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NameVan Hool TD927 Astromega
Manufacturer NameVan Hool
BodyVan Hool T9 Astromega (D)/Astrobel
EngineDAF MX340U1
GearboxZF 12 AS 2x01 BO ()
Design of doors1-1-0
No. of axles3
No. of modules1
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Van Hool TD927 AstromegaYE2927SD332D52094 200720232024WAF-04623 (2013-2013)
WPI VR57 (2013-2017)
DW 8L357 (2017-2018)
PZ 873PF (2018-2023)
KK 20436 (2023-2024)
BC 0881 TM (2024-)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (3/0)



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