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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00010  *
00011  *      $RCSfile: py_atomsel.C,v $
00012  *      $Author: dgomes $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00013  *      $Revision: 1.50 $      $Date: 2024/05/16 14:56:57 $
00014  *
00015  ***************************************************************************
00017  *   New Python atom selection interface
00018  ***************************************************************************/
00019 #include "py_commands.h"
00020 #include "AtomSel.h"
00021 #include "VMDApp.h"
00022 #include "MoleculeList.h"
00023 #include "SymbolTable.h"
00024 #include "Measure.h"
00025 #include "SpatialSearch.h"
00027 // support for compiling against old (2.4.x and below) versions of Python
00028 #if PY_VERSION_HEX < ((2<<24)|(5<<16))
00029 typedef int Py_ssize_t;
00030 #endif
00032 typedef struct {
00033   PyObject_HEAD
00034   AtomSel *atomSel;
00035   VMDApp *app;
00036 } PyAtomSelObject;
00038 // Helper function to check if something is an atomsel type
00039 static int atomsel_Check(PyObject *obj) {
00040   if (PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, &Atomsel_Type))
00041     return 1;
00042   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected atomsel");
00043   return 0;
00044 }
00046 AtomSel *atomsel_AsAtomSel( PyObject *obj) {
00047   if (!atomsel_Check(obj))
00048     return NULL;
00049   return ((PyAtomSelObject *)obj)->atomSel;
00050 }
00053 // return molecule for atomsel, or NULL and set exception
00054 DrawMolecule *get_molecule(PyAtomSelObject *a) {
00055   int molid = a->atomSel->molid();
00056   DrawMolecule *mol = a->app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(molid);
00057   if (!mol) {
00058     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid molid '%d'", molid);
00059     return NULL;
00060   }
00061   return mol;
00062 }
00064 static const char atomsel_doc[] =
00065 "Create a new atom selection object\n\n"
00066 "Args:\n"
00067 "    selection (str): Atom selection string. Defaults to 'all'\n"
00068 "    molid (int): Molecule ID to select from. Defaults to -1 (top molecule)\n"
00069 "    frame (int): Frame to select on. Defaults to -1 (current)\n\n"
00070 "Example of usage:\n"
00071 "    >>> from vmd import atomsel\n"
00072 "    >>> s1 = atomsel('residue 1 to 10 and backbone')\n"
00073 "    >>> s1.resid\n"
00074 "     <snip> \n"
00075 "    >>> s1.beta = 5 # Set beta to 5 for all atoms in s1\n"
00076 "    >>> # Mass-weighted RMS alignment:\n"
00077 "    >>> mass = s1.get('mass')\n"
00078 "    >>> s2 = atomsel('residue 21 to 30 and backbone')\n"
00079 "    >>> mat =, mass)\n"
00080 "    >>> s1.move(mat)\n"
00081 "    >>> print s1.rmsd(s2)\n";
00083 // __del__(self)
00084 static void atomsel_dealloc( PyAtomSelObject *obj ) {
00085   delete obj->atomSel;
00086   ((PyObject *)(obj))->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)obj);
00087 }
00089 // __repr__(self)
00090 static PyObject *atomsel_repr(PyAtomSelObject *obj) {
00091   PyObject *result;
00092   AtomSel *sel;
00093   char *s;
00095   sel = obj->atomSel;
00096   s = new char[strlen(sel->cmdStr) + 100];
00098   sprintf(s, "atomsel('%s', molid=%d, frame=%d)", sel->cmdStr, sel->molid(),
00099           sel->which_frame);
00100   result = as_pystring(s);
00102   delete [] s;
00103   return result;
00104 }
00106 // __str__(self)
00107 static PyObject* atomsel_str(PyAtomSelObject *obj)
00108 {
00109   return as_pystring(obj->atomSel->cmdStr);
00110 }
00112 // __init__(self, selection, molid, frame)
00113 static PyObject *atomsel_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
00114                              PyObject *kwargs)
00115 {
00116   const char *kwlist[] = {"selection", "molid", "frame", NULL};
00117   int molid = -1, frame = -1;
00118   const char *sel = "all";
00119   DrawMolecule *mol;
00120   int parse_result;
00121   AtomSel *atomSel;
00122   PyObject *obj;
00124   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|sii:atomsel",
00125                                    (char**) kwlist, &sel, &molid, &frame))
00126     return NULL;
00128   VMDApp *app;
00129   if (!(app = get_vmdapp()))
00130     return NULL;
00132   if (molid < 0)
00133     molid = app->molecule_top();
00135   if (!valid_molid(molid, app))
00136     return NULL;
00138   mol = app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(molid);
00140   atomSel = new AtomSel(app, app->atomSelParser, mol->id());
00141   atomSel->which_frame = frame;
00144     parse_result = atomSel->change(sel, mol);
00147   if (parse_result == AtomSel::NO_PARSE) {
00148     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "cannot parse atom selection text '%s'", sel);
00149     goto failure;
00150   }
00152   obj = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
00153   if (!obj) {
00154     PyErr_Format(PyExc_MemoryError, "cannot allocate atomsel type");
00155     goto failure;
00156   }
00158   ((PyAtomSelObject *)obj)->app = app;
00159   ((PyAtomSelObject *)obj)->atomSel = atomSel;
00161   return obj;
00163 failure:
00164   delete atomSel;
00165   return NULL;
00166 }
00168 static const char get_doc[] =
00169 "Get attribute values for selected atoms\n\n"
00170 "Args:\n"
00171 "    attribute (str): Attribute to query\n"
00172 "Returns:\n"
00173 "    (list): Attribute value for each atom in selection";
00174 static PyObject *atomsel_get(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *keyobj) {
00175   // FIXME: make everything in this pipeline const so that it's
00176   // thread-safe.
00177   const VMDApp *app = a->app;
00178   const AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00179   const int num_atoms = a->atomSel->num_atoms;
00181   PyObject *newlist = NULL;
00182   SymbolTableElement *elem;
00183   SymbolTable *table;
00184   DrawMolecule *mol;
00185   int attrib_index, i;
00186   int *flgs;
00187   int j = 0;
00189   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a)))
00190     return NULL;
00192   const char *attr = as_constcharptr(keyobj);
00193   if (!attr) return NULL;
00195   //
00196   // Check for a valid attribute
00197   //
00198   table = app->atomSelParser;
00199   attrib_index = table->find_attribute(attr);
00200   if (attrib_index == -1) {
00201     PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "unknown atom attribute '%s'", attr);
00202     return NULL;
00203   }
00205   elem = table->;
00206   if (elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::KEYWORD &&
00207       elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::SINGLEWORD) {
00208     PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "attribute '%s' is not a keyword or "
00209                  "singleword", attr);
00210     return NULL;
00211   }
00213   //
00214   // fetch the data
00215   //
00216   flgs = atomSel->on;
00217   atomsel_ctxt context(table, mol, atomSel->which_frame, attr);
00219   if (!(newlist = PyList_New(atomSel->selected)))
00220     return NULL;
00222   // Singleword attributes (backbone, etc) return array of bools
00223   if (elem->is_a == SymbolTableElement::SINGLEWORD) {
00225     int *tmp = new int[num_atoms];
00226     memcpy(tmp, atomSel->on, num_atoms*sizeof(int));
00227     elem->keyword_single(&context, num_atoms, tmp);
00229     for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00230       if (flgs[i]) {
00231         PyObject *val = tmp[i] ? Py_True : Py_False;
00232         Py_INCREF(val); // SET_ITEM steals a reference so we make one to steal
00233         PyList_SET_ITEM(newlist, j++, val);
00235         if (PyErr_Occurred())
00236           goto failure;
00237       }
00238     }
00239     delete [] tmp;
00241   // String attributes
00242   } else if (table->>returns_a \
00243           == SymbolTableElement::IS_STRING) {
00245     const char **tmp= new const char *[num_atoms];
00246     elem->keyword_string(&context, num_atoms, tmp, flgs);
00248     for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00249       if (flgs[i]) {
00250         PyList_SET_ITEM(newlist, j++, as_pystring(tmp[i]));
00252         if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
00253           delete [] tmp;
00254           goto failure;
00255         }
00256       }
00257     }
00258     delete [] tmp;
00260   // Integer attributes
00261   } else if (table->>returns_a \
00262           == SymbolTableElement::IS_INT) {
00264     int *tmp = new int[num_atoms];
00265     elem->keyword_int(&context, num_atoms, tmp, flgs);
00267     for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00268       if (flgs[i]) {
00269         PyList_SET_ITEM(newlist, j++, as_pyint(tmp[i]));
00271         if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
00272           delete [] tmp;
00273           goto failure;
00274         }
00275       }
00276     }
00277     delete [] tmp;
00279   // Floating point attributes
00280   } else if (table->>returns_a \
00281           == SymbolTableElement::IS_FLOAT) {
00283     double *tmp = new double[num_atoms];
00284     elem->keyword_double(&context, num_atoms, tmp, flgs);
00286     for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00287       if (flgs[i]) {
00288         PyList_SET_ITEM(newlist, j++, PyFloat_FromDouble(tmp[i]));
00290         if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
00291           delete [] tmp;
00292           goto failure;
00293         }
00295       }
00296     }
00297     delete [] tmp;
00298   }
00300   return newlist;
00302 failure:
00303   return NULL;
00304 }
00306 static const char listattrs_doc[] =
00307 "List available atom attributes\n"
00308 "Args:\n"
00309 "    changeable (bool): If only user-changeable attributes should be listed\n"
00310 "        Defaults to False\n"
00311 "Returns:\n"
00312 "    (list of str): Atom attributes. These attributes may be accessed or\n"
00313 "        set with a . after the class name.\n"
00314 "Example to list available attributes and get the x coordinate attribute:\n"
00315 "    >>> sel = atomsel('protein')\n"
00316 "    >>> sel.list_attributes()\n"
00317 "    >>> sel.x";
00318 static PyObject *py_list_attrs(PyAtomSelObject *obj, PyObject *args,
00319                                PyObject *kwargs)
00320 {
00321   const char *kwlist[] = {"changeable", NULL};
00322   SymbolTableElement *elem;
00323   PyObject *result = NULL;
00324   int changeable = 0;
00325   SymbolTable *table;
00326   int i;
00328   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|O&:atomsel.list_attributes",
00329                                    (char**) kwlist, convert_bool, &changeable))
00330     return NULL;
00332   table = obj->app->atomSelParser;
00333   result = PyList_New(0);
00335   if (!result)
00336     goto failure;
00338   for (i = 0; i< table->fctns.num(); i++) {
00339     // Only list singleword or keyword attributes that are gettable
00340     elem = table->;
00341     if (elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::KEYWORD
00342      && elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::SINGLEWORD)
00343       continue;
00345     // Only list changeable attributes if requested
00346     if (changeable && !table->is_changeable(i))
00347       continue;
00349     // Don't list unnamed attributes
00350     if (!table-> || !strlen(table->
00351       continue;
00353     // Don't leak references with PyList_Append
00354     PyObject *attr = as_pystring(table->;
00355     PyList_Append(result, attr);
00356     Py_XDECREF(attr);
00358     if (PyErr_Occurred())
00359       goto failure;
00360   }
00362   return result;
00364 failure:
00365   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem listing attributes");
00366   Py_XDECREF(result);
00367   return NULL;
00368 }
00370 static PyObject *legacy_atomsel_get(PyObject *o, PyObject *args,
00371                                     PyObject *kwargs)
00372 {
00373   const char *kwlist[] = {"attribute", NULL};
00374   PyObject *attr, *result;
00376   PyErr_Warn(PyExc_DeprecationWarning, "atomsel.get is deprecated. You can\n"
00377              "directly query the attributes of this object instead");
00379   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O:atomsel.get",
00380                                    (char**) kwlist, &attr))
00381     return NULL;
00383   // It sets an exception on error
00384   if (!(result = atomsel_get((PyAtomSelObject*) o, attr)))
00385     return NULL;
00387   return result;
00388 }
00390 // __getattr__, with support for defined methods too
00391 static PyObject *atomsel_getattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name)
00392 {
00393   // Check that there isn't a class method by this name first
00394   PyObject *tmp;
00395   if (!(tmp = PyObject_GenericGetAttr(o, attr_name))) {
00396     // If no method found, throws AttributeError that we clear.
