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The London Times speaks of "the frantic patient tearing the bandages from his wounds, and thrusting aside the hand that would assuage his miseries. " This "frantic patient" is America, and "the hand that would assuage his miseries" is Great Britain.

Considering that Great Britain has, from the first, persistently and emphatically, by almost every steamer that has crossed the Atlantic in four years, refused to intervene, for the purpose of putting an end to a war which was the fruit of her own machinations, although solicited to do so by the Emperor of the French, we cannot admire enough the amazing coolness, not to say impudence, of the Times. We venture to predict that as soon as the "frantic patient" recovers his reason, he will make haste to acknowledge the agency that drove him mad, and laughed at him through the bars of his dungeon.

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England (United Kingdom) (2)
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