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1 B.C. 578-534
2 B.C. 578-534
3 Perhaps a reference to the hundred years' truce with Romulus (xv. 5), for Livy has not mentioned any war with Veii in the interval, though one is implied in the statement (xxxiii. 9) that the Veientes surrendered the Maesian Forest, in the reign of Ancus.
4 The organisation now to be described was primarily designed to increase the fighting strength of Rome. Formerly the right to bear arms had belonged solely to the patricians. Now plebeians were to be given a place in the army, which was to be reclassified according to every man's property, i.e. his ability to provide himself a more or less complete equipment for the field. See Dion. Hal. iv. 16-21; Cic. Rep. ii. 39.
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