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OptiXRenderer Class Reference

#include <OptiXRenderer.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ClipMode { RT_CLIP_NONE = 0, RT_CLIP_PLANE = 1, RT_CLIP_SPHERE = 2 }
enum  HeadlightMode { RT_HEADLIGHT_OFF = 0, RT_HEADLIGHT_ON = 1 }
enum  FogMode { RT_FOG_NONE = 0, RT_FOG_LINEAR = 1, RT_FOG_EXP = 2, RT_FOG_EXP2 = 3 }
enum  CameraProjection {
enum  Verbosity { RT_VERB_MIN = 0, RT_VERB_TIMING = 1, RT_VERB_DEBUG = 2 }

Public Methods

 OptiXRenderer (VMDApp *vmdapp)
 constructor ... initialize some variables. More...

 ~OptiXRenderer (void)
 destructor. More...

void check_verbose_env ()
 check environment variables that modify verbose output. More...

void create_context (void)
 initialize the OptiX context. More...

void setup_context (int width, int height)
void report_context_stats (void)
 report various context statistics for memory leak debugging, etc. More...

void shadows_on (int onoff)
 shadows. More...

void set_aa_samples (int cnt)
 antialiasing (samples > 1 == on). More...

void set_camera_projection (CameraProjection m)
 set the camera projection mode. More...

void set_camera_zoom (float zoomfactor)
 set camera zoom factor. More...

void set_camera_stereo_eyesep (float eyesep)
 set stereo eye separation. More...

void set_camera_stereo_convergence_dist (float dist)
 set stereo convergence distance. More...

void dof_on (int onoff)
 depth of field on/off. More...

void set_camera_dof_focal_dist (float d)
 set depth of field focal plane distance. More...

void set_camera_dof_fnumber (float n)
 set depth of field f/stop number. More...

void set_ao_samples (int cnt)
 ambient occlusion (samples > 1 == on). More...

void set_ao_ambient (float aoa)
 set AO ambient lighting factor. More...

void set_ao_direct (float aod)
 set AO direct lighting factor. More...

void set_bg_mode (BGMode m)
void set_bg_color (float *rgb)
void set_bg_color_grad_top (float *rgb)
void set_bg_color_grad_bot (float *rgb)
void set_bg_gradient (float *vec)
void set_bg_gradient_topval (float v)
void set_bg_gradient_botval (float v)
void set_clip_sphere (ClipMode mode, float start, float end)
 set camera clipping plane/sphere mode and parameters. More...

void set_cue_mode (FogMode mode, float start, float end, float density)
 set depth cueing mode and parameters. More...

void init_materials ()
void add_material (int matindex, float ambient, float diffuse, float specular, float shininess, float reflectivity, float opacity, float outline, float outlinewidth, int transmode)
void set_material (RTgeometryinstance instance, int matindex, const float *uniform_color, int hwtri=0)
void clear_all_lights ()
void set_clipview_mode (int mode)
void set_headlight_onoff (int onoff)
void add_directional_light (const float *dir, const float *color)
void add_positional_light (const float *pos, const float *color)
void update_rendering_state (int interactive)
void framebuffer_config (int fbwidth, int fbheight, int interactive)
void framebuffer_resize (int fbwidth, int fbheight)
void framebuffer_map_rgb4u (unsigned char **imgrgb4u)
void framebuffer_unmap ()
void framebuffer_destroy (void)
void render_compile_and_validate (void)
void render_to_file (const char *filename, int writealpha)
void render_to_videostream (const char *filename, int writealpha)
void destroy_scene (void)
void destroy_context (void)
void cylinder_array (Matrix4 *wtrans, float rscale, const float *uniform_color, int cylnum, const float *points, int matindex)
void cylinder_array_color (Matrix4 *wtrans, float rscale, int cylnum, const float *points, const float *radii, const float *colors, int matindex)
void ring_array_color (Matrix4 &wtrans, float rscale, int rnum, const float *centers, const float *norms, const float *radii, const float *colors, int matindex)
void sphere_array (Matrix4 *wtrans, float rscale, const float *uniform_color, int spnum, const float *centers, const float *radii, int matindex)
void sphere_array_color (Matrix4 &wtrans, float rscale, int spnum, const float *centers, const float *radii, const float *colors, int matindex)
void tricolor_list (Matrix4 &wtrans, int numtris, const float *vnc, int matindex)
void trimesh_c4n3v3 (Matrix4 &wtrans, int numverts, const float *cnv, int numfacets, const int *facets, int matindex)
void trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f (Matrix4 &wtrans, const unsigned char *c, const signed char *n, const float *v, int numfacets, int matindex)
void trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f (Matrix4 &wtrans, const unsigned char *c, const float *n, const float *v, int numfacets, int matindex)
void trimesh_n3b_v3f (Matrix4 &wtrans, const float *uniform_color, const signed char *n, const float *v, int numfacets, int matindex)
void trimesh_n3f_v3f (Matrix4 &wtrans, const float *uniform_color, const float *n, const float *v, int numfacets, int matindex)
void trimesh_v3f (Matrix4 &wtrans, const float *uniform_color, const float *v, int numfacets, int matindex)
void tristrip (Matrix4 &wtrans, int numverts, const float *cnv, int numstrips, const int *vertsperstrip, const int *facets, int matindex)

