Brast Butler's robberies.
--The Christian Sun, of Petersburg, has the following paragraph in reference to the Beast:‘ We have read with some interest and amusement the communication of Bogus Governor Pierpont to Abraham Lincoln and the Federal Congress, setting forth the usurpation and corruptions of Gen Benj F Butler, commandant of the Military Department in which Norfolk and Plymouth is embraced. It gives Butler and his officers a worse character, if possible, than the Confederates are accustomed to assign him. Shows how the Union and Secesh citizens have been robbed by him — how he has seized the funds belonging to the Howard Association of Norfolk, the sliver plate of private individuals, the Gas Company, the Ferry, tax on business, and appropriated all to his own use. The expose is sufficient to blacken the character of any man for all time. But that which amused us was the complaints of many of the most blatant Union men of the wrongs and robberies which they had suffered — such men as Peter Whitehurst, Charles Whitehurst, F Zanizinger, Geo W Singleton, and others. They have thrust themselves into the mouth of the Beast, and now let them roll in agony, and little do we care for their sufferings. Butter must, according to the testimony of friends and foes, be one of the meanest living men.