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From Petersburg.

[from our own Correspondent.]
Petersburg, Va., November 5, 1864.
The campaign of sixty-four, in my opinion, has ended. There may be a few more "reconnaissances," a dash, or a sally, but the stubborn fighting is over; and Petersburg and Richmond, after an unparalleled expenditure of blood and treasure, are safe — still unreduced by the enemy.

The army hereabouts are preparing for the winter. The men in the trenches must suffer a good deal, though they are fixing themselves up as comfortably as possible. in the rear, the quartermaster, commissary, ordnance and medical departments are making themselves comfortable. Houses are being built and everything gotten ready for the Snow King when he shall, as he must, ere long, proclaim a truce.

The army, at this time, is well fed, the animals are well foraged, and the transportation is all in excellent condition. The troops, too, are well supplied with good, substantial clothing, and, I believe, all are well shod. The Government seems to be doing better than ever before, so far as taking care of the army goes.

The quartermaster, commissary, ordnance and medical departments have been cleared of all able bodied men except teamsters, and they are being gradually relieved by negroes. These bomb- proofs number some four to five thousand, and are a valuable accession to the "fighting department" of General Lee's army.

The Council of this city have adopted a stringent ordinance forbidding the sale of liquors; and yet, if rumors be true, it is little more than so much waste paper. The fact is, whiskey is now our greatest foe. Men and officers — and, I dare say, more of the latter than the former — by some means manage to pay five dollars a drink for the article as readily as it commanded five cents in peace times. And this, too, when the land is filled with widows and orphans crying for bread. Is it not a burning shame? Can we expect success if we are a nation of whiskey-drinkers?

In the campaign now closing, the brigade of General Weisiger (Mahone's old brigade) has captured twenty-five battle-flags. Of these the Sixty-first Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, captured eight; the Sixteenth, Lieutenant-Colonel White-head, seven; the Forty-first, Lieutenant-Colonel Minetree, five; the Twelfth, Major Lewellen, three; the Sixth, Colonel Rogers, two. Truly, this is a proud record. Besides this, they have participated in not less than ten pitched battles, always achieving success.


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