Intered according to act of Congress in the year 1862, by J S. Theasher, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Confederate States for the Northern District of Georgia.
Latest from the North.
‘ A special from Kenesaw Mountain, dated June 27th, says a severs attack was made this morning by selected portions of the 4th, 2d, and Logan's corps, on the enemy's breastworks on the centre, right and left.--The fight lasted two hours, but our men were compelled to give back before the revere fire of the enemy.
’ Gen Parker was killed, and Daniel McCooke severely wounded. Our loss 2,000, but we now hold a position considerably in advance of where the fighting occurred.
Congress passed the enrollment bill on the 2d. It provides for the reception of substitutes, repeals the commutation law, and requires fifty days notice of a draft.
Chase, on the eve of resigning, wrote a letter urging the raising of four hundred millions of additional taxes this year.
The Chronicle fears that Congress is in such haste to adjourn that no additional legislation will be digested.
The Chronicle, in noticing Wilson's raid, says, "Keep the railroads cut, and general starvation in a month of two will take the rebel capital without the aid of General Grant."
The Yankee Senate has added an amendment to the bill for a republican form of Government for the States now in rebellion, which provides that no State declared by the President in rebellion shall vote for President or Vice President. The House has yet to act on it.
There is nothing from Grant.
Gold 235.