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A hostile meeting.

--About half-past 5 o'clock yesterday morning a duel took place on farm, about two miles from the city, on the line of the Central railroad, between Mr. John M. Daniel, of the Richmond Examiner, and Mr. E. C. Elmore, Treasurer of the Confederate States. The weapons used were the ordinary smooth-bore duelling pistols, and the distance was ten paces. Mr. Elmore was the challenging party, and, in accordance with previous arrangements, each side was accompanied by one second, a surgeon, and another advisory friends. Mr. H. Rives Pollard, of the Examiner, acted as the immediate friend of Mr. Daniel, and Lieutenant Thomas Taylor, of South Carolina, held the same position towards Mr. Elmore. At the first fire neither of the combatants were hurt, whereupon Mr. Elmore demanded another shot, which put an end to the hostile meeting, Mr. Daniel being struck in the calf of the right leg, a few inches below the knee. In the opinion of his surgeon, the wound is not considered a dangerous one, though it is accompanied with great pain.

The difficulty originated from a paragraph which was published in the local column of the Examiner, on the 1st instant, alleging that a heavy defalcation had been discovered in the Treasury Department, and announcing the arrest of the Confederate States detective, F. W. Boyd, charged with attempting to bribe Robert W Craddock, a detective in the Treasury Department, into silence respecting the conduct of a high official in that department in connection with the defalcation. Subsequent to the publication of this piece, a correspondence ensued between the parties, the nature of which has not yet been made public.

Late yesterday afternoon officers Kelly and Perrin arrested Mr. Elmore and Mr. Pollard, and carried them before the Mayor, who committed the former to jail, but admitted the latter to ball in the sum of $3,000. The Mayor's refusal to bail Mr. Elmore was based upon the ground that there was strong reason on his part to believe that he (Mr. E.) had already shot Mr. Daniel. Mr. Pollard was arrested and bailed, not because of the part he had sustained in the affair which took place between the parties in the morning, but for the purpose of preventing a hostile meeting, which, it was believed, was in process of negotiation between that gentleman and some one whose name has not been made known.

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