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Confederate Congress.


Tuesday, November 8, 1864.
The Senate met at 12 o'clock M. Mr. Hunter, of Virginia, in the chair. The proceedings were opened with prayer by the Rev. T. V. Moore, of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, presented the credentials of Hon. A. H. Garland, Senator elected from the State of Arkansas to fill the unexpired term of the Hon. C. B. Mitchell, deceased; and Mr. Garland having appeared and received the oath of office, took his seat in the Senate.

Mr. Hill, of Georgia, introduced a bill to construe and declare more especially the meaning of the act increasing the compensation of the heads of departments. The bill increases the salaries of all heads of bureaux in the civil departments in Richmond thirty-three and a third per cent. from the passage of the said act. Referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Graham, of North Carolina, introduced a bill, which was referred to the same committee, declaring four per cent. bonds and certificates therefore receivable for taxes due for the year 1864.

On motion of Mr. Barnwell, of South Carolina, the report of the Secretary of the Treasury was ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.

Printed copies of the Navy Register, for the use of the Senate, were received from the Navy Department.

On motion of Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, the Senate adjourned.

House of Representatives.

The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan.

Mr. Blanford, of Georgia, introduced a bill to repeal the law imposing regulations upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States. Referred.

Mr. Henly, or Arkansas, offered a resolution inquiring into the non-payment of the army — Adopted.

Mr. Burnett, of Kentucky, introduced a joint resolution of thanks to Brigadier-General John S. Williams and the officers and men of his command for their victory over the enemy at Saltville, Virginia. Referred.

Mr. Chrisman, of Kentucky, introduced a resolution calling on the President for the names of persons specially exchanged, the time of their capture, and the date of their exchange.

Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a bill for the suppression of intemperance in the army. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Miles, of South Carolina, introduced a resolution authorizing the raising of a Polish legion. Referred.

Mr. Foote, of Tennessee, introduced a resolution, which was lost, instructing the Doorkeeper to place on the desk of each member, every morning, a copy of at least three of the daily city journals, each member to designate which he prefers. He also introduced a resolution declaring it to be the policy of the Confederate Government to withdraw from abroad all commissioners and diplomatic agents. Made the special order of the day for Monday next.

On motion, adjourned.

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A. H. Garland (2)
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T. V. Moore (1)
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J. T. Leach (1)
Hunter (1)
Hill (1)
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