But worst of all is the third limitation, which is
that “whatever value a man places upon himself,
the same value should be placed upon him by his
friends.” For often in some men either the spirit
is too dejected, or the hope of bettering their
fortune is too faint. Therefore, it is not the province
of a friend, in such a case, to have the same estimate
of another that the other has of himself, but rather
it is his duty to strive with all his might to arouse
his friend's prostrate soul and lead it to a livelier
hope and into a better train of thought. Hence
some other limitation of true friendship must be
fixed, after I have first stated a view which Scipio
used to condemn in the strongest terms. He often
said that no utterance could be found more at war
with friendship than that of the man who had
made this remark: “We should love as if at some
time we were going to hate.” And Scipio really
could not, he said, be induced to adopt the commonly accepted belief that this expression was made
by Bias,1 who was counted one of the Seven Sages;
but he thought that it was the speech of some
abandoned wretch, or scheming politician, or of
someone who regarded everything as an instru-
[p. 171]
ment to serve his own selfish ends. For how will
it be possible for anyone to be a friend to a man
who, he believes, may be his foe? Nay, in such a
case it will be necessary also for him to desire and
pray that his friend may sin as often as possible
and thereby give him, as it were, the more handles
to lay hold of; and, again, he will be bound to feel
grief, pain and envy at the good deeds and good
fortune of his friends.
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