence, Jonathan D. The Chan's Great Continent: China in Western Minds (Norton,1998). By an inspiring historian of China, explores China in the western imagination from Marco Polo to Italo Calvino in the late 20th century.
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John H. Feng. "Other than the Political and the Institutional: The Lu Zhengxiang Collection at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Bruges, Belgium and Its Historical ignificance and Value", 39-66;
: In December 2015, Academia Sinica in Taipei signed a cooperative agreement with St. Andrew’s Abbey (Sint-Andriesabdij Zevenkerken) to digitize Lu Zhengxiang’s (Lou Tseng-tsiang, 1871-1949) collection and set up an exclusive database. After briefly comparing Lu’s own memoir and two biographies, this article concludes that there are still unexplored and under-explored areas about his life and career. This collection can help us fill these lacunae. It is indeed of unique significance and worth our greater attention. Apart from political and institutional histories, Christianity seems to be a potential topic. We can expect that in the near future, researchers will have an excellent e-source to further explore the history of cultural exchanges between China and Europe.
Keywords: Lu Zhengxiang (Lou Tseng-tsiang), Chinese Catholic, Christianity in China, Sino-Vatican relations
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Hans Ruin. "Rituals of death, ancestrality, and the formation of historical consciousness – comparative philosophical reflections on the Analects of Confucius", 67-81;
: In the Analects, Confucius is quoted to identify Tzu-kung as a “sacrificial vase of jade”. This shows that Confucius was very conscious of history and the cult of the dead. Compared with theoretical concerns elicited from Hegel and from Philosophical Hermeneutics, this needs to be placed into the context of “traditionality”. The ancestral rites have, by the time of Confucius, become metonymic for the question of the relation to tradition and to the past as such. The subject of learning, the learnt subject, is someone capable of living in a balanced relation to time and to history. It is a subject who has made him- or herself into a receptacle of the forces of the past, so as to live with and towards them in a way that permits him or her to act in the present. In short, it is a temporally defined subjectivity.
Key words: Confucius, Analects, Cult of the dead, ancestrality, historical consciousness, traditionality
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: Chinese neologisms are ever-increasing with the rapid development of social, scientific and technological development. They play a crucial role in today’s Chinese society and culture. Therefore, to study Chinese neologisms is of great significance and value. In view of its significance, the author tries to describe the distinctive features of Chinese neologisms in the areas of syllable, structure and affix, followed by the formation and sources of neologisms. Last but not least, the author also analyzes the mechanism and puts forward the Hypothesis of Socio-psycho-linguistic Need for Neologisms.
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Index, 99-101

European Journal of Sinology 1 (2010)

  • Violence, History and Politics in Chinese Novels and Short Stories since 1976, Thilo Diefenbach, pp. 6-25;
  • The Chinese guanxi – System and its Influences on Chinese Corporate Culture and Corporate Governance, Philipp John, pp. 26-36;
  • Philosopher Kings and Sage Kings: The Idea of Rulership and its Philosophical Basis in the Political Theories of Plato and Neo-Confucianism, Wolfgang Ommerborn, pp. 37-51;
  • Notions of cultural identity: a dangerous myth?, Gregor Paul, pp. 52-74;
  • Philosophical Questions of Right and Law: Western and Eastern Perspectives, Konrad Wegmann †, pp. 75-87;
  • ‘Art is Back in Literature’ - How a few Works of Contemporary Chinese Mass Literature Turn against the Opportunist Main Stream, Martin Woesler, pp. 88-97.

  • (Bochum University Press / European University Press)
    ISBN: 978-3-89966-352-5
    hardcover 106 pp. - 30,0 x 21,2 cm

    European Journal of Sinology 2 (2011)

  • Negativity and Dialectics from a Logical Point of View: 7th Century Buddhism (Ji Zang) compared with Pyrrho and Nicholas of Cusa, Harald Holz 5-22
  • Comparing Ancient Greek and Chinese Ethics, Guido Rappe 23-50
  • Inventory and Classification of the Most Important Documents Concerning the Chinese Rites Controversy, Claudia von Collani 51-87
  • Choices of subjectivity and randomness - Non-representativeness as a characteristic of the cultural field of early Chinese translation of Western literature, Martin Woesler 88-109

  • (European University Press) ISBN: 978-3-86515-353-1 hardcover 114 pp. - 30,4 x 15,5 cm

    European Journal of Sinology 3 (2012)

  • Research on the Standing Portrait of Emperor Yongzheng in Formal Court Attire, Donna M. F. Wu
  • Mao and the Blond Girl, Stefan Messmann
  • The ‘Dual Paradox’ of Modernity in China, Luigi Moccia
  • The Sino-US soft power war – Attractiveness as the main component, Martin Woesler

  • (European University Press) ISBN: 9783865153548 hardcover 118 pp. - 30,4 x 15,5 cm

    Subscription price: 49 €

    European Journal of Sinology 4 (2013)

  • Chinese in Utah: Salt Lake City’s Chinatown in the 19th Century Martin Woesler, Licia Kim, Alexis Sagen, Christopher Azzaro Chacon
  • Freedom from the Fetters of Consciousness: A Daoist Theme of the Dream of the Red Chamber Zuyan Zhou
  • Resounding the Silence: A Genealogy of Voice and Text before and after the Dream of the Red Chamber Ling Hon Lam

  • (European University Press) ISBN: 9783865153647 hardcover 100 pp. - 30,4 x 15,5 cm

    Subscription price: 49 €

    European Journal of Sinology 5 (2014)

  • The Role of the Heart Sutra in The Dream of the Red Chamber Karl-Heinz Pohl
  • Why it would be much more correct to understand HLM as A Dream about the Red Pavillion, and not as A Dream of the Red Chamber Marina Čarnogurská
  • Moulüe in the Honglou meng 红楼梦 and in the Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) Harro von Senger
  • A Dream of Equality – Has it been achieved? Some Legal Aspects of the Facts in A Dream of Red Mansions Stefan Messmann
  • Color Symbolism of Redness in The Dream of the Red Chamber Wei Wu

  • (European University Press) ISBN: 9783865153654 hardcover 112 pp. - 30,4 x 15,5 cm

    Subscription price: 49 €

    European Journal of Sinology 6 (2015)

  • The Idea of ‘Law’ in China: An Overview Luigi Moccia
    3rd International Dream of the Red Chamber Conference in Europe
  • A Crane Standing amidst Chickens: Cao Xueqin’s Art of Bird Symbolism Viewed against His Kin’s and Friends’ Writings Zhou Zuyan
  • Comparing Cao Xueqin’s and Baiwei’s Qingwen with Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Bianca Maria: A Study In Sino-Italian Literary Decadence Marián Gálik
  • Baochai Chasing Butterflies: Visual Culture in Honglou meng Kimberly Besio

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