Static Public Methods

unsigned int device_list (int **, char ***)
 static methods for querying OptiX-supported GPU hardware independent of whether we actually have an active context. More...

unsigned int device_count (void)
unsigned int optix_version (void)
int material_shader_table_size (void)

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum OptiXRenderer::BGMode

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 190 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::CameraProjection

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 182 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::ClipMode

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 179 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::FogMode

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 181 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::HeadlightMode

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 180 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::RayGen

Enumeration values:
RT_RAY_GEN_ACCUMULATE  a render pass to accum buf.
RT_RAY_GEN_COPY_FINISH  copy accum buf to framebuffer.

Definition at line 196 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::RayType

Enumeration values:
RT_RAY_TYPE_RADIANCE  normal radiance rays.
RT_RAY_TYPE_SHADOW  shadow probe/AO rays.

Definition at line 193 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

enum OptiXRenderer::Verbosity

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 189 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by device_count, device_list, get_verbose_flag, and optix_version.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OptiXRenderer::OptiXRenderer VMDApp   vmdapp

constructor ... initialize some variables.

Definition at line 688 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References check_verbose_env, create_context, destroy_scene, NULL, PROFILE_POP_RANGE, PROFILE_PUSH_RANGE, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SOLID, RT_CLIP_NONE, RT_CLIP_SPHERE, RT_FOG_NONE, RT_HEADLIGHT_OFF, RT_HEADLIGHT_ON, RT_SHADOWS_OFF, RT_VERB_MIN, wkf_timer_create, and wkf_timer_start.

OptiXRenderer::~OptiXRenderer void   


Definition at line 795 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References destroy_context, PROFILE_POP_RANGE, PROFILE_PUSH_RANGE, and wkf_timer_destroy.

Member Function Documentation

void OptiXRenderer::add_directional_light const float *    dir,
const float *    color

Definition at line 5563 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References ResizeArray< ort_directional_light >::append, ort_directional_light::color, ort_directional_light::dir, and vec_copy.

void OptiXRenderer::add_material int    matindex,
float    ambient,
float    diffuse,
float    specular,
float    shininess,
float    reflectivity,
float    opacity,
float    outline,
float    outlinewidth,
int    transmode

Definition at line 5354 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References ort_material::ambient, ResizeArray< ort_material >::appendN, ort_material::diffuse, ResizeArray< ort_material >::num, ort_material::opacity, ort_material::reflectivity, RT_VERB_DEBUG, ort_material::shininess, ort_material::specular, and ort_material::transmode.

void OptiXRenderer::add_positional_light const float *    pos,
const float *    color

Definition at line 5572 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References ResizeArray< ort_positional_light >::append, ort_positional_light::color, ort_positional_light::pos, and vec_copy.

void OptiXRenderer::check_verbose_env  

check environment variables that modify verbose output.

