The mouse, while positioned within the graphics display window, is used to perform a variety of functions. There are several different modes which the mouse may be in at any time; the current mouse mode determines what the effect is when the user presses the left or middle button. Each mouse mode, except the lights mode (see below), causes the cursor to acquire a characteristic shape. The mouse mode is changed via the Mouse Form.
The available modes are as follows:
You can keep the molecules rotating without continuously moving the mouse. Start the molecule moving with the mouse, as above, then release the mouse button before you stop moving the mouse. With some practice it becomes easy to impart a slight spin on the molecule, or whirl it about madly. To stop the rotation, either press and hold the left mouse button down until the molecule stops moving, or select `Stop Rotation' in the Mouse form.
The hot key to enter rotation mode is r. Also, pressing r or any of the other mouse mode hot keys causes the rotation to stop.
The translation hot key is t; pressing t while the mouse is in the graphics display window will change the mouse to translation mode.
The scaling hot key is s.