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An Enterprising Murderer.

--D. F. Bivens, the wretch who deliberately murdered his wife, father and mother, in Michigan, a few weeks ago, instead of occupying his mind with matters suitable to his case, seems to be studying and planning how he can make the most money out of the morbid curiosity created by his unparalleled crimes ! To this end, he advertises that he is engaged in getting out an autobiography, to include a full account of his life, all the circumstances of his murders, etc., etc. It is reported that he has applied to Barnum to buy the clothing in which he murdered his parents and wife ! An Adrian paper publishes a card, signed by him, warning the public against purchasing certain photographs of him, because he is about getting out some "genuine ones, taken with the clothes he had on at the time of the murder."He also says he will soon have the pictures of both of his wives, and advertises for agents.

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