Definition at line 806 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References get_verbose_flag.

Referenced by OptiXRenderer, and setup_context.

void OptiXRenderer::clear_all_lights   [inline]

Definition at line 632 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

void OptiXRenderer::create_context void   

initialize the OptiX context.

Definition at line 1006 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References device_list, init_materials, NULL, RT_RAY_TYPE_COUNT, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RT_VERB_TIMING, RTERR, RTERR2, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by OptiXRenderer.

void OptiXRenderer::cylinder_array Matrix4   wtrans,
float    rscale,
const float *    uniform_color,
int    cylnum,
const float *    points,
int    matindex

Definition at line 5593 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint3d, vmd_cylinder::radius, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, vec_copy, and vec_sub.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::text.

void OptiXRenderer::cylinder_array_color Matrix4   wtrans,
float    rscale,
int    cylnum,
const float *    points,
const float *    radii,
const float *    colors,
int    matindex

Definition at line 5654 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint3d, vmd_cylinder_color::radius, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, vec_copy, and vec_sub.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::send_cylinder_buffer.

void OptiXRenderer::destroy_context void   

Definition at line 5337 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References framebuffer_destroy.

Referenced by ~OptiXRenderer.

void OptiXRenderer::destroy_scene void   

Definition at line 1407 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References ResizeArray< ort_material >::clear, ResizeArray< RTbuffer >::clear, ResizeArray< RTgeometry >::clear, ResizeArray< RTgeometryinstance >::clear, ResizeArray< RTbuffer >::num, ResizeArray< RTgeometry >::num, ResizeArray< RTgeometryinstance >::num, RTERR, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by OptiXRenderer, and OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

unsigned int OptiXRenderer::device_count void    [static]

Definition at line 968 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References device_list, get_verbose_flag, NULL, RT_VERB_DEBUG, and Verbosity.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::device_count.

unsigned int OptiXRenderer::device_list int **   ,
char ***   

static methods for querying OptiX-supported GPU hardware independent of whether we actually have an active context.

Definition at line 818 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References get_verbose_flag, NULL, RT_VERB_DEBUG, and Verbosity.

Referenced by create_context, and device_count.

void OptiXRenderer::dof_on int    onoff [inline]

depth of field on/off.

Definition at line 584 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::framebuffer_config int    fbwidth,
int    fbheight,
int    interactive

Definition at line 2177 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References framebuffer_destroy, framebuffer_resize, RT_VERB_DEBUG, and RTERR.

Referenced by render_to_file, and render_to_videostream.

void OptiXRenderer::framebuffer_destroy void   

Definition at line 2327 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References RTERR.

Referenced by destroy_context, and framebuffer_config.

void OptiXRenderer::framebuffer_map_rgb4u unsigned char **    imgrgb4u

Definition at line 2317 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

void OptiXRenderer::framebuffer_resize int    fbwidth,
int    fbheight

Definition at line 2296 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References RT_VERB_DEBUG, and RTERR.

Referenced by framebuffer_config.

void OptiXRenderer::framebuffer_unmap  

Definition at line 2322 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

void OptiXRenderer::init_materials  

Definition at line 5396 of file OptiXRenderer.C.


Referenced by create_context.

int OptiXRenderer::material_shader_table_size void    [static]

Definition at line 996 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References ORTMTABSZ.

unsigned int OptiXRenderer::optix_version void    [static]

Definition at line 984 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References get_verbose_flag, RT_VERB_DEBUG, and Verbosity.

void OptiXRenderer::render_compile_and_validate void   

Definition at line 2350 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References NULL, query_meminfo_ctx_devices, RT_RAY_GEN_ACCUMULATE, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by render_to_file, and render_to_videostream.

