The soldiers' New year's dinner.
So far, the contributions made for this patriotic purpose have been as liberal as could have been expected, considering the short time that the subject was first agitated; but still, in view of the immense undertaking, too much preparation cannot be made; and it is earnestly hoped that persons living in the country will hurry forward their contributions of poultry, fresh meats, etc. Those having such articles on hand, who are not able to give them away, are solicited to send all the fowls they have to sell to Mr. John J. Wilson, the treasurer, at his commission house, on Twelfth street, beyond Cary, before offering them for sale anywhere else. Parties living in the city will hand in their contributions as early as possible, as only two more days remain to complete the affair.Under the superintendence of the well-known caterer, Mr. Thompson Tyler, the baking capacity of the Ballard House is kept in active operation both day and night; and if the public are prompt and liberal in their responses to the appeal of the committees, no doubt is entertained that everything will be ready in time to supply sumptuously the whole Army of Northern Virginia.