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The Florida.

--The Columbia (S. C.) Carolinian is indebted to Mr. S. Vegel, one of the officers of the far-famed steamer Florida, who has just returned home on a brief furlough, for the following interesting particulars concerning the movements of our little navy on the ocean:

The Florida, three weeks ago, touched at the island of Bermuda, to land Lieut Averett, her executive officer, who was severely lit. Second Lt. Lingard Hoole was left at Martinique, for the same cause. Just one year ago, the Florida, while at Bermuda, was received with a royal salute of twenty one guns, her officers in the evening being entertained at the house of the Colonel commanding the forces on the Island. The only ship burned since leaving Brest is the Avon, 2,000 tons, bound to Cork from the Chincha Islands, leaded with guano.

The discipline on board is like that of a man-of-war. Her complement is 120 men and 18 officers. All live well, clothe well, and feed well. Oysters, turkeys, and delicacies of every description, captured on the prizes, supply their larder, and these are served in the commonest messes of the ship, with silver knives and forks. Think of that, ye hungry landsmen! Capt Moffitt, the former commander of the Florida, is now in a Confederate port, in command of a steamer owned by the state of Georgia, one of the fastest vessels afloat, and in every way adapted to the purposes of a blockade runner. Lt. Maniganit Morris, of this State, is now in command of the Florida.

The total number of prizes captured and burned by the ship is twenty-eight. Her leader, the Taconcy, Lieut Reed, commanding, took 21 before being burned off the harbor of Portland, Maine Half of the value of each of these prizes is distributed among the officers and crew of the captor.--The other half is placed to the account of the Confederate Government. Every man on board is, therefore, "well to do" in the world.

The armament of the Florida has not been attered since she first went into commission, and consists of a 120 pound Blakely rifle gun amid ships — same metal on the bow, and six broadside 68 pound Blakely rifles.

Capt Semmes is stated by Mr. Vogel to be still in command of the Alabama, and cruising in the China Seas. Lieut Evans, of South Carolina, is in command of the Georgia, at last accounts in Bordeaux, France.

The following list of the officers of the Florida is furnished by him for the benefit of friends at home: Commander, M Morris; 1st Lieutenant, S G Stone; Master, R S Floyd; Acting 2d Lieutenant, B Barron; 3d Lieutenant, -- Midshipman G D Bryan, Acting Master; Paymaster, R Taylor; Surgeon, C Chariton; Midshipmen, T Sinclair. W Sinclair, T Dyke; Master's Mate, T T Hunter; Chief Engineer, C W Quinn; Captain's Clerk, R Hugh.

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