void OptiXRenderer::render_to_file const char *    filename,
int    writealpha

Definition at line 4948 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References framebuffer_config, OptiXPrintRayStats, OptiXWriteImage, render_compile_and_validate, RT_RAY_GEN_ACCUMULATE, RT_RAY_GEN_CLEAR_ACCUMULATION_BUFFER, RT_RAY_GEN_COPY_FINISH, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RT_VERB_TIMING, RTERR, update_rendering_state, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::render_to_videostream const char *    filename,
int    writealpha

Definition at line 4234 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References framebuffer_config, Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, ResizeArray< ort_directional_light >::num, render_compile_and_validate, Matrix4::rotate_axis, RT_CLIP_NONE, RT_FOG_NONE, RT_HEADLIGHT_OFF, RT_SHADOWS_OFF, RT_SHADOWS_ON, RT_SHADOWS_ON_REVERSE, VideoStream::srv_check_ui_event, VideoStream::srv_connected, VideoStream::srv_get_last_event_type, VideoStream::srv_get_last_keyboard, VideoStream::srv_get_last_rotate_by, VideoStream::srv_get_last_scale_by, VideoStream::srv_get_last_translate_by, state, VMDApp::uivs, update_rendering_state, vec_add, vec_copy, vec_normalize, vec_scale, VMD_PI, VideoStream::VS_EV_KEYBOARD, VideoStream::VS_EV_NONE, VideoStream::VS_EV_ROTATE_BY, VideoStream::VS_EV_SCALE_BY, VideoStream::VS_EV_TRANSLATE_BY, DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD, DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_ESCAPE, DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F1, DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F2, DisplayDevice::WIN_KBD_F3, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::report_context_stats void   

report various context statistics for memory leak debugging, etc.

Definition at line 1397 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References RTERR.

void OptiXRenderer::ring_array_color Matrix4   wtrans,
float    rscale,
int    rnum,
const float *    centers,
const float *    norms,
const float *    radii,
const float *    colors,
int    matindex

Definition at line 5737 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References vmd_ring_color::inrad, Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, vmd_ring_color::outrad, vmd_ring_color::pad, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, vec_copy, and vec_normalize.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::send_cylinder_buffer.

void OptiXRenderer::set_aa_samples int    cnt [inline]

antialiasing (samples > 1 == on).

Definition at line 567 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_ao_ambient float    aoa [inline]

set AO ambient lighting factor.

Definition at line 596 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_ao_direct float    aod [inline]

set AO direct lighting factor.

Definition at line 599 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_ao_samples int    cnt [inline]

ambient occlusion (samples > 1 == on).

Definition at line 593 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_color float *    rgb [inline]

Definition at line 602 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_color_grad_bot float *    rgb [inline]

Definition at line 604 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_color_grad_top float *    rgb [inline]

Definition at line 603 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_gradient float *    vec [inline]

Definition at line 605 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_gradient_botval float    v [inline]

Definition at line 607 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_gradient_topval float    v [inline]

Definition at line 606 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_bg_mode BGMode    m [inline]

Definition at line 601 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_dof_fnumber float    n [inline]

set depth of field f/stop number.

Definition at line 590 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

References n.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_dof_focal_dist float    d [inline]

set depth of field focal plane distance.

Definition at line 587 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_projection CameraProjection    m [inline]

set the camera projection mode.

Definition at line 570 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_stereo_convergence_dist float    dist [inline]

set stereo convergence distance.

Definition at line 579 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_stereo_eyesep float    eyesep [inline]

set stereo eye separation.

Definition at line 576 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::set_camera_zoom float    zoomfactor [inline]

set camera zoom factor.

Definition at line 573 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

void OptiXRenderer::set_clip_sphere ClipMode    mode,
float    start,
float    end

set camera clipping plane/sphere mode and parameters.

Definition at line 610 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_clipview_mode int    mode [inline]

Definition at line 636 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_cue_mode FogMode    mode,
float    start,
float    end,
float    density

set depth cueing mode and parameters.

Definition at line 617 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::set_headlight_onoff int    onoff [inline]

Definition at line 639 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

void OptiXRenderer::set_material RTgeometryinstance    instance,
int    matindex,
const float *    uniform_color,
int    hwtri = 0

Definition at line 5489 of file OptiXRenderer.C.


