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Mayor's Court.

--The following embraces a summary of the cases before the Mayor yesterday morning:

Robert Calivan was charged with selling ardent spirit by the drink in his house, (the "Good Idea,") on Broad, between 8th and 9th streets. Officer Cousins, who reported the case, testified that on Thursday night he saw several gentlemen walk up to the bar, take drinks and settle for them. While standing in front of the house, Calivan came out and approached him. He (Cousins) remonstrated with him for keeping his house open after hours, and especially for selling liquor in violation of the laws of the State, informing him at the same time that it was his duty to report the case to the Mayor.--Calivan replied that as to keeping his house open after hours, if he would not report it that time it should not occur again; but that as to selling liquor he did do it, and should continue to sell it; there was a flaw in the law which he should stand up to. The Mayor required the accused to give security in $500 for his appearance to answer an indictment by the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court.

George Drew, the man reported a day or two since to have stolen a horse and gone over to the Yankees in company with Granville Montelle, was arrested by officer Granger yesterday morning and brought before the Mayor, charged with stealing four cows belonging to Dr. Francis H. Deane. Owing to the absence of witnesses, the case was postponed till the 13th inst. [Drew is the person who sold the cows to John P. Sledd, who was remanded on Friday last for examination before the Hustings Court on the charge of buying four cows which he knew to have been stolen. Mr. Sledd fully identifies him as the man who sold him the cows.

Andrew slave of Elizabeth Carver, charged with stealing a horse valued at $8,000 from Henry Debell, was remained for examination before the Hustings Court Mr. Debell testified that Andrew had been in the habit of hitting his horse, and on the night when it was stolen from his stable a negro resembling him was seen riding the animal towards the lot occupied by Granville Montelle. When search was an hour afterwards made for Andrew at his house he was not there, which fact went far to confirm the suspicion that he was the thief.

Thomas Wilder, a Petersburg negro, was charged with buying unions in the Second Market to sell again. He was ordered to be taken to Major Carrington, Provost Marshal, with the request to send him back to the place from which he came.

The charge against a little white boy named Clay Rawlings, of stealing, on the 8th of July, in the First Market, a pocked book containing $45 from Mary E. Trainum, was dismissed upon the promise of his mother to give him a good whipping.

A fine of twenty dollars was imposed upon B. T. C. Robins for allowing his servant Lucy to go at large.

A free negro named Edward Gentry, charged with stealing a chicken from Mrs. Polly Perrin on Saturday last, was ordered to be whipped. The same punishment was inflicted upon William, slave of General Chilton, charged with throwing stones in the streets.

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