The Army Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association acknowledge the receipt of the following contributions for the soldiers in the field and hospitals during the month of December, viz:
‘ From a Virginia, Columbia, S. C., $50; from Mrs. Mary Royster, $20; from S., $20; from Mrs. R. D. Minor, six pairs of socks; from Dr. S., six pairs of socks; from Jacob Hall, fourteen pairs of socks; from Miss Lucy Nimmo, three pairs of socks; from ladies, per B. W. Knowles, thirteen pairs of socks and fourteen pairs of sheets; from--,a barrel of apples for Lieutenant Ben. Baker, of the Fifth Texas regiment; from Mrs. M. T. Starke, for ladies of James City, twenty pairs of socks; from Wyndham Robertson, four barrels of flour.
’ The committee request contributions in money and supplies; shirts, socks and drawers are especially required. Yarn will be delivered at the depot, corner of Tenth and Bank streets, to any ladies who will knit for the soldiers.
Contributions should be sent to Roger Martin, Superintendent, or to William P. Munford, Chairman.