Referenced by cylinder_array, cylinder_array_color, ring_array_color, sphere_array, sphere_array_color, tricolor_list, trimesh_c4n3v3, trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, trimesh_n3b_v3f, trimesh_n3f_v3f, trimesh_v3f, and tristrip.

void OptiXRenderer::setup_context int    width,
int    height

Definition at line 1336 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References check_verbose_env, RTERR, and wkf_timer_timenow.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::shadows_on int    onoff [inline]


Definition at line 564 of file OptiXRenderer.h.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header.

void OptiXRenderer::sphere_array Matrix4   wtrans,
float    rscale,
const float *    uniform_color,
int    spnum,
const float *    centers,
const float *    radii,
int    matindex

Definition at line 5791 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint3d, vmd_sphere::radius, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::text.

void OptiXRenderer::sphere_array_color Matrix4   wtrans,
float    rscale,
int    spnum,
const float *    centers,
const float *    radii,
const float *    colors,
int    matindex

Definition at line 5865 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint3d, vmd_sphere_color::pad, vmd_sphere_color::radius, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::send_sphere_buffer, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, and OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array.

void OptiXRenderer::tricolor_list Matrix4   wtrans,
int    numtris,
const float *    vnc,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6007 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::tricolor.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_c4n3v3 Matrix4   wtrans,
int    numverts,
const float *    cnv,
int    numfacets,
const int *    facets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6161 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f Matrix4   wtrans,
const unsigned char *    c,
const signed char *    n,
const float *    v,
int    numfacets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6341 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, n, vmd_trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f::n0, vmd_trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f::n1, vmd_trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f::n2, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, and set_material.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f Matrix4   wtrans,
const unsigned char *    c,
const float *    n,
const float *    v,
int    numfacets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6516 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, n, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_n3b_v3f Matrix4   wtrans,
const float *    uniform_color,
const signed char *    n,
const float *    v,
int    numfacets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6693 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, n, vmd_trimesh_n3b_v3f::n0, vmd_trimesh_n3b_v3f::n1, vmd_trimesh_n3b_v3f::n2, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, and set_material.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_n3f_v3f Matrix4   wtrans,
const float *    uniform_color,
const float *    n,
const float *    v,
int    numfacets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6860 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, n, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, and set_material.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::send_triangle_buffer, and OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f.

void OptiXRenderer::trimesh_v3f Matrix4   wtrans,
const float *    uniform_color,
const float *    v,
int    numfacets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 6997 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint3d, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, and set_material.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f.

void OptiXRenderer::tristrip Matrix4   wtrans,
int    numverts,
const float *    cnv,
int    numstrips,
const int *    vertsperstrip,
const int *    facets,
int    matindex

Definition at line 7170 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::multnorm3d, Matrix4::multpoint3d, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RTERR, set_material, and vec_copy.

Referenced by OptiXDisplayDevice::tristrip.

void OptiXRenderer::update_rendering_state int    interactive

Definition at line 1651 of file OptiXRenderer.C.

References DirectionalLightList::dirs, DISP_LIGHTS, NULL, ResizeArray< RTgeometryinstance >::num, ResizeArray< ort_positional_light >::num, ResizeArray< ort_directional_light >::num, PositionalLightList::num_lights, DirectionalLightList::num_lights, onoffstr, ORTMTABSZ, PositionalLightList::posns, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SKY_ORTHO_PLANE, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SKY_SPHERE, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SOLID, RT_RAY_GEN_CLEAR_ACCUMULATION_BUFFER, RT_RAY_GEN_COPY_FINISH, RT_RAY_GEN_COUNT, RT_RAY_TYPE_RADIANCE, RT_SHADOWS_OFF, RT_SHADOWS_ON, RT_VERB_DEBUG, RT_VERB_TIMING, RTERR, vec_copy, vec_normalize, and wkf_timer_start.

Referenced by render_to_file, and render_to_videostream.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sun Oct 6 02:44:53 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002