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Matrimony in Olden times,

--Rev. T. L. Cuyler, in a recent letter from Greenfield, Connecticut, relates some interesting incidents of its early history. He says:

‘ Among the amusing reminiscences of these days, is the famous courtship of the Rev. Stephen Min, of Weathersfield. He made a journey to Northampton in 1696 in search of a wife. He arrived at the Rev. Solomon Stoddard's, informed him of the object of his visit, and that the pressure of home duties required the utmost dispatch. Mr. Stoddard took him into the room where his daughters were, and introduced him to Mary, Esther, Christiana, Sarah, Rebekah and Hannah, and then retired.--Mr. Mix, addressing Mary, the eldest daughter, said he had lately been settled at Weathersfield, and was desirous of obtaining a wife, and concluded by offering her his heart and hand. She blushingly replied that so important a proposition required time for consideration. He rejoined that he was pleased that she asked for suitable time for reflection, and that, in order to afford her the needed opportunity to think of his proposal, he would step into the next room and smoke a pipe with her father, and she could report to him. Having smoked his pipe and sent a message to Miss Mary that he was ready for her answer, she came in and asked for further time for consideration. He replied that she could reflect sill longer on the subject, and send her answer by letter to Weathersfield. In a few weeks he received her reply, which is probably the most lacome epistle ever penned. Here is the model letter, which was soon followed by a wedding:

"Yes. Mary Standard."

The matrimonial Mixture took place on the 1st of December, 1696, and proved to be compounded of most congenial elements. Mix was pastor of that paradise of oniens for forty-four years.

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