00397     // If it threw a different exception though, we do fail.
00398     if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
00399       return NULL;
00400     PyErr_Clear();
00401   } else {
00402     return tmp;
00403   }
00405   return atomsel_get((PyAtomSelObject*) o, attr_name);
00406 }
00408 static void help_int(void* p, PyObject *obj)
00409 {
00410   *((int*)p) = as_int(obj);
00411 }
00413 static void help_double(void* p, PyObject *obj)
00414 {
00415   *((double*)p) = PyFloat_AsDouble(obj);
00416 }
00418 static void help_constcharptr(void* p, PyObject *obj)
00419 {
00420   const char *str = as_constcharptr(obj);
00421   *((const char**)p) = str;
00422 }
00424 // Helper functions for set
00425 static int build_set_values(const void* list, const AtomSel *atomSel, 
00426                             PyObject* val, int dtype_size,
00427                             void (*converter)(void*, PyObject*)) {
00428   int i, is_array;
00429   int j = 0;
00430   void *p;
00432   // Determine if passed PyObject is an array
00433   is_array = (PySequence_Check(val) && !is_pystring(val)) ? 1 : 0;
00435   const int *flgs = atomSel->on;
00436   for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00437     // Continue if atom is not part of selection
00438     if (!flgs[i])
00439       continue;
00441     // Get the correct atom
00442     p = (char*) list + i*dtype_size;
00444     // Set ival to each value in array if we have an array
00445     // If array has length 1, repeat first array element*
00446     // *I think this shouldn't be supported, but keeping it for compatilibity
00447     if (is_array) {
00448       if (PySequence_Length(val) == 1)
00449         converter(p, PySequence_ITEM(val, 0));
00450       else
00451         converter(p, PySequence_ITEM(val, j++));
00453     // If not an array of values, unpack PyObject alone
00454     } else {
00455       converter(p, val);
00456     }
00457     if (PyErr_Occurred())
00458       goto failure;
00459   }
00461   return 0;
00463 failure:
00464   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "sequence passed to set contains "
00465                   "the wrong type of data (integer, float, or str)");
00466   return 1;
00467 }
00470 static int atomsel_set(PyAtomSelObject *a, const char *name, PyObject *val)
00471 {
00472   const VMDApp *app = a->app;
00473   const AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00474   const int num_atoms = atomSel->num_atoms;
00475   SymbolTable *table = app->atomSelParser;
00476   int *flgs = atomSel->on;
00477   void* list = NULL;
00479   SymbolTableElement *elem;
00480   DrawMolecule *mol;
00481   int attrib_index;
00483   // Check for a valid molecule
00484   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00485     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
00486     return -1;
00487   }
00489   // Check for a valid attribute
00490   if ((attrib_index = table->find_attribute(name)) == -1) {
00491     PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "unknown atom attribute '%s'", name);
00492     return -1;
00493   }
00495   elem = table->;
00496   if (elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::KEYWORD &&
00497       elem->is_a != SymbolTableElement::SINGLEWORD) {
00498     PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "attribute '%s' is not a keyword or "
00499                  "singleword", name);
00500     return -1;
00501   }
00503   if (!table->is_changeable(attrib_index)) {
00504     PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "attribute '%s' is not modifiable",
00505                  name);
00506     return -1;
00507   }
00509   // singlewords can never be set, so macro is NULL.
00510   atomsel_ctxt context(table, mol, atomSel->which_frame, NULL);
00512   // Integer type
00513   if (elem->returns_a == SymbolTableElement::IS_INT) {
00514     list = malloc(num_atoms * sizeof(int));
00515     if (build_set_values(list, atomSel, val, sizeof(int), help_int))
00516       goto failure;
00518     elem->set_keyword_int(&context, num_atoms, (int*) list, atomSel->on);
00520   // Float type
00521   } else if (elem->returns_a == SymbolTableElement::IS_FLOAT) {
00522     list = malloc(num_atoms * sizeof(double));
00523     if (build_set_values(list, atomSel, val, sizeof(double), help_double))
00524       goto failure;
00526     elem->set_keyword_double(&context, num_atoms, (double*) list, flgs);
00528   } else if (elem->returns_a == SymbolTableElement::IS_STRING) {
00529     list = malloc(num_atoms * sizeof(char*));
00530     if (build_set_values(list, atomSel, val, sizeof(char*), help_constcharptr))
00531         goto failure;
00533     elem->set_keyword_string(&context, num_atoms, (const char**) list, atomSel->on);
00534     // No special memory management needed for strings as python API
00535     // as_constcharptr gives a pointer into PyObject* that Python is managing
00536   }
00538   free(list);
00539   list = NULL;
00541   // Recompute the color assignments if certain atom attributes are changed.
00542   if (!strcmp(name, "name") ||
00543       !strcmp(name, "type") ||
00544       !strcmp(name, "resname") ||
00545       !strcmp(name, "chain") ||
00546       !strcmp(name, "segid") ||
00547       !strcmp(name, "segname"))
00548     app->moleculeList->add_color_names(mol->id());
00550   mol->force_recalc(DrawMolItem::SEL_REGEN | DrawMolItem::COL_REGEN);
00552   return 0;
00554 failure:
00555   // Exception already set by build_set_values or similar
00556   free(list);
00557   return 1;
00558 }
00560 // Legacy atomsel.set method
00561 static const char set_doc[] =
00562 "Set attributes for selected atoms\n\n"
00563 "Args:\n"
00564 "    attribute (str): Attribute to set\n"
00565 "    value: Value for attribute. If single value, all atoms will be set to\n"
00566 "        have the same value. Otherwise, pass a sequence (list or tuple) of\n"
00567 "        values, one per atom in selection";
00568 static PyObject* legacy_atomsel_set(PyObject *o, PyObject *args,
00569                                     PyObject *kwargs)
00570 {
00571   const char *kwlist[] = {"attribute", "value", NULL};
00572   const char *attr;
00573   PyObject *val;
00575   PyErr_Warn(PyExc_DeprecationWarning, "atomsel.set is deprecated. You can\n"
00576              "directly assign to the attributes instead.");
00578   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "sO:atomsel.set",
00579                                   (char**) kwlist,  &attr, &val))
00580     return NULL;
00582   // It sets an exception on error
00583   if (atomsel_set((PyAtomSelObject*) o, attr, val))
00584     return NULL;
00586   Py_INCREF(Py_None);
00587   return Py_None;
00588 }
00590 // __setattr__, with support for defined methods too
00591 static int atomsel_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *name, PyObject *value)
00592 {
00593   // Check that there isn't a class method for this set first
00594   // GenericSetAttr returns 0 on success
00595   // If no setter method found, throws AttributeError that we clear
00596   // We do fail if a different exception is thrown
00597   if (PyObject_GenericSetAttr(o, name, value)) {
00598     if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
00599       return -1;
00600     PyErr_Clear();
00602   } else {
00603     return 0;
00604   }
00606   return atomsel_set((PyAtomSelObject*) o, as_constcharptr(name), value);
00607 }
00609 static const char frame_doc[] =
00610 "Get the frame an atomsel object references. Changing the frame does not\n"
00611 "immediately update the selection. Use `atomsel.update()` to do that.\n"
00612 "Special frame values are -1 for the current frame and -2 for the last frame";
00613 static PyObject *getframe(PyAtomSelObject *a, void *) {
00615   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00616   DrawMolecule *mol;
00618   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a)))
00619     return NULL;
00621   return as_pyint(atomSel->which_frame);
00622 }
00624 static int setframe(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *frameobj, void *) {
00626   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00627   DrawMolecule *mol;
00628   int frame;
00629   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a)))
00630     return -1;
00632   frame = as_int(frameobj);
00633   if (PyErr_Occurred())
00634     return -1;
00636   if (frame != AtomSel::TS_LAST && frame != AtomSel::TS_NOW &&
00637       (frame < 0 || frame >= mol->numframes())) {
00638     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Frame '%d' invalid for this molecule",
00639                  frame);
00640     return -1;
00641   }
00643   atomSel->which_frame = frame;
00644   return 0;
00645 }
00647 static const char update_doc[] =
00648 "Recompute which atoms in the molecule belong to this selection. For example\n"
00649 "when the selection is distance base (e.g. it uses 'within'), changes to the\n"
00650 "frame of this atom selection will not be reflected in the selected atoms\n"
00651 "until this method is called";
00652 static PyObject *py_update(PyAtomSelObject *a) {
00654   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00655   DrawMolecule *mol;
00656   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) return NULL;
00659     atomSel->change(NULL, mol);
00662   Py_INCREF(Py_None);
00663   return Py_None;
00664 }
00666 static const char write_doc[] =
00667 "Write atoms in this selection to a file of the given type\n\n"
00668 "Args:\n"
00669 "    filetype (str): File type to write, as defined by molfileplugin\n"
00670 "    filename (str): Filename to write to";
00671 static PyObject *py_write(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
00672 {
00673   const char *kwlist[] = {"filetype", "filename", NULL};
00674   const char *filetype, *filename;
00675   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00676   DrawMolecule *mol;
00677   int frame = -1;
00678   FileSpec spec;
00679   VMDApp *app;
00680   int rc;
00682   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00683     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "molecule for this selection is deleted");
00684     return NULL;
00685   }
00687   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "ss:atomsel.write",
00688                                    (char**) kwlist, &filetype, &filename))
00689     return NULL;
00691   if (!(app = get_vmdapp()))
00692     return NULL;
00694   switch (atomSel->which_frame) {
