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Later from Europe.

The Scotia, with Liverpool advices to the 23d, had arrived, bringing the following interesting news:

‘ The Garibaldi excitement in England had culminated in an outburst of indignation from the common people at what they siege to be an attempt on the part of the nobility to drive Garibaldi from England, because of political influences.--Garibaldi would sail for Caprera on the 25th in the Duke of Sutherland's yacht.

’ The French press had received the news of the Yankee resolution on the American question in various degrees of temper. The Government organs first ignored it, but when compelled to allude to it, affected to treat it as of no moment. The Liberal organs, however, commented freely on it, and pointed to it as an ugly feature for the French Government to contemplate when it guarantees French protection for Mexico for six years.

Maximilian had called from Rome with the blessing of the Pope. Before embarking for Mexico he addressed a letter of farewell to the Mayor or Trieste, expressing his attachment to that place and affection for the people, closing with the announcement that he had invested 20,000 florins so that the interest may be annually distributed caristmos Eve among the poor families.

The Keatsage, in returning from the pursuit of a blockade runner, had run aground off Ostend.

There had been no further fighting in Denmark. The Conference had adjourned until the 25th.

The Alexandra has been given up by the Government to her owners.

Col. Charles Carroll Hicks, of the rebel army, has arrived in Paris.

Cotton was advancing at Liverpool. Breadstuffs very dull.

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