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[reports of the Press Association.]
late from the North.

Petersburg, June 11.
--The New York Herald, of the 9th, has been received.

Abe Lincoln and Andy Johnson were nominated by the Baltimore Convention on the 8th inst. The Herald thinks that the ticket will have a hard road to travel.

The 11th resolution of the Convention declares for the maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine.

A victory is claimed for Hunter in the Valley, but the information is gathered exclusively from Southern sources.

Morgan captured Mount Sterling, Ky., on the 8th, destroyed the bridges, tore up the track of the Kentucky Central Railroad between Cynthiana and Paris, captured a passenger train, occupied Paris, and destroyed an important trestle work at that point.

His forces are estimated at 2,500.

The Herald pitches into the Times, of Tuesday, for the publication of a long account of the battle of the 3d between Lee and Grant. The Times claims that it was the most important battle of the war, confesses that Grant was badly beaten, and that the rebels were undoubtedly successful.--The Herald says the account was published solely to defeat Grant's nomination for the Presidency, and that it was successful.

Gold closed on the 8th at 194¼.

A telegram from Sherman, dated Ackworth Pass, June 7, 6 P. M, says that he has been to Altoona Pass, and finds it admirably adapted for his purposes — it is the gate through the last or more eastern part of the Alleghenies. He says the enemy is not in his immediate front, but his signals are seen at Lost Mountain and Kenesaw.

A dispatch from Grant, dated June 7, 5 P. M, says all has been quiet to-day.

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