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A card from General Price.

--The Shreveport News contains the annexed card from General Price:

In the Texas Republican of the 23d of December, 1864, there appears a communication over the signature of one Thomas C. Reynolds, who pretends to be, and styles himself in it, the Governor of the State of Missouri.

The communication purports to defend two gallant and distinguished officers against charges alleged to have been made against them; but which I had never heard made by officer or soldier. In reality, it was intended to be a violent and malignant attack upon myself, as the officer in command of the late expedition to Missouri.

So far as the communication pays tribute to the gallantry displayed by the officers and soldiers engaged in that expedition, I heartily concur in it. So far as it relates to myself, however, I pronounce it to be a tissue of falsehood.

Sterling Price.

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