00695     case AtomSel::TS_NOW:  frame = mol->frame(); break;
00696     case AtomSel::TS_LAST: frame = mol->numframes()-1; break;
00697     default:               frame = atomSel->which_frame; break;
00698   }
00700   // If frame out of bounds, return error
00701   // (formerly this just truncated frame to being in the valid range)
00702   if (frame < 0 || frame >= mol->numframes()) {
00703     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "frame '%d' out of bounds for this molecule",
00704                  frame);
00705     return NULL;
00706   }
00708   // Write the requested atoms to the file
00709   spec.first = frame;
00710   spec.last = frame;
00711   spec.stride = 1;
00712   spec.waitfor = FileSpec::WAIT_ALL;
00713   spec.selection = atomSel->on;
00716     rc = app->molecule_savetrajectory(mol->id(), filename, filetype, &spec);
00719   if (rc < 0) {
00720     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Unable to write selection to file.");
00721     return NULL;
00722   }
00724   Py_INCREF(Py_None);
00725   return Py_None;
00726 }
00728 static const char bonds_doc[] =
00729 "For each atom in selection, a list of the indices of atoms to which it is\n"
00730 "bonded.\nTo set bonds, pass a sequence with length of the number of atoms in\n"
00731 "the selection, with each entry in the sequence being a list or tuple\n"
00732 "containing the atom indices to which that atom in the selection is bound\n\n"
00733 "For example, for a water molecule with atoms H-O-H:\n"
00734 ">>> sel = atomsel('water and residue 0')\n"
00735 ">>> sel.bonds = [(1), (0,2), (1)]";
00736 static PyObject *getbonds(PyAtomSelObject *a, void *)
00737 {
00738   PyObject *bondlist = NULL, *newlist = NULL;
00739   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00740   DrawMolecule *mol;
00741   int i, j, k = 0;
00743   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00744     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on deleted molecule");
00745     return NULL;
00746   }
00748   newlist = PyList_New(atomSel->selected);
00749   if (!newlist)
00750     goto failure;
00752   for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00754     if (!atomSel->on[i])
00755       continue;
00757     const MolAtom *atom = mol->atom(i);
00758     bondlist = PyList_New(atom->bonds);
00759     if (!bondlist)
00760       goto failure;
00762     for (j=0; j<atom->bonds; j++) {
00763       PyList_SET_ITEM(bondlist, j, as_pyint(atom->bondTo[j]));
00764       if (PyErr_Occurred())
00765         goto failure;
00766     }
00768     PyList_SET_ITEM(newlist, k++, bondlist);
00769     if (PyErr_Occurred())
00770       goto failure;
00771   }
00772   return newlist;
00774 failure:
00775   Py_XDECREF(newlist);
00776   Py_XDECREF(bondlist);
00777   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem getting bonds");
00778   return NULL;
00779 }
00781 static int setbonds(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *obj, void *)
00782 {
00783   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00784   DrawMolecule *mol;
00785   PyObject *atomids;
00786   int ibond = 0;
00787   int i, j, k;
00789   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00790     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on deleted molecule");
00791     return -1;
00792   }
00794   if (!PySequence_Check(obj)) {
00795     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Argument to setbonds must be a sequence");
00796     return -1;
00797   }
00799   if (PySequence_Size(obj) != atomSel->selected) {
00800     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "atomlist and bondlist must be the same "
00801                     "size");
00802     return -1;
00803   }
00805   mol->force_recalc(DrawMolItem::MOL_REGEN); // many reps ignore bonds
00806   for (i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
00807     if (!atomSel->on[i])
00808       continue;
00810     MolAtom *atom = mol->atom(i);
00811     if (!(atomids = PySequence_GetItem(obj, ibond++))) {
00812       PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not get bonds for atom %d",
00813                    ibond - 1);
00814       goto failure;
00815     }
00817     if (!PySequence_Check(atomids)) {
00818       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Bonded atoms must be a sequence");
00819       return -1;
00820     }
00822     k = 0;
00823     for (j = 0; j < PySequence_Size(atomids); j++) {
00824       int bond = as_int(PySequence_GetItem(atomids, j));
00826       if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
00827         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "atom indices to set bonds must be "
00828                         "integers");
00829         goto failure;
00830       }
00832       if (bond >= 0 && bond < mol->nAtoms) {
00833         atom->bondTo[k++] = bond;
00834       }
00835     }
00836     atom->bonds = k;
00837   }
00839   return 0;
00841 failure:
00842   return -1;
00843 }
00845 static const char molid_doc[] =
00846 "The molecule ID the selection is associated with";
00847 static PyObject *getmolid(PyAtomSelObject *a, void *) {
00848   if (!a->app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(a->atomSel->molid())) {
00849     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on deleted molecule");
00850     return NULL;
00851   }
00852   return as_pyint(a->atomSel->molid());
00853 }
00855 static PyGetSetDef atomsel_getset[] = {
00856   {(char*) "frame", (getter)getframe, (setter)setframe, (char*) frame_doc, NULL},
00857   {(char*) "bonds", (getter)getbonds, (setter)setbonds, (char*) bonds_doc, NULL},
00858   {(char*) "molid", (getter)getmolid, (setter)NULL, (char*) molid_doc, NULL},
00859   {NULL },
00860 };
00862 // utility routine for parsing weight values.  Uses the sequence protocol
00863 // so that sequence-type structure (list, tuple) will be accepted.
00864 static float *parse_weight(AtomSel *sel, PyObject *wtobj)
00865 {
00866   float *weight = new float[sel->selected];
00867   PyObject *seq = NULL;
00868   int i;
00870   // If no weights passed, set them all to 1.0
00871   if (!wtobj || wtobj == Py_None) {
00872     for (int i=0; i<sel->selected; i++)
00873       weight[i] = 1.0f;
00874     return weight;
00875   }
00877   if (!(seq = PySequence_Fast(wtobj, "weight must be a sequence.")))
00878     goto failure;
00880   if (PySequence_Size(seq) != sel->selected) {
00881     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "weight must be same size as selection.");
00882     goto failure;
00883   }
00885   for (i = 0; i < sel->selected; i++) {
00886     PyObject *w = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq, i);
00887     if (!PyFloat_Check(w)) {
00888       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Weights must be floating point numbers");
00889       goto failure;
00890     }
00892     double tmp = PyFloat_AsDouble(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq, i));
00893     weight[i] = (float)tmp;
00894   }
00896   Py_XDECREF(seq);
00897   return weight;
00899 failure:
00900   Py_XDECREF(seq);
00901   delete [] weight;
00902   return NULL;
00903 }
00905 static const char minmax_doc[] =
00906 "Get minimum and maximum coordinates for selected atoms\n\n"
00907 "Args:\n"
00908 "    radii (bool): If atomic radii should be included in calculation\n"
00909 "        Defaults to False.\n"
00910 "Returns:\n"
00911 "    (2-tuple of tuples): (x,y,z) coordinate of minimum, then maximum atom";
00912 static PyObject *minmax(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
00913 {
00914   const char *kwlist[] = {"radii", NULL};
00915   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00916   const float *radii;
00917   float min[3], max[3];
00918   DrawMolecule *mol;
00919   int withradii = 0;
00920   const float *pos;
00921   int rc;
00923   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|O&:atomsel.minmax",
00924                                    (char**) kwlist, convert_bool, &withradii))
00925     return NULL;
00927   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00928     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
00929     return NULL;
00930   }
00932   radii = withradii ? mol->"radius") : NULL;
00934   pos = atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList);
00935   rc = measure_minmax(atomSel->num_atoms, atomSel->on, pos, radii, min, max);
00936   if (rc < 0) {
00937     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
00938     return NULL;
00939   }
00941   return Py_BuildValue("(f,f,f),(f,f,f)",
00942       min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
00943 }
00945 static const char centerperres_doc[] =
00946 "Get the coordinates of the center of each residue in the selection,\n"
00947 "optionally weighted by weight\n\n"
00948 "Args:\n"
00949 "    weight (list of float): Weights for each atom in selection. Optional.\n"
00950 "        weights cannot be 0 otherwise NaN will be returned.\n"
00951 "Returns:\n"
00952 "    (list of tuple): (x,y,z) coordinates of center of each residue";
00953 static PyObject *centerperresidue(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args,
00954                                   PyObject *kwargs)
00955 {
00956   PyObject *weightobj = NULL, *returnlist = NULL, *element = NULL;
00957   const char *kwlist[] = {"weight", NULL};
00958   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
00959   float *weight, *cen;
00960   DrawMolecule *mol;
00961   int i, j, ret_val;
00963   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
00964     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
00965     return NULL;
00966   }
00968   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|O:atomsel.centerperresidue",
00969                                    (char**) kwlist, &weightobj))
00970     return NULL;
00972   weight = parse_weight(atomSel, weightobj);
00973   if (!weight)
00974     return NULL;
00976   // compute center
00977   cen = new float[3*atomSel->selected];
00978   ret_val = measure_center_perresidue(a->app->moleculeList, atomSel,
00979                                       atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
00980                                       weight, cen);
00981   delete [] weight;
00983   if (ret_val < 0) {
00984     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(ret_val));
00985     goto failure;
00986     return NULL;
00987   }
00989   //Build the python list.
