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Investigation of charges against two watchmen.

--The Mayor will go into an investigation at the lower station-house this morning of certain charges which have been preferred against watchmen Fabius Hicks and Henry Franklin. Hicks is charged with receiving a reward of one thousand dollars for the arrest of a runaway from the Spotswood Hotel and refusing to turn over to his partner (who, in fact, secured the negro,) one-half of the amount, alleging as his reason for so doing that two hundred dollars had to be paid to some spies who had been engaged to find out his whereabouts, thus leaving only four hundred dollars apiece. [It is the practice among watchmen to go in pairs, and whenever one of them arrests a runaway negro for whom a heavy reward is offered, the understanding is that what is made will be equally divided with the other.]

Franklin's offence consists in securing from a negro thief, some nights since, certain articles of clothing, table ware, &c., which turned out to be stolen from a Mrs. Watson, on Eighth street, and afterwards neglecting to return them promptly to the owner. Since the occurrence he has been suspended by the Mayor on account of certain representations which were made to him about the affair; but yesterday watchman Cousins informed his Honor that Franklin gave him the stolen articles the morning they were recovered, and requested him to return them to the owner, if it could be ascertained who it was. After repeated enquiry, he (Cousins) learned that they belonged to Mrs. Watson, and immediately they were given up to her. This was the cause of the delay, and not from any lack of disposition to part with the goods taken from the thief. Upon learning these facts, the Mayor has determined to ascertain the facts in the case, so that no injustice may be done Franklin by dismissing him from the night watch without proper cause.

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