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Up: Collective Variable-based Calculations1
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General parameters and input/output files
The structure of a typical colvars configuration is represented in
Figure 6. Each colvar is a combination of one
or more components (see 10.2), which are functions
of several atomic coordinates. Many different biasing or analysis
methods can be applied to the same colvars. But care should be taken
that certain methods (such as free energy reconstruction) do not
produce correct results when other biases are adding forces to their
Figure 6:
Example of a collective variables (colvar) configuration.
The colvar ``'' is defined as the difference between two
distances, each calculated between the centers of mass of two
atom groups. The second colvar ``'' holds the coordination
number (i.e. the number of contacts) within a radius of 6 Å
between two groups. The third colvar ``alpha'' measures the
degree of -helicity of the protein segment between
residues 1 and 10. A moving harmonic restraint is applied to the
colvars ``'' and ``'', each rescaled by means of width
parameters and ; the centers of the restraint,
and , evolve with the simulation time . The joint
histogram of ``alpha'' and ``'' is also recorded on-the-fly.
To enable a colvar calculation, two parameters should be added to the
NAMD configuration file must set (three when restarting a previous
By default, the collective variables module writes three output
Other output files may be written by specific methods applied to the
colvars (e.g. by the ABF method, see 10.3.1, or the
metadynamics method, see 10.3.2). Like the colvar
trajectory file, they are needed only for analyzing, not continuing a
simulation. All such files' names also begin with the prefix
Except for the three NAMD keywords listed above (colvars,
colvarsConfig and colvarsInput), all the parameters
defining the colvars and their biases are read from the extra input
file (provided by colvarsConfig). Hence, none of the
keywords described in this and the following sections are available in
the NAMD main configuration.
The syntax of the collective variables configuration file is similar
to that of the NAMD file (2.2.1), with a few
important differences:
- certain keywords may have multiple values;
- a long value (or values) can be distributed across several
lines, by using curly braces ({ and }): the
opening brace ({) must occur on the same line as the
keyword, after a space character or any other white space;
- blocks defined by curly braces may be nested: therefore, the
values of a keyword (such as colvar) may in turn contain
simple keywords (such as name) and keywords with other
blocks (such as distance);
- nested keywords are only meaningful within the parent keyword's
block, and not elsewhere: when the same keyword is available
within different blocks, it may have different meanings; for every
keyword documented in the following, the ``parent'' keyword defining
the context block is indicated in parentheses;
- certain keywords can be used multiple times even within the same
context (e.g. the keyword colvar);
- as in the NAMD configuration, comments can be inserted at any
point using the hash sign, #;
- unlike in the NAMD config, the deprecated `=' sign
between a keyword and its value, is not allowed;
- Tcl commands and variables are not available;
- if a keyword requiring a boolean value (yes|on|true or
no|off|false) is provided without an explicit value, it
defaults to `yes|on|true'; for example,
`outputAppliedForce' may be used as shorthand for
`outputAppliedForce on'.
Three global options are available:
- colvarsTrajFrequency (global) Colvar value trajectory frequency
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: 100
Description: The values of each colvar (and any additional quantities which
have been set to be reported) are written at this frequency to the
file <outputName>.colvars.traj. If the value is
0, the trajectory file is not written. For optimization,
the output is buffered (as is the NAMD log output in most
operating systems), but it is synchronized with the disks every
time the restart file is written.
- colvarsTrajAppend (global) Append to trajectory file?
Acceptable Values: boolean
Default Value: off
Description: If this flag is enabled, and a file with the same name as the
trajectory file is already present, new data is appended to that
file. Otherwise, a new file is created. Note: if
you're running consecutive simulations with the same
outputName (e.g. in FEP calculations), you should
enable this option to preserve the previous contents of the
trajectory file.
- colvarsRestartFrequency (global) Colvar module restart frequency
Acceptable Values: positive integer
Default Value: restartFreq
Description: Allows to choose a different restart frequency for the collective
variables module. Redefining it may be useful to trace the time
evolution of those few properties which are not written to the
trajectory file for reasons of disk space.
- analysis (global) Turn on run-time statistical analysis
Acceptable Values: boolean
Default Value: off
Description: If this flag is enabled, each colvar is instructed to perform
whatever run-time statistical analysis it is configured to, such as
correlation functions, or running averages and standard deviations.
See section 10.2.4 for details.
The following is a typical configuration file. The options available
inside the two colvar blocks are documented in
10.2. harmonic defines an harmonic potential,
which is one of the available biases, documented in
10.3. Note: except
colvar, none of the keywords below is mandatory.
# collective variables config file: two distances
colvarsTrajFrequency 100 # output values every 100 steps
colvar {
name 1st-colvar # needed to identify the variable
outputSystemForce yes # report also the system force on this colvar
# (in addition to the current value)
distance {
group1 {
atomNumbers 1 2 3
group2 {
atomNumbers 4 5 6
colvar {
name 2nd-colvar
harmonic {
name my_pot
colvars 1st-colvar 2nd-colvar
centers 3.0 4.0
forceConstant 5.0
In the following, the section 10.2 explains how to define
a colvar. 10.2.1 lists the available colvar components;
10.2.2 defines how to combine existing components to
create new types of colvars; 10.2.3 documents
how to define in a compact way atom groups, which are used by
most components; 10.2.4 lists the available option for
runtime statistical analysis of the colvars.
10.3 lists the available methods to perform biased
simulations and multidimensional analysis (ABF, harmonic restraint,
histogram, and metadynamics).
Next: Declaring and using collective
Up: Collective Variable-based Calculations1
Previous: Collective Variable-based Calculations1