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Sherman's March through
South Carolina.

Our Southern exchanges, which have gotten through the mail blockade, give us some intelligence of the scenes of barbarism which have attended Sherman's march. Dr. Glover, of Orangeburg, South Carolina, who was captured by Sherman's troops between Orangeburg Courthouse and Columbia, and held as a prisoner until the Yankee army passed Lancaster Courthouse, was with the enemy in their march through Columbia and Winnsboro', and gives the Charlotte (North Carolina) Democrat an interesting account of their conduct in those places and on the line of march:

‘ There was no regular battle at Columbia — only slight skirmishing on the part of our cavalry. The enemy commenced marching into the city on Friday, the 17th, and very soon after the city was in flames. The conflagration extended from the capitol, on both sides of Main street, to Cotton Town, consuming about eighty squares of buildings. The old capitol, the Catholic convent, the court-house and jail, and the printing offices, were burnt, along with hundreds of other buildings. The new capitol, our informant thinks, was partially destroyed, though others say it was not injured because it would require a large amount of powder to blow it up. The South Carolina College buildings, and Lunatic Asylum escaped. It is said that the firing was done before General Sherman himself reached the city, and that he afterwards expressed regret at it; but of course all that will pass for hypocrisy. After Sherman reached the city, he posted guards, with orders to shoot any soldier caught setting fire to a house; and our informant says three Yankee soldiers were shot. Child's factory, near the city, was burnt. General Sherman occupied General Hampton's house as his headquarters.

’ When the enemy went into Columbia, a number of white and Union flags were found flying, but the Yankee soldiers did not seem to respect them much, and told those who sought protection in that way that they were found "in d — n bad company." But when the enemy left the city, a number of citizens (supposed to be Northerners and foreigners) went off with them, the enemy furnishing transportation for women and baggage.

At Winnsboro', about twenty building in the business portion of the town were burnt, and all residences and stores were robbed of provisions, clothing, spoons, knives and forks, etc.

We learn that the citizens of Columbia and Winnsboro' are now suffering very much for food, everything of the kind having been taken from them.--Thousands of the citizens of Columbia are houseless.

The Charlotte and South Carolina railroad was destroyed from Columbia to Blackstock's (a station between Chester and Winnsboro'), a distance of about fifty miles. The cross-ties were burnt and the rails twisted.

Our informant says that, so far as he could see or learn, no personal injury was inflicted on persons found in their houses. Instances of violence may have occurred, but he saw nothing of the kind. Every man they met on the road was captured and held as a prisoner unless he could produce evidence that he was not liable to military service.

In regard to the destruction of property through the country along the enemy's line of march, we are told that all cotton, gin-houses and mills were burnt; also, dwellings unoccupied. --Where the owner of a house had left and put some one in possession to take care of it, the enemy would remove the occupant and burn it. Horses, mules and provisions of all kinds were seized wherever found. But few negroes were forced off — some went voluntarily. It is said the Yankees generally treated the negroes very badly, compelling them to carry heavy burdens on the march, and when they break down beat or shoot them. A gentleman who remained in Winnsboro' while the enemy was there, says that they treated the negroes a great deal worse than the white people.

The army, in marching through the country, did not keep the roads unless they ran straight in the direction the enemy wished to go. For whole days the march was through the woods. --Companies of foragers were sent out in all directions to procure supplies. The army consisted of four corps--the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth, besides Kilpatrick's cavalry. The rations of the soldiers appeared to be short, and those who were held as prisoners suffered for food — our informant going four or six days without anything to eat.

Our informant, Dr. Glover, was held as a prisoner until the Yankee army reached Lynch's creek, between and Cheraw, in or near Chesterfield district, when he was released by General Blair, commander of the Seventeenth corps. From the direction the army was then marching, he thinks they were making for Georgetown. The talk among the soldiers was, that they were going to Georgetown, but there was no certainty about their destination.

The Yankee cavalry remained a few days in Lancaster district, foraging and plundering, and were met two or three times by our cavalry and scattered. On Sunday morning, the 26th, General Wheeler met a small body of the enemy's cavalry three miles this side of Lancaster Courthouse, and whipped them, killing five and capturing seven. The Yankee infantry passed about six miles below Lancaster Courthouse — none came nearer than that to the village.

The Empress Eugenie has just lost a law suit, which has been in progress for several years in the Supreme Court of Madrid. The Empress claimed the Countesship of Miranda and the vast estates attached to that ancient title, her right to which has been successfully disputed by the Malpican family.

The Italian Government has given notice that on and after the 25th of January all coinage or currency bearing the Papal effigy or insignia will be no longer admissible to circulate either in the Romagna or Umbria, or the Marches of Ancona, or any province of the kingdom.

Moscow has more than four hundred hotels, and three hundred coffee-houses, inns and gin-shops. These are open all night, as the inhabitants seldom go to bed before two or three in the morning, and during the winter scarcely ever remain in the street.

A Paris letter says: ‘"General McClellan intends to prolong his sojourn in Paris for some weeks, and thence go to Rome and Dresden, with the intention of spending next summer in the south of France and returning to America next autumn."’

A new light, made from magnesium, has been discovered in Paris. Its main feature is that it does not affect colors, and therefore it will be of great value in the French shops.

A new periodical is to be published at Rome, to be called the Journal of the Immaculate Conception, and, as a premium to subscribers, a month's indulgence is promised.

A railway is to be built in Palestine, It will connect Jaffa with Jerusalem, will be about forty miles long, and, with a harbor at Jaffa, will cost half a million pounds sterling.

Italy's cotton crop is valued at twelve million dollars.

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