The news.
The Richmond and Petersburg lines.
It was reported here yesterday that there had been heavy fighting in the neighborhood of Hatcher's run, on our extreme right, southwest of Petersburg, but no official or well- authenticated intelligence to that effect has been received. Some persons from Petersburg, yesterday, stated that they had heard the sound of cannon in that direction; and that was the nearest we could obtain towards a confirmation of the report. We think it likely there has been heavy skirmishing in that quarter, and possibly there may have been an advance on the part of the enemy. Such a thing has been looked for daily for the past week.We received authentic information that Sheridan, on Sunday, crossed from the White House to the south side of James river. The Yankee papers hint that he is going on a raid to meet and co- operate with Sherman. It is more probable that Grant will retain him to operate against the Southside and Danville railroads.
One hundred and eighty prisoners, captured during the frequent skirmishes on our right on Saturday, reached the Libby last evening.
The usual quiet prevails on the north side of the James.
From East Tennessee--the movement against Southwestern Virginia.
We have, through private letters and other trustworthy sources, positive intelligence relative to Thomas's movements and force in East Tennessee.--There is little doubt that he is preparing a grand "On-to-Richmond" movement through Southwestern Virginia. His column, which is already in motion, consists of not less than twenty thousand men,--the latest advices state, seventeen thousand infantry and five thousand cavalry,--the greater part of which are at Bull's gap, ten miles east of Morristown and eighteen miles below Greenville. He is advancing leisurely towards Bristol, rebuilding, as he advances, the East Tennessee railroad.--His objective point is believed to be Lynchburg.A report reached here yesterday, by telegraph, that Gillem, at the head of the Fourth Yankee army corps, was moving down upon Bristol, and that Stoneman, with a heavy cavalry force, had started from Knoxville on a raid into North Carolina, with Salisbury as his objective point.