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Beneficiorum simplex
ratio est : tantum erogatur ; si reddet aliquid, lucrum
est, si non reddet, damnum non est. Ego illud dedi,
ut darem. Nemo beneficia in calendario scribit nec
avarus exactor ad horam et diem appellat. Numquam
illa vir bonus cogitat nisi admonitus a reddente ; alioqui in formam crediti transeunt. Turpis feneratio est
beneficium expensum ferre.
L. Annaeus Seneca. Moral Essays: volume 3. John W. Basore. London and New York. Heinemann. 1935.
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References (2 total)
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- Lewis & Short, Kălendārĭum
- Lewis & Short, rĕd-ĕo
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