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Mayor's Court.

--The following is a list of the cases before the Mayor on yesterday:

Caledonia King, a free negro, was charged with stealing one calico dress, Valued of $50,

the property of Jane Scott, Jane, who is also a free negro, washed her dress some time since and hung it out to dry, but when she went to take it in there was no dress to be found. Suspecting that some person in the neighborhood had stolen it, she kept a close watch, and on Sunday morning found Caledonia wearing it. The accused was arraigned yesterday before His Honor, when she stated that she had purchased the articles in dispute at auction. She was thereupon discharged and the dress was restored to its original owner.

George, slave of Wm Kennedy, and Anthony, slave of J L Turner, were charged with stealing a full suit of clothes from Hypejah Patterson, valued at $50. The evidence proved that in the absence of Patterson from the packet boat on which he is engaged, the accused walked on board, and bundling up his clothes took them off with them. They were each ordered to receive twenty- five stripes.

John R Wormley, charged with threatening to kill Emma Turner, and whose case was continued. from Saturday consequence of the absence of the was again called yesterday; but, 25 they failed to answer, and the matter was therefore dismissed. [The particulars were published on Saturday.]

Booker, slave of Tazewell Perkins, was charged with having six bags of corn in his possession, supposed to have been stolen from the Confederate States. The wilnerses not appearing, he was committed for a future hearing.

The following parties were committed such time as their status can be Jim Lewis, who says he is free, but arrested without any papers; and supposed to be a runaway, and James Tongel, who claim to be free, but was minus his credentials.

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