00990   returnlist = PyList_New(ret_val);
00991   for (i = 0; i < ret_val; i++) {
00992     element = PyTuple_New(3);
00994     for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00995       PyTuple_SET_ITEM(element, j, PyFloat_FromDouble((double) cen[3*i+j]));
00996       if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
00997         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Problem building center list");
00998         goto failure;
00999       }
01000     }
01002     PyList_SET_ITEM(returnlist, i, element);
01003     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01004       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Problem building center list");
01005       goto failure;
01006     }
01007   }
01009   delete [] cen;
01010   return returnlist;
01012 failure:
01013   delete [] cen;
01014   delete [] weight;
01015   Py_XDECREF(returnlist);
01016   Py_XDECREF(element);
01017   return NULL;
01018 }
01021 static const char rmsfperres_doc[] =
01022 "Measures the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF) along a trajectory on a\n"
01023 "per-residue basis. RMSF is the mean deviation from the average position\n\n"
01024 "Args:\n"
01025 "    first (int): First frame to include. Defaults to 0 (beginning).\n"
01026 "    last (int): Last frame to include. Defaults to -1 (end).\n"
01027 "    step (int): Use every step-th frame. Defaults to 1 (all frames)\n"
01028 "Returns:\n"
01029 "    (list of float): RMSF for each residue in selection";
01030 static PyObject *py_rmsfperresidue(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args,
01031                                    PyObject *kwargs)
01032 {
01033   const char *kwlist[] = {"first", "last", "step", NULL};
01034   int first=0, last=-1, step=1;
01035   PyObject *returnlist = NULL;
01036   int ret_val, i;
01037   float *rmsf;
01039   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|iii:atomsel.rmsfperresidue",
01040                                    (char**) kwlist, &first, &last, &step))
01041     return NULL;
01043   // Check molecule is valid
01044   if (!get_molecule(a)) {
01045     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01046     return NULL;
01047   }
01049   rmsf = new float[a->atomSel->selected];
01050   ret_val = measure_rmsf_perresidue(a->atomSel, a->app->moleculeList,
01051                                     first, last, step, rmsf);
01052   if (ret_val < 0) {
01053     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, measure_error(ret_val));
01054     goto failure;
01055   }
01057   //Build the python list.
01058   returnlist = PyList_New(ret_val);
01059   for (i = 0; i < ret_val; i++) {
01060     PyList_SetItem(returnlist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(rmsf[i]));
01061     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01062       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building rmsf list");
01063       goto failure;
01064     }
01065   }
01067   delete [] rmsf;
01068   return returnlist;
01070 failure:
01071   Py_XDECREF(returnlist);
01072   delete [] rmsf;
01073   return NULL;
01074 }
01076 static const char center_doc[] =
01077 "Get the coordinates of the center of the selection, optionally with weights\n"
01078 "on the selection atoms\n\n"
01079 "Args:\n"
01080 "    weight (list of float): Weight on each atom. Optional\n"
01081 "Returns:\n"
01082 "    (3-tuple of float): (x,y,z) coordinates of center of the selection";
01083 static PyObject *center(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01084 {
01085   const char *kwlist[] = {"weight", NULL};
01086   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
01087   PyObject *weightobj = NULL;
01088   DrawMolecule *mol;
01089   float *weight;
01090   float cen[3];
01091   int ret_val;
01093   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
01094     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01095     return NULL;
01096   }
01098   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|",
01099                                    (char**) kwlist, &weightobj))
01100     return NULL;
01102   weight = parse_weight(atomSel, weightobj);
01103   if (!weight)
01104     return NULL;
01106   // compute center
01107   ret_val = measure_center(atomSel, atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01108                            weight, cen);
01109   delete [] weight;
01111   if (ret_val < 0) {
01112     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(ret_val));
01113     return NULL;
01114   }
01116   return Py_BuildValue("(f,f,f)", cen[0], cen[1], cen[2]);
01117 }
01119 // helper function to validate weights with multiple atomsels
01120 static float *parse_two_selections_return_weight(PyAtomSelObject *a,
01121                                                  PyObject *args,
01122                                                  PyObject *kwargs,
01123                                                  AtomSel **othersel)
01124 {
01125   const char *kwlist[] = {"selection", "weight", NULL};
01126   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
01127   AtomSel *sel2;
01128   PyObject *weightobj = NULL;
01129   PyObject *other;
01130   DrawMolecule *mol;
01131   float *weight;
01133   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))){
01134     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01135     return NULL;
01136   }
01138   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!|O", (char**) kwlist,
01139                                    &Atomsel_Type, &other, &weightobj))
01140     return NULL;
01142   weight = parse_weight(atomSel, weightobj);
01143   if (!weight)
01144     return NULL;
01146   sel2 = ((PyAtomSelObject *)other)->atomSel;
01147   if (!get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject *)other)) {
01148     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
01149                     "selection argument is on a deleted molecule");
01150     delete [] weight;
01151     return NULL;
01152   }
01154   if (atomSel->selected != sel2->selected) {
01155     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Selections must have same number of "
01156                     "atoms");
01157     delete [] weight;
01158     return NULL;
01159   }
01161   *othersel = sel2;
01162   return weight;
01163 }
01165 static const char rmsdperres_doc[] =
01166 "Get the per-residue root-mean-square (RMS) distance between selections\n\n"
01167 "Args:\n"
01168 "    selection (atomsel): Selection to compute distance to. Must have the\n"
01169 "        same number of atoms as this selection\n"
01170 "    weight (list of float): Weight for atoms, one per atom in selection.\n"
01171 "        Optional\n"
01172 "Returns:\n"
01173 "    (list of float): RMSD between each residue in selection";
01174 static PyObject *py_rmsdperresidue(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args,
01175                                    PyObject *kwargs)
01176 {
01177   PyObject *returnlist = NULL;
01178   float *weight, *rmsd;
01179   AtomSel *sel2;
01180   int i, rc;
01182   weight = parse_two_selections_return_weight(a, args, kwargs, &sel2);
01183   if (!weight)
01184     return NULL;
01186   rmsd = new float[a->atomSel->selected];
01187   rc = measure_rmsd_perresidue(a->atomSel, sel2, a->app->moleculeList,
01188                                a->atomSel->selected, weight, rmsd);
01189   delete [] weight;
01191   if (rc < 0) {
01192     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01193     goto failure;
01194   }
01196   //Build the python list.
01197   returnlist = PyList_New(rc);
01198   for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
01199     PyList_SET_ITEM(returnlist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(rmsd[i]));
01200     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01201       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building rmsd list");
01202       goto failure;
01203     }
01204   }
01206   delete [] rmsd;
01207   return returnlist;
01209 failure:
01210   delete [] rmsd;
01211   Py_XDECREF(returnlist);
01212   return NULL;
01213 }
01215 static const char rmsd_doc[] =
01216 "Calculate the root-mean-square distance (RMSD) between selections. Atoms\n"
01217 "must be in the same order in each selection\n\n"
01218 "Args:\n"
01219 "    selection (atomsel): Other selection to compute RMSD to. Must have\n"
01220 "        the same number of atoms as this selection\n"
01221 "    weight (list of float): Weight per atom, optional\n"
01222 "Returns:\n"
01223 "    (float): RMSD between selections.";
01224 static PyObject *py_rmsd(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01225 {
01226   AtomSel *sel2;
01227   float *weight;
01228   float rmsd;
01229   int rc;
01231   weight = parse_two_selections_return_weight(a, args, kwargs, &sel2);
01232   if (!weight)
01233     return NULL;
01235   rc = measure_rmsd(a->atomSel, sel2, a->atomSel->selected,
01236                     a->atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01237                     sel2->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01238                     weight, &rmsd);
01239   delete [] weight;
01241   if (rc < 0) {
01242     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01243     return NULL;
01244   }
01246   return PyFloat_FromDouble(rmsd);
01247 }
01249 static const char rmsd_q_doc[] =
01250 "Calculate the root-mean-square distance (RMSD) between selection after\n"
01251 "rotating them optimally\n\n"
01252 "Args:\n"
01253 "    selection (atomsel): Other selection to compute RMSD to. Must have\n"
01254 "        the same number of atoms as this selection\n"
01255 "    weight (list of float): Weight per atom, optional\n"
01256 "Returns:\n"
01257 "    (float): RMSD between selections.";
01258 static PyObject *py_rmsd_q(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01259 {
01260   AtomSel *sel2;
01261   float *weight;
01262   float rmsd;
01263   int rc;
01265   weight = parse_two_selections_return_weight(a, args, kwargs, &sel2);
01266   if (!weight)
01267     return NULL;
01269   rc = measure_rmsd_qcp(a->app, a->atomSel, sel2, a->atomSel->selected,
01270                         a->atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01271                         sel2->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01272                         weight, &rmsd);
01273   delete [] weight;
01275   if (rc < 0) {
01276     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01277     return NULL;
01278   }
01279   return PyFloat_FromDouble(rmsd);
01280 }
01282 static char *rmsdmat_q_doc = (char *)
01283   "rmsdmat(sel=this, weight=None, first=0, last=-1, step=1) -> pairwise \n"
01284   "  rmsd over a trajectory, returned as a matrix.\n"
01285   "  Weight must be None or list of same size as selection.\n"
01286   "  Uses QCP algorithm internally, so does not depend on pre-alignment.";
01287 static PyObject *py_rmsdmat_q(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
01288   int first=0, last=-1, step=1;
01289   PyObject *weightobj = NULL;
01290   static char *kwlist[] = {(char *)"weight",(char *)"first",(char *)"last",(char *)"step", NULL };
01291   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|Oiii", kwlist, 
01292         &weightobj, &first, &last, &step)) { return NULL;}
