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Arrest of Granville Montelle,

--This notorious individual, who stands charged with horse stealing, attempting to murder, &c, and whose arrest and subsequent escape from the Confederate detectives has been already noticed, has finally fallen into the hands of the Mayor's police, and been securely confined in the city jail. On Tuesday morning four of Capt. Maccubbin's detectives overhauled him at his residence near Bacon's Quarter Branch, but after they had started with him to prison he was permitted, upon some pretext, to re enter his house alone, which opportunity to escape he took advantage of, and slipping out of a side door he mounted his horse, which was ready saddled in the yard, and succeeded in riding off almost out of sight before his captors were aware of the movement. One or two shots were fired at him but failed to to take effect. Somewhat emboldened by the success of his morning's exploit, he ventured to return to the same vicinity in a few hours afterwards, when, the fact becoming known, officers Jenkins, Seal, Perrin, and Davis, undertook to hunt him up. Suspecting a house occupied by John Peroe, back of the Poor House, as a place of refuge for violators of the law, they waited until dark, and then proceeded to reconnoitre the promises, with what success the sequel will show. A few minutes after eight o'clock--the three last named officers standing outside, ready for emergencies which might require their assistance — Jenkins unannounced entered Peroe's house, and before Montelle was aware of his presence clamped him by the collar. He had just finished his supper, and was stooping over the fire lighting his pipe, when the policeman grabbed and told him he was a prisoner. At first he seemed much surprised, but soon recovering, he began to manifest some objection to the proceeding, and would doubtless have resisted had it not have been for the appearance at that time of Seal, Perrin, and Davis.

On the way to prison he spoke derisively of the efficiency of the Confederate detectives, said that if it depended upon them he never would have been captured, abused the city police, and complained of his treatment generally.

The most recent offence which is alleged against him is stealing a horse from Henry Debell; but there is now pending before Judge Lyons a charge of shooting, with intent to kill, a free negro woman named Susan Hill, for which he was under bonds in the sum of ten thousand dollars to answer the crime at the June term of the Court, which sum being forfeited by his non appearance, will have to be paid over to the Commonwealth by his sureties. In Peroe's yard, on the night of the arrest, there was standing a horse ready saddled, which Montelle claimed as his own, but which was doubtless stolen, as the brand of "C'S" was upon him. The bars of the fence facing the road were also down, which fact indicates that his tarry at that place would not have been very long.

The Mayor determined yesterday morning not to go into an examination of the charge of horse stealing till the matter of shooting, existing against him in the Husting Court, was disposed of, and he was therefore delivered up to the custody of deputy sergeant E. S. Williams, who immediately handcuffed and conducted him to prison.

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