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Burial of the Yankee Minister at Paris.

--A letter from Paris, dated the 6th instant, gives an account of the burial of the remains of Mr. Dayton, the Yankee Minister to France. It says:

‘ "The last sad duties to the remains of the late American Minister to France were performed this afternoon in the American Chapel of the Rue-de-Berry. The reading of the opening services was shared in by the Rev. Dr. Sunderland, pastor of the church; the Rev. Dr. Cleveland, of New Haven, Connecticut, and the Rev. Mr. Lamson, of the American Episcopal Church in the Rue Bayard. The choirs of the two churches were united on the occasion, under the direction of Mr. Crane, and with the magnificent new organ, and the admirable solo voice of Mrs. Riggs, of New York, the effect of the service was grand and impressive.--Rev. Dr. Sunderland pronounced an able and appropriate eulogy on the eminent public services and private qualities of the deceased, and was in turn followed by Mr. Consul Bigelow, who also spoke at length in the warmest terms of praise and affection of the lost friend, the patriot, and the eminent public man. There were but few dry eyes in the house, for to all of that vast audience the deceased was personally known, and all had learned to love and respect him, and all felt that they could illy bear the loss they had been called on to support.

"The chapel was crowded to over flowing; many went away for want of room, and a large crowd remained standing in the street. The Government sent a detachment of soldiers of the line, two files of which, with fixed bayonets, and knapsacks on their backs, held the two aisles of the church, while the street, in front of the church, was also held by a double file, resting on their arms. The coffin, placed on a platform in front of the pulpit, was draped in the American flag and decorated with flowers. The Emperor was represented on this occasion by one of his Chamberlains, who attended in a state carriage; the diplomatic corps was fully represented; there were many leading secessionists present — former friends of the deceased in public life at Washington; and in every direction the eye encountered notabilities of the political and fashionable world. Such a tribute to the memory of the deceased was a great source of satisfaction to his friends, and to all those who knew, by association, the eminent qualities of his head and heart."

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