01294   float *weight = parse_weight(a->atomSel, weightobj);
01295   if (!weight) return NULL;
01297   if (last < 0)
01298     last = a->app->molecule_numframes(a->atomSel->molid()) - 1;
01299   int framecount = (last - first + 1) / step;
01300   float *rmsdmat = new float[framecount * framecount];
01302   // compute the rmsd matrix
01303   int rc = measure_rmsdmat_qcp(a->app, a->atomSel, a->app->moleculeList, 
01304                                a->atomSel->selected, weight, 
01305                                first, last, step, rmsdmat);
01307   delete [] weight;
01308   if (rc < 0) {
01309     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01310     return NULL;
01311   }
01313   int i,j;
01314   PyObject* returnlist = PyList_New(framecount);
01315   for (i = 0; i < framecount; i++) {
01316     PyObject* listacross = PyList_New(framecount);
01317     for (j = 0; j < framecount; j++) {
01318       PyList_SetItem(listacross, j, Py_BuildValue("f", rmsdmat[i*framecount + j]));
01319     }
01320     PyList_SET_ITEM(returnlist, i, listacross);
01321   }
01322   delete [] rmsdmat;
01323   return returnlist;
01324 }
01326 static const char rmsf_doc[] =
01327 "Measures the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF) along a trajectory on a\n"
01328 "per-atom basis. RMSF is the mean deviation from the average position\n\n"
01329 "Args:\n"
01330 "    first (int): First frame to include. Defaults to 0 (beginning).\n"
01331 "    last (int): Last frame to include. Defaults to -1 (end).\n"
01332 "    step (int): Use every step-th frame. Defaults to 1 (all frames)\n"
01333 "Returns:\n"
01334 "    (list of float): RMSF for each atom in selection";
01335 static PyObject *py_rmsf(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01336 {
01337   const char *kwlist[] = {"first", "last", "step", NULL};
01338   int first = 0, last = -1, step = 1;
01339   PyObject *returnlist = NULL;
01340   int i, ret_val;
01341   float *rmsf;
01343   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|iii:atomsel.rmsf",
01344                                    (char**) kwlist, &first, &last, &step))
01345     return NULL;
01347   // Check molecule is valid
01348   if (!get_molecule(a)) {
01349     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01350     return NULL;
01351   }
01353   rmsf = new float[a->atomSel->selected];
01354   ret_val = measure_rmsf(a->atomSel, a->app->moleculeList, first, last,
01355                          step, rmsf);
01356   if (ret_val < 0) {
01357     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, measure_error(ret_val));
01358     goto failure;
01359   }
01361   returnlist = PyList_New(a->atomSel->selected);
01362   for (i = 0; i < a->atomSel->selected; i++) {
01363     PyList_SET_ITEM(returnlist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(rmsf[i]));
01364     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01365       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "cannot build rmsd list");
01366       goto failure;
01367     }
01368   }
01370   delete [] rmsf;
01371   return returnlist;
01373 failure:
01374   delete [] rmsf;
01375   Py_XDECREF(returnlist);
01376   return NULL;
01377 }
01379 static const char rgyr_doc[] =
01380 "Calculate the radius of gyration of this selection\n\n"
01381 "Args:\n"
01382 "    weight (list of float): Per-atom weights to apply during calcuation\n"
01383 "        Must be same size as selection. Optional\n"
01384 "Returns:\n"
01385 "    (float): Radius of gyration";
01386 static PyObject *py_rgyr(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01387 {
01388   const char *kwlist[] = {"weight", NULL};
01389   PyObject *weightobj = NULL;
01390   float *weight;
01391   float rgyr;
01392   int rc;
01394   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|O:atomsel.rgyr",
01395                                    (char**) kwlist, &weightobj))
01396     return NULL;
01398   weight = parse_weight(a->atomSel, weightobj);
01399   if (!weight)
01400     return NULL;
01402   rc = measure_rgyr(a->atomSel, a->app->moleculeList, weight, &rgyr);
01403   delete [] weight;
01405   if (rc < 0) {
01406     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01407     return NULL;
01408   }
01410   return PyFloat_FromDouble(rgyr);
01411 }
01413 static const char fit_doc[] =
01414 "Compute the transformation matrix for the root-mean-square (RMS) alignment\n"
01415 "of this selection to the one given. The format of the matrix is suitable\n"
01416 "for passing to the `atomsel.move()` method\n\n"
01417 "Args:\n"
01418 "    selection (atomsel): Selection to compute fit to. Must have the same\n"
01419 "        number of atoms as this selection\n"
01420 "    weight (list of float): Per-atom weights to apply during calculation\n"
01421 "        Must be the same size as this selection. Optional\n"
01422 "Returns:\n"
01423 "    (16-tuple of float): Transformation matrix, in column major / fortran\n"
01424 "        ordering";
01425 static PyObject *py_fit(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01426 {
01427   PyObject *result;
01428   AtomSel *sel2;
01429   float *weight;
01430   Matrix4 mat;
01431   int rc, i;
01433   weight = parse_two_selections_return_weight(a, args, kwargs, &sel2);
01434   if (!weight)
01435     return NULL;
01437   rc = measure_fit(a->atomSel, sel2,
01438                    a->atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01439                    sel2->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList),
01440                    weight, NULL, &mat);
01441   delete [] weight;
01443   if (rc < 0) {
01444     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01445     return NULL;
01446   }
01448   result = PyTuple_New(16);
01449   for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
01450     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(mat.mat[i]));
01452     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01453       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "problem building fit matrix");
01454       Py_XDECREF(result);
01455       return NULL;
01456     }
01457   }
01459   return result;
01460 }
01462 static const char moveby_doc[] =
01463 "Shift the selection by a vector\n\n"
01464 "Args:\n"
01465 "    vector (3-tuple of float): (x, y, z) movement to apply";
01466 static PyObject *py_moveby(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01467 {
01468   const char *kwlist[] = {"vector", NULL};
01469   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
01470   DrawMolecule *mol;
01471   float offset[3];
01472   float *pos;
01474   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "(fff):atomsel.moveby",
01475                                    (char**) kwlist, &offset[0], &offset[1],
01476                                    &offset[2]))
01477     return NULL;
01479   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
01480     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01481     return NULL;
01482   }
01484   pos = atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList);
01485   if (!atomSel->selected || !pos) {
01486     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No coordinates in selection '%s'"
01487                  " molid %d", atomSel->cmdStr, atomSel->molid());
01488     return NULL;
01489   }
01491   for (int i = atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
01492     if (atomSel->on[i]) {
01493       float *npos = pos + i * 3;
01494       vec_add(npos, npos, offset);
01495     }
01496   }
01498   mol->force_recalc(DrawMolItem::MOL_REGEN);
01499   Py_INCREF(Py_None);
01500   return Py_None;
01501 }
01503 static const char move_doc[] =
01504 "Apply a coordinate transformation to the selection. To undo the move,\n"
01505 "calculate the inverse coordinate transformation matrix with\n"
01506 "`numpy.linalg.inv(matrix)` and pass that to this method\n\n"
01507 "Args:\n"
01508 "    matrix (numpy 16, matrix): Coordinate transformation, in form returned\n"
01509 "        by ``, column major / fortran ordering";
01510 static PyObject *py_move(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01511 {
01512   const char *kwlist[] = {"matrix", NULL};
01513   AtomSel *atomSel = a->atomSel;
01514   DrawMolecule *mol;
01515   PyObject *matobj;
01516   Matrix4 mat;
01517   int err;
01519   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O:atomsel.move",
01520                                    (char**) kwlist, &matobj))
01521     return NULL;
01523   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
01524     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01525     return NULL;
01526   }
01528   if (!atomSel->selected || !atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList)) {
01529     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No coordinates in selection '%s'"
01530                  " molid %d", atomSel->cmdStr, atomSel->molid());
01531     return NULL;
01532   }
01534   // Exception set inside function call if an error is returned
01535   if (!py_get_vector(matobj, 16, mat.mat))
01536     return NULL;
01538   err = measure_move(atomSel, atomSel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList), mat);
01539   if (err) {
01540     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(err));
01541     return NULL;
01542   }
01544   mol->force_recalc(DrawMolItem::MOL_REGEN);
01545   Py_INCREF(Py_None);
01546   return Py_None;
01547 }
01549 static const char contacts_doc[] =
01550 "Finds all atoms in selection within a given distance of any atom in the\n"
01551 "given selection that are not directly bonded to it. Selections can be in\n"
01552 "different molecules.\n\n"
01553 "Args:\n"
01554 "    selection (atomsel): Atom selection to compare against\n"
01555 "    cutoff (float): Distance cutoff for atoms to be considered contacting\n"
01556 "Returns:\n"
01557 "    (2 lists): Atom indices in this selection, and in given selection\n"
01558 "        that are within the cutoff.";
01559 static PyObject *contacts(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01560 {
01561   const char *kwlist[] = {"selection", "cutoff", NULL};
01562   PyObject *result = NULL, *list1 = NULL, *list2 = NULL, *obj2 = NULL;
01563   GridSearchPair *pairlist, *tmp;
01564   const float *ts1, *ts2;
01565   AtomSel *sel1, *sel2;
01566   DrawMolecule *mol;
01567   float cutoff;
01569   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!f:atomsel.contacts",
01570                                    (char**) kwlist, &Atomsel_Type, &obj2,
01571                                    &cutoff))
01572     return NULL;
01574   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
01575     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
01576                     "this selection is in a deleted molecule");
01577     return NULL;
01578   }
01580   if (!(get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject *)obj2))) {
01581     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
01582                     "other selection is in a deleted molecule");
01583     return NULL;
01584   }
01585   sel1 = a->atomSel;
01586   sel2 = ((PyAtomSelObject *)obj2)->atomSel;
01588   if (!(sel1->selected) ||
01589       !(ts1 = sel1->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList))) {
