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The young men's Christian Association.

--This association has been one of the best safeguards to our young men, in furnishing them with a proper place of resort for instruction and improvement of which our city could boast. Its library was destroyed by the great fire of April last. To enable the society to procure new books, and to re-engage in those works of charity which have made its name a household word in many a sorrowing family, a course of lectures will be delivered this season, the proceeds of which will be applied to those objects. The first of the series is announced in our advertising columns this morning; and its subject is one which will attract the attention of all who admire a Christian hero. The fame of General Jackson is well shown in the admiration which his name excites among Northern as well as Southern men. The last time we were in a book store, an officer of the United States army entered and purchased a likeness of "Stonewall Jackson."

A few dollars can be laid out in no more praiseworthy manner than in patronizing this institution.

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