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[115] 32. To the two above-mentioned characters1 is added a third, which some chance or some circumstance imposes, and a fourth also, which we assume by our own deliberate choice. Regal powers and military commands, nobility of birth and political office, wealth and influence, and their opposites [p. 119] depend upon chance and are, therefore, controlled by circumstances. But what rôle we ourselves may2 choose to sustain is decided by our own free choice. And so some turn to philosophy, others to the civil law, and still others to oratory, while in case of the virtues themselves one man prefers to excel in one, another in another.

1 The universal and the individual; § 107.

2 Selection of a career:

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  • Cross-references in indexes to this page (2):
    • M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index, Propriety
    • M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index, Vocation
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