01590     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No coordinates in selection '%s'"
01591                  " molid %d", sel1->cmdStr, sel1->molid());
01592     return NULL;
01593   }
01595   if (!(sel2->selected) ||
01596       !(ts2 = sel2->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList))) {
01597     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No coordinates in selection '%s'"
01598                  " molid %d", sel2->cmdStr, sel2->molid());
01599     return NULL;
01600   }
01602   // Check cutoffs are valid
01603   if (cutoff <= 0) {
01604     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "cutoff must be > 0");
01605     return NULL;
01606   }
01608   pairlist = vmd_gridsearch3(ts1, sel1->num_atoms, sel1->on, ts2,
01609                              sel2->num_atoms, sel2->on, cutoff, -1,
01610                              (sel1->num_atoms + sel2->num_atoms) * 27);
01612   list1 = PyList_New(0);
01613   list2 = PyList_New(0);
01614   if (PyErr_Occurred())
01615     goto failure;
01617   for (; pairlist; pairlist = tmp) {
01618     // throw out pairs that are already bonded
01619     MolAtom *a1 = mol->atom(pairlist->ind1);
01620     if (sel1->molid() != sel2->molid() || !a1->bonded(pairlist->ind2)) {
01621       // Since PyList_Append does *not* steal a reference, we need to
01622       // keep the object then decref it after append, to not leak references
01623       PyObject *tmp1 = as_pyint(pairlist->ind1);
01624       PyObject *tmp2 = as_pyint(pairlist->ind2);
01626       PyList_Append(list1, tmp1);
01627       PyList_Append(list2, tmp2);
01629       Py_DECREF(tmp1);
01630       Py_DECREF(tmp2);
01632       if (PyErr_Occurred())
01633         goto failure;
01634     }
01635     tmp = pairlist->next;
01636     free(pairlist);
01637   }
01639   result = PyList_New(2);
01640   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 0, list1);
01641   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 1, list2);
01642   if (PyErr_Occurred())
01643     goto failure;
01645   return result;
01647 failure:
01648   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building contacts lists");
01649   Py_XDECREF(list1);
01650   Py_XDECREF(list2);
01651   Py_XDECREF(result);
01653   // Free linked list of GridSearchPairs, if iteration was broken out of
01654   for (; pairlist; pairlist = tmp) {
01655     tmp = pairlist->next;
01656     free(pairlist);
01657   }
01658   return NULL;
01659 }
01661 static const char py_hbonds_doc[] =
01662 "Get hydrogen bonds present in current frame of selection using simple\n"
01663 "geometric criteria.\n\n"
01664 "Args:\n"
01665 "    cutoff (float): Distance cutoff between donor and acceptor atoms\n"
01666 "    maxangle (float): Angle cutoff between donor, hydrogen, and acceptor.\n"
01667 "        Angle must be less than this value from 180 degrees.\n"
01668 "    acceptor (atomsel): If given, atomselection for selector atoms, and this\n"
01669 "        selection is assumed to have donor atoms. Both selections must be in\n"
01670 "        the same molecule. If there is overlap between donor and acceptor\n"
01671 "        selection, the output may be inaccurate. Optional.\n"
01672 "Returns:\n"
01673 "    (list of 3 lists): Donor atom indices, acceptor atom indices, and\n"
01674 "        proton atom indices of identified hydrogen bonds\n";
01675 // TODO: make it return a dict
01676 static PyObject *py_hbonds(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01677 {
01678   const char *kwlist[] = {"cutoff", "maxangle", "acceptor", NULL};
01679   PyObject *newdonlist, *newacclist, *newhydlist;
01680   PyObject *obj2 = NULL, *result = NULL;
01681   AtomSel *sel1 = a->atomSel, *sel2;
01682   int *donlist, *hydlist, *acclist;
01683   double cutoff, maxangle;
01684   int maxsize, rc, i;
01685   DrawMolecule *mol;
01686   const float *pos;
01688   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "dd|O!:atomsel.hbonds",
01689                                    (char**) kwlist, &cutoff, &maxangle,
01690                                    &Atomsel_Type, &obj2))
01691     return NULL;
01693   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a))) {
01694     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "selection is on a deleted molecule");
01695     return NULL;
01696   }
01698   // Acceptor must be an atomsel
01699   if (obj2 && !atomsel_Check(obj2)) {
01700     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "acceptor must be an atom selection");
01701     return NULL;
01702   }
01703   sel2 = obj2 ? ((PyAtomSelObject *)obj2)->atomSel : NULL;
01705   if (sel2 && !get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject*) obj2)) {
01706     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "acceptor selection is on a deleted molecule");
01707     return NULL;
01708   }
01710   // Selections should be on same molecule
01711   if (obj2 && mol != get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject*) obj2)) {
01712     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "acceptor selection must be in the same "
01713                     "molecule as this selection");
01714     return NULL;
01715   }
01717   if (!(a->atomSel->selected)
01718    || !(pos = sel1->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList))) {
01719     PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No coordinates in selection '%s'"
01720                  " molid %d", a->atomSel->cmdStr, a->atomSel->molid());
01721     return NULL;
01722   }
01724   // Check cutoffs are valid
01725   if (cutoff <= 0) {
01726     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "cutoff must be > 0");
01727     return NULL;
01728   }
01730   if (maxangle < 0) {
01731     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "maxangle must be non-negative");
01732     return NULL;
01733   }
01735   // This heuristic is based on ice, where there are < 2 hydrogen bonds per
01736   // atom if hydrogens are in the selection, and exactly 2 if hydrogens are
01737   // not considered.
01738   maxsize = 2 * sel1->num_atoms;
01739   donlist = new int[maxsize];
01740   hydlist = new int[maxsize];
01741   acclist = new int[maxsize];
01742   rc = measure_hbonds((Molecule *)mol, sel1, sel2, cutoff, maxangle, donlist,
01743                       hydlist, acclist, maxsize);
01744   if (rc > maxsize) {
01745     delete [] donlist;
01746     delete [] hydlist;
01747     delete [] acclist;
01748     maxsize = rc;
01749     donlist = new int[maxsize];
01750     hydlist = new int[maxsize];
01751     acclist = new int[maxsize];
01752     rc = measure_hbonds((Molecule *)mol, sel1, sel2, cutoff, maxangle, donlist,
01753                         hydlist, acclist, maxsize);
01754   }
01755   if (rc < 0) {
01756     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem calculating hbonds");
01757     return NULL;
01758   }
01760   newdonlist = PyList_New(rc);
01761   newacclist = PyList_New(rc);
01762   newhydlist = PyList_New(rc);
01763   if (PyErr_Occurred())
01764     goto failure;
01766   for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
01767     PyList_SET_ITEM(newdonlist, i, as_pyint(donlist[i]));
01768     PyList_SET_ITEM(newacclist, i, as_pyint(acclist[i]));
01769     PyList_SET_ITEM(newhydlist, i, as_pyint(hydlist[i]));
01771     if (PyErr_Occurred())
01772       goto failure;
01773   }
01775   result = PyList_New(3);
01776   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 0, newdonlist);
01777   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 1, newacclist);
01778   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 2, newhydlist);
01780   if (PyErr_Occurred())
01781     goto failure;
01783   delete [] donlist;
01784   delete [] hydlist;
01785   delete [] acclist;
01786   return result;
01788 failure:
01789   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building hbonds result");
01790   delete [] donlist;
01791   delete [] hydlist;
01792   delete [] acclist;
01793   Py_XDECREF(newdonlist);
01794   Py_XDECREF(newacclist);
01795   Py_XDECREF(newhydlist);
01796   Py_XDECREF(result);
01797   return NULL;
01798 }
01800 static const char sasa_doc[] =
01801 "Get solvent accessible surface area of selection\n\n"
01802 "Args:\n"
01803 "    srad (float): Solvent radius\n"
01804 "    samples (int): Maximum number of sample points per atom. Defaults to 500\n"
01805 "    points (bool): True to also return the coordinates of surface points.\n"
01806 "        Defaults to True.\n"
01807 "    restrict (atomsel): Calculate SASA contributions from atoms in this\n"
01808 "        selection only. Useful for getting SASA of residues in the context\n"
01809 "        of their environment. Optional\n"
01810 "Returns:\n"
01811 "    (float): Solvent accessible surface area\n"
01812 "    OR (float, list of 3-tuple): SASA, points, if points=True\n"
01813 "Example to get percent solvent accssibility of a ligand\n"
01814 "    >>> big_sel = atomsel('protein or resname LIG')\n"
01815 "    >>> lig_sel = atomsel('resname LIG')\n"
01816 "    >>> ligand_in_protein_sasa = big_sel.sasa(srad=1.4, restrict=lig_sel)\n"
01817 "    >>> ligand_alone_sasa, points = lig_sel.sasa(srad=1.4, points=True)\n"
01818 "    >>> print(100. * ligand_in_protein_sasa / ligand_alone_sasa)";
01819 static PyObject *sasa(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01820 {
01821   const char *kwlist[] = {"srad", "samples", "points", "restrict", NULL};
01822   PyObject *restrictobj = NULL, *pointsobj = NULL;
01823   AtomSel *sel, *restrictsel;
01824   const float *radii, *coords;
01825   ResizeArray<float> sasapts;
01826   float srad = 0, sasa = 0;
01827   int samples = 500, points = 0;
01828   DrawMolecule *mol;
01829   int rc;
01831   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a)))
01832     return NULL;
01834   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "f|iO&O!:atomsel.sasa",
01835                                    (char**) kwlist, &srad, &samples,
01836                                    convert_bool, &points, &Atomsel_Type,
01837                                    &restrictobj))
01838     return NULL;
01840   if (srad < 0) {
01841     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "srad must be non-negative.");
01842     return NULL;
01843   }
01845   if (samples <= 0) {
01846     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "samples must be positive.");
01847     return NULL;
01848   }
01850   // fetch the radii and coordinates
01851   sel = a->atomSel;
01852   radii = mol->"radius");
01853   coords = sel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList);
01855   // if restrict is given, validate it and pull the selection out
01856   if (restrictobj && !get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject*) restrictobj)) {
01857     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "restrict sel is on deleted molecule");
01858     return NULL;
01859   }
01860   restrictsel = restrictobj ? ((PyAtomSelObject*) restrictobj)->atomSel : NULL;
01862   // actually calculate sasa
01863   rc = measure_sasa(sel, coords, radii, srad, &sasa,
01864                     points ? &sasapts : NULL, restrictsel, &samples);
01865   if (rc) {
01866     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01867     return NULL;
01868   }
01870   // append surface points to the provided list object.
