But when we come to
consider the choice of words, the weight essential
to general reflexions and the elegance demanded by
figures, we are confronted by elements which must
either strike the attention or be condemned to nonexistence. But the very fact that they strike the
attention is a reason why they should not flaunt
themselves obtrusively. And, if we have to make
the choice, I should prefer that it should be the
cause, and not the orator, to which we award our
praise. Nevertheless, the true orator will achieve
the distinction of seeming to speak with all the
excellence that an excellent case deserves. One
thing may be regarded as certain, that no one can
[p. 441]
plead worse than he who wins applause despite the
disapproval meted out to his case. For the inevitable
conclusion is that the applause must have been
evoked by something having no connexion with the
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