01871   if (points) {
01872     pointsobj  = PyList_New(sasapts.num()/3);
01874     for (int i = 0; i < sasapts.num() / 3; i++) {
01875       PyObject *coord = Py_BuildValue("ddd", sasapts[3L*i], sasapts[3L*i+1],
01876                                       sasapts[3L*i+2]);
01877       PyList_SET_ITEM(pointsobj, i, coord);
01879       if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01880         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building points list");
01881         Py_XDECREF(pointsobj);
01882         return NULL;
01883       }
01884     }
01885     return Py_BuildValue("dO", sasa, pointsobj);
01886   }
01888   return PyFloat_FromDouble(sasa);
01889 }
01891 static const char sasa_perresidue_doc[] =
01892 "Get solvent accessible surface area of selection\n\n"
01893 "Args:\n"
01894 "    srad (float): Solvent radius\n"
01895 "    samples (int): Maximum number of sample points per atom. Defaults to 500\n"
01896 "    restrict (atomsel): Calculate SASA contributions from atoms in this\n"
01897 "        selection only. Useful for getting SASA of residues in the context\n"
01898 "        of their environment.\n"
01899 "Returns:\n"
01900 "    (float): Solvent accessible surface area\n"
01901 "Example to get percent solvent accssibility of a ligand\n"
01902 "    >>> big_sel = atomsel('protein')\n"
01903 "    >>> output_sel1 = atomsel('resname ARG')\n"
01904 "    >>> output_sel2 = atomsel('protein')\n"
01905 "    >>> output_sasa_1 = big_sel.sasa(srad=1.4, restrict=output_sel1)\n"
01906 "    >>> output_sasa_2 = big_sel.sasa(srad=1.4, restrict=output_sel2)\n"
01907 "    >>> print('SASA for residue ARG')\n"
01908 "    >>> print(output_sasa_1)\n"
01909 "    >>> print('SASA for all residues of protein')\n"
01910 "    >>> print(output_sasa_2)";
01911 static PyObject *sasa_perresidue(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
01912 {
01913   const char *kwlist[] = {"srad", "samples", "restrict", NULL};
01914   PyObject *restrictobj = NULL, *returnlist = NULL;
01915   AtomSel *sel, *restrictsel;
01916   const float *radii, *coords;
01917   float *sasavals;
01918   ResizeArray<float> sasapts;
01919   float srad = 0;
01920   int samples = 500, points = 0, rescount,i;
01921   DrawMolecule *mol;
01922   int rc;
01924   if (!(mol = get_molecule(a)))
01925     return NULL;
01927   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "f|iO!:atomsel.sasa.per",
01928                                    (char**) kwlist, &srad,&samples,&Atomsel_Type,&restrictobj ))
01929     return NULL;
01931   if (srad < 0) {
01932     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "srad must be non-negative.");
01933     return NULL;
01934   }
01936   if (samples <= 0) {
01937     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "samples must be positive.");
01938     return NULL;
01939   }
01941   // fetch the radii and coordinates
01942   sel = a->atomSel;
01943   radii = mol->"radius");
01944   coords = sel->coordinates(a->app->moleculeList);
01946   // if restrict is given, validate it and pull the selection out
01947   if (restrictobj && !get_molecule((PyAtomSelObject*) restrictobj)) {
01948     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "restrict sel is on deleted molecule");
01949     return NULL;
01950   }
01951   restrictsel = restrictobj ? ((PyAtomSelObject*) restrictobj)->atomSel : NULL;
01953   // compute center
01954   sasavals = new float[sel->selected];
01955   rc = measure_sasa_perresidue(sel, coords, radii, srad, sasavals,
01956                     points ? &sasapts : NULL, restrictsel, &samples, &rescount,a->app->moleculeList);
01957   if (rc) {
01958     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, measure_error(rc));
01959     return NULL;
01960   }
01961   //Build the python list for the return list.
01962   returnlist = PyList_New(rescount);
01963   for (i = 0; i < rescount; i++) {
01964     PyList_SetItem(returnlist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(sasavals[i]));
01965     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
01966       PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building sasa list");
01967       goto failure;
01968     }
01969   }
01970   delete [] sasavals;
01971   return returnlist;
01972 failure:
01973   Py_XDECREF(returnlist);
01974   delete [] sasavals;
01975   return NULL;
01976 }
01979 #if defined(VMDCUDA)
01980 #include "CUDAMDFF.h"
01981 static const char mdffsim_doc[] =
01982 "Compute a density map\n\n"
01983 "Args:\n"
01984 "    resolution (float): Resolution. Defaults to 10.0\n"
01985 "    spacing (float): Space between adjacent voxel points.\n"
01986 "        Defaults to 0.3*resolution\n"
01987 "Returns:\n"
01988 "    (4-element list): Density map, consisting of 4 lists:\n"
01989 "        1) A 1D list of the grid values at each point\n"
01990 "        2) 3 integers describing the x, y, z lengths in number of grid cells\n"
01991 "        3) 3 floats describing the (x,y,z) coordinates of the origin\n"
01992 "        4) 9 floats describing the deltas for the x, y, and z axes\n"
01993 "Example usage for export to numpy:\n"
01994 "    >>> data, shape, origin, delta = asel.mdffsim(10,3)\n"
01995 "    >>> data = np.array(data)\n"
01996 "    >>> shape = np.array(shape)\n"
01997 "    >>> data = data.reshape(shape, order='F')\n"
01998 "    >>> delta = np.array(delta).reshape(3,3)\n"
01999 "    >>> delta /= shape-1";
02000 static PyObject *py_mdffsim(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args,
02001                             PyObject *kwargs)
02002 {
02003   const char *kwlist[] = {"resolution", "spacing", NULL};
02004   PyObject *data = NULL, *deltas = NULL, *origin = NULL, *size = NULL;
02005   double gspacing = 0, resolution = 10.0;
02006   VolumetricData *synthvol = NULL;
02007   AtomSel *sel = a->atomSel;
02008   int i, cuda_err, quality;
02009   Molecule *mymol;
02010   float radscale;
02012   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|dd:atomsel:mdffsim",
02013                                    (char**) kwlist, &resolution, &gspacing))
02014     return NULL;
02016   if (gspacing < 0) {
02017     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Spacing must be non-negative");
02018     return NULL;
02019   }
02021   if (resolution < 0) {
02022     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Resolution must be non-negative");
02023     return NULL;
02024   }
02026   if (!(mymol = a->app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(sel->molid()))) {
02027     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Selection points to a deleted molecule.");
02028     return NULL;
02029   }
02031   quality = resolution >= 9 ? 0 : 3;
02032   radscale = .2*resolution;
02033   if (gspacing == 0) {
02034     gspacing = 1.5*radscale;
02035   }
02037   cuda_err = vmd_cuda_calc_density(sel, a->app->moleculeList, quality, radscale,
02038                                    gspacing, &synthvol, NULL, NULL, 1);
02039   if (cuda_err == -1) {
02040     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CUDA Error, no map returned.");
02041     return NULL;
02042   }
02044   // after we made it through all of the host code for common error
02045   // handling, we allocate the list object at the point where we can 
02046   // ensure it is properly cleaned up in the error handling branch
02047   PyObject *result = PyList_New(4);
02049   data = PyList_New(synthvol->xsize * synthvol->ysize * synthvol->zsize);
02050   for (i = 0; i < synthvol->xsize * synthvol->ysize * synthvol->zsize; i++) {
02051     PyList_SET_ITEM(data, i, PyFloat_FromDouble((double)synthvol->data[i]));
02052     if (PyErr_Occurred())
02053       goto failure;
02054   }
02056   deltas = PyList_New(9);
02057   origin = PyList_New(3);
02058   size = PyList_New(3);
02059   if (PyErr_Occurred())
02060     goto failure;
02062   // (x, y, z) size
02063   PyList_SET_ITEM(size, 0, as_pyint(synthvol->xsize));
02064   PyList_SET_ITEM(size, 1, as_pyint(synthvol->ysize));
02065   PyList_SET_ITEM(size, 2, as_pyint(synthvol->zsize));
02066   if (PyErr_Occurred())
02067     goto failure;
02069   // Build length 9 array of axis deltas
02070   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02071     PyList_SET_ITEM(deltas, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(synthvol->xaxis[i]));
02072     PyList_SET_ITEM(deltas, 3+i, PyFloat_FromDouble(synthvol->yaxis[i]));
02073     PyList_SET_ITEM(deltas, 6+i, PyFloat_FromDouble(synthvol->zaxis[i]));
02074     PyList_SET_ITEM(origin, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(synthvol->origin[i]));
02075     if (PyErr_Occurred())
02076       goto failure;
02077   }
02079   delete synthvol;
02080   synthvol = NULL;
02082   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 0, data);
02083   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 1, size);
02084   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 2, origin);
02085   PyList_SET_ITEM(result, 3, deltas);
02086   if (PyErr_Occurred())
02087     goto failure;
02089   return result;
02091 failure:
02092   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem building grid");
02093   Py_XDECREF(data);
02094   Py_XDECREF(deltas);
02095   Py_XDECREF(origin);
02096   Py_XDECREF(size);
02097   Py_XDECREF(result);
02099   if(synthvol)
02100     delete synthvol;
02102   return NULL;
02103 }
02105 static const char mdffcc_doc[] =
02106 "Get the cross correlation between a volumetric map and the current "
02107 "selection.\n\n"
02108 "Args:\n"
02109 "    volid (int): Index of volumetric dataset\n"
02110 "    resolution (float): Resolution. Defaults to 10.0\n"
02111 "    spacing (float): Space between adjacent voxel points.\n"
02112 "        Defaults to 0.3*resolution\n"
02113 "Returns:\n"
02114 "    (float): Cross correlation for a single frame";
02115 static PyObject *py_mdffcc(PyAtomSelObject *a, PyObject *args,
02116                            PyObject *kwargs)
02117 {
02118   const char *kwlist[] = {"volid", "resolution", "spacing", NULL};
02119   const VolumetricData *volmapA = NULL;
02120   int volid, quality, cuda_err;
02121   const AtomSel *sel = a->atomSel;
02122   float return_cc, radscale;
02123   double resolution = 10.0;
02124   double gspacing = 0;
02125   Molecule *mymol;
02127   if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "i|dd:atomsel.mdffcc",
02128                                    (char**) kwlist, &volid, &resolution,
02129                                    &gspacing))
02130     return NULL;
02132   if (gspacing < 0) {
02133     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Spacing must be non-negative");
02134     return NULL;
02135   }
02137   if (resolution < 0) {
02138     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Resolution must be non-negative");
02139     return NULL;
02140   }
02142   if (!(mymol = a->app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(sel->molid()))) {
02143     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Selection points to a deleted molecule");
02144     return NULL;
02145   }
02147   if (!(volmapA = mymol->get_volume_data(volid))) {
02148     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid volume specified. Make sure it's"
02149                     " loaded into the same molecule as the selection");
02150     return NULL;
02151   }
02153   quality = resolution >= 9 ? 0 : 3;
02154   radscale = .2*resolution;
02155   if (!gspacing) {
02156     gspacing = 1.5*radscale;
02157   }
02160   cuda_err = vmd_cuda_compare_sel_refmap(sel, a->app->moleculeList, quality,
02161                                          radscale, gspacing, volmapA, NULL,
02162                                          NULL, NULL, &return_cc, 0.0f, 0);
02163   if (cuda_err == -1) {
02164     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CUDA Error, no map returned.");
02165     return NULL;
02166   }
02168   return PyFloat_FromDouble(return_cc);
02169 }
02170 #endif
02172 // __len__
02173 static Py_ssize_t
02174 atomselection_length( PyObject *a ) {
02175   return ((PyAtomSelObject *)a)->atomSel->selected;
02176 }
02178 // for integer argument, return True or False if index in in selection
02179 static PyObject *
02180 atomselection_subscript( PyAtomSelObject * a, PyObject * keyobj ) {
02181 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
02182   long ind = PyLong_AsLong(keyobj);
02183 #else
02184   long ind = PyInt_AsLong(keyobj);
02185 #endif
02186   if (ind < 0 && PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL;
02187   PyObject *result = Py_False;
02188   if (ind >= 0 && ind < a->atomSel->num_atoms &&
02189       a->atomSel->on[ind]) {
02190     result = Py_True;
02191   }
02192   Py_INCREF(result);
02193   return result;
02194 }
02196 static PyMappingMethods atomsel_mapping = {
02197   atomselection_length,
02198   (binaryfunc)atomselection_subscript,
02199   0
02200 };
02202 /* Methods on selection instances */
02203 static PyMethodDef atomselection_methods[] = {
02204   { "list_attributes", (PyCFunction)py_list_attrs, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, listattrs_doc },
02205   { "get", (PyCFunction)legacy_atomsel_get, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, get_doc  },
02206   { "set", (PyCFunction)legacy_atomsel_set, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, set_doc },
02207   { "update", (PyCFunction)py_update, METH_NOARGS, update_doc },
02208   { "write", (PyCFunction)py_write, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, write_doc },
02209   { "minmax", (PyCFunction)minmax, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, minmax_doc },
02210   { "center", (PyCFunction)center, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, center_doc },
02211   { "rmsd", (PyCFunction)py_rmsd, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsd_doc },
02212   { "rmsdQCP", (PyCFunction)py_rmsd_q, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsd_q_doc },
02213   { "rmsdmat", (PyCFunction)py_rmsdmat_q, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsdmat_q_doc },
02214   { "rmsf", (PyCFunction)py_rmsf, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsf_doc },
02215   { "centerperresidue", (PyCFunction)centerperresidue, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, centerperres_doc },
02216   { "rmsdperresidue", (PyCFunction)py_rmsdperresidue, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsdperres_doc },
02217   { "rmsfperresidue", (PyCFunction)py_rmsfperresidue, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rmsfperres_doc },
02218   { "rgyr", (PyCFunction)py_rgyr, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rgyr_doc },
02219   { "fit", (PyCFunction)py_fit, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, fit_doc },
02220   { "move", (PyCFunction)py_move, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, move_doc },
02221   { "moveby", (PyCFunction)py_moveby, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, moveby_doc },
02222   { "contacts", (PyCFunction)contacts, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, contacts_doc },
02223   { "hbonds", (PyCFunction)py_hbonds, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, py_hbonds_doc },
02224   { "sasa", (PyCFunction)sasa, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, sasa_doc },
02225   { "sasaperresidue", (PyCFunction)sasa_perresidue, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, sasa_perresidue_doc },
02226 #if defined(VMDCUDA)
02227   { "mdffsim", (PyCFunction)py_mdffsim, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, mdffsim_doc },
02228   { "mdffcc", (PyCFunction)py_mdffcc, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, mdffcc_doc },
02229 #endif
02230   { NULL, NULL }
02231 };
02233 // Atom selection iterator
02234 //
02235 typedef struct {
02236   PyObject_HEAD
02237   int index;
02238   PyAtomSelObject * a;
02239 } atomsel_iterobject;
02241 PyObject *atomsel_iter(PyObject *);
02243 PyObject *iter_next(atomsel_iterobject *it) {
02244   for ( ; it->index < it->a->atomSel->num_atoms; ++it->index) {
02245     if (it->a->atomSel->on[it->index])
02246       return as_pyint(it->index++);
02247   }
02248   return NULL;
02249 }
02251 void iter_dealloc(atomsel_iterobject *it) {
02252   Py_XDECREF(it->a);
02253 }
02255 // Length
02256 PyObject *iter_len(atomsel_iterobject *it) {
02257   return as_pyint(it->a->atomSel->selected);
02258 }
02260 PyMethodDef iter_methods[] = {
02261   {"__length_hint__", (PyCFunction)iter_len, METH_NOARGS },
02262   {NULL, NULL}
02263 };
02265 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
02266   PyTypeObject itertype = {
02267     // XXX Clang++ doesn't like this initializer, see PEP 3123:
02268     //
02269     //     See also:
02270     //
02271     //
02272     // PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
02273     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
02274     "atomsel.iterator",
02275     sizeof(atomsel_iterobject), 0, // basic, item size
02276     (destructor)iter_dealloc, // dealloc
02277     0, //tp_print
02278     0, 0, // tp get and setattr
02279     0, // tp_as_async
02280     0, // tp_repr
02281     0, 0, 0, // as number, sequence, mapping
02282     0, 0, 0, // hash, call, str
02283     PyObject_GenericGetAttr, 0, // getattro, setattro
02284     0, // tp_as_buffer
02285     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, // flags
02286     0, // docstring
02287     0, 0, 0, // traverse, clear, richcompare
02288     0, // tp_weaklistoffset
02289     PyObject_SelfIter, // tp_iter
02290     (iternextfunc)iter_next, // tp_iternext
02291     iter_methods, // tp_methods
02292     0, 0, 0, // members, getset, base
02293   };
02295   PyTypeObject Atomsel_Type = {
02296     // XXX Clang++ doesn't like this initializer:
02297     //
02298     //     See also:
02299     //
02300     //
02301     // PyObject_HEAD_INIT(0)
02302     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
02303     "atomsel",
02304     sizeof(PyAtomSelObject), 0, // basic, item size
02305     (destructor)atomsel_dealloc, //dealloc
02306     0, // tp_print
02307     0, 0, // tp get and set attr
02308     0, // tp_as_async
02309     (reprfunc)atomsel_repr, // tp_repr
02310     0, 0, &atomsel_mapping, // as number, sequence, mapping
02311     0, 0, (reprfunc)atomsel_str, // hash, call, str
02312     (getattrofunc) atomsel_getattro, // getattro
02313     (setattrofunc) atomsel_setattro, // setattro
02314     0, // tp_as_buffer
02316     atomsel_doc, // docstring
02317     0, 0, 0, // traverse, clear, richcompare
02318     0, // tp_weaklistoffset
02319     atomsel_iter, // tp_iter
02320     0, // tp_iternext
02321     atomselection_methods, // tp_methods,
02322     0, atomsel_getset, 0, // members, getset, base
02323     0, 0, 0, // tp_dict, descr_get, descr_set
02324     0, 0, // dictoffset, init
02325     PyType_GenericAlloc, // tp_alloc
02326     atomsel_new, // tp_new
02327     PyObject_Del, // tp_free
02328   };
02330 #else
02332   PyTypeObject itertype = {
02333     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
02334     0,
02335     "atomsel.iterator",
02336     sizeof(atomsel_iterobject),
02337     0, // itemsize
02338     /* methods */
02339     (destructor)iter_dealloc,
02340     0,                           /* tp_print */
02341     0,                           /* tp_getattr */
02342     0,                           /* tp_setattr */
02343     0,                           /* tp_compare */
02344     0,                           /* tp_repr */
02345     0,                           /* tp_as_number */
02346     0,                           /* tp_as_sequence */
02347     0,                           /* tp_as_mapping */
02348     0,                           /* tp_hash */
02349     0,                           /* tp_call */
02350     0,                           /* tp_str */
02351     PyObject_GenericGetAttr,     /* tp_getattro */
02352     0,                           /* tp_setattro */
02353     0,                           /* tp_as_buffer */
02354     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,          /* tp_flags */
02355     atomsel_doc,                 /* tp_doc */
02356     0,                           /* tp_traverse */
02357     0,                           /* tp_clear */
02358     0,                           /* tp_richcompare */
02359     0,                           /* tp_weaklistoffset */
02360     PyObject_SelfIter,           /* tp_iter */
02361     (iternextfunc)iter_next,     /* tp_iternext */
02362     iter_methods,                /* tp_methods */
02363     0,                           /* tp_members */
02364   };
02366   PyTypeObject Atomsel_Type = {
02367     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(0)        /* Must fill in type value later */
02368     0,                           /* ob_size */
02369     "atomsel.atomsel",           /* tp_name */
02370     sizeof(PyAtomSelObject),     /* tp_basicsize */
02371     0,                           /* tp_itemsize */
02372     (destructor)atomsel_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
02373     0,                           /* tp_print */
02374     0,                           /* tp_getattr - getattro used instead */
02375     0,                           /* tp_setattr  - getattro used instead */
02376     0,                           /* tp_compare */
02377     (reprfunc)atomsel_repr,      /* tp_repr */
02378     0,                           /* tp_as_number */
02379     0,                           /* tp_as_sequence */
02380     &atomsel_mapping,            /* tp_as_mapping */
02381     0,                           /* tp_hash */
02382     0,                           /* tp_call */
02383     (reprfunc)atomsel_str,       /* tp_str */
02384     (getattrofunc) atomsel_getattro, //tp_getattro
02385     (setattrofunc) atomsel_setattro, // setattro
02386     0,                           /* tp_as_buffer */
02388     atomsel_doc,                 /* tp_doc */
02389     0,                           /* tp_traverse */
02390     0,                           /* tp_clear */
02391     0,                           /* tp_richcompare */
02392     0,                           /* tp_weaklistoffset */
02393     atomsel_iter,                /* tp_iter */
02394     0,                           /* tp_iternext */
02395     atomselection_methods,       /* tp_methods */
02396     0,                           /* tp_members */
02397     atomsel_getset,              /* tp_getset */
02398     0,                           /* tp_base */
02399     0,                           /* tp_dict */
02400     0,                           /* tp_descr_get */
02401     0,                           /* tp_descr_set */
02402     0,                           /* tp_dictoffset */
02403     0,                           /* tp_init */
02404     PyType_GenericAlloc,         /* tp_alloc */
02405     atomsel_new,                 /* tp_new */
02406     _PyObject_Del        ,       /* tp_free */
02407   };
02409 #endif
02411 // tp_iter for atomsel type
02412 PyObject *atomsel_iter(PyObject *self) {
02413   atomsel_iterobject *iter = PyObject_New(atomsel_iterobject, &itertype);
02414   if (!iter)
02415     return NULL;
02417   Py_INCREF( iter->a = (PyAtomSelObject *)self );
02418   iter->index = 0;
02419   return (PyObject *)iter;
02420 }
02422 // Atomsel is a type, not a module. So we just initialize the type
02423 // and return it.
02424 PyObject* initatomsel(void) {
02425 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
02426   ((PyObject*)(&Atomsel_Type))->ob_type = &PyType_Type;
02427 #else
02428   Atomsel_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
02429 #endif
02431   Py_INCREF((PyObject *)&Atomsel_Type);
02433   if (PyType_Ready(&Atomsel_Type) < 0) {
02434     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Problem initializing atomsel type");
02435     return NULL;
02436   }
02438   return (PyObject*) &Atomsel_Type;
02439 }